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Kamen Rider Amazons Live Reaction Episode 3 · 4:56pm Apr 28th, 2016

Kamen Rider Amazons episode 3


We pick up where last episode left off: with Haruka killing Ryuusuke and putting him out of his misery, then picking a fight with Jun while the Pest Control tries to figure out what the heck is going on.

Jun asks if Haruka is going to help him wipe out the Amazons, which confuses the Pest Controllers. Shido wisely suggests they reload, but ONLY attack if the two make the wrong move.

Haruka replies that he just listened to the voice inside of him...which simply said 'get out of here and before they eat you, eat them.'

Haruka attacks him, his instincts telling him to do so. Jun really doesn't mind and is IMPRESSED. The two fight, and it's pretty clear that of the two of them, Jun is more skilled while Haruka is more brute force.

Shido suggests they let the two fight it out and deal with the winner. Wise choice.

However, during the battle, Haruka slices a thrown steal girder in half, which nearly hit Maehera where he's still laying, but Mamoru catches it. The distraction allows Jun to escape...and poor Momoru breaks down sobbing that Maehera is dead. Poor guy. He's an Amazon, but he's almost like a child.

Haruka is horrified by this and runs for it.

I like this scene...we only knew Maehera and Ryuusuke for an episode or two, but their deaths hit home. That IS good writing, I commend the guy who wrote this.

Haruka comes to a stop and finally gets a look at his Amazon form in a mirror and is horrified by it, transforming back to normal and wondering off.

Poor kid, his world just got turned upside down.

However, I WILL say that I like what Haruka told Jun. It reminds me very much of the Incredible Hulk, with the idea his Amazon self is representing his suppressed hatred of the gilded cage he's been kept in for so long. I wonder if this was inspired by that.

Meanwhile, Jun arrives back at his home and Nanaha and is starving, so she makes him some food. I like this because even though Jun admits he has a subconscious desire to eat humans, Nanaha trusts him enough to not fear him. Also, it seems transforming into their Amazon forms makes them hungrier, that makes sense.

As he eats, he asks Nanaha about Haruka having his spare belt and explains what they do: turn an Amazon's body into a PRECISION force rather than simply a rampaging berserker. While Jun is a little upset, Nanaha admits she felt bad for Haruka and wanted to help him survive, though Jun admits this could be a pain for him.

I like this scene, as it shows as dangerous and powerful as an Amazon is, Nanaha trusts Jun and they get along.

Haruka, meanwhile, is wondering the the city, wondering what the heck is going on and why his mother was lying to him (okay, so he and Mizuke are siblings). However, he did notice something: the symbol on the pest control's van matched the one on his medication box...and realizes his mother is part of the company that made the Amazonz.

I feel so bad for this kid.

Meanwhile, Reika is watching the footage and remarks that this raises more questions than answers, especially when it comes to Jun.

Also, apparently Haruka's file was kept secret even internally. So it seems he isn't one of the 4,000 known Amazons. Probably because she saw him as her son rather than an experiment.

Reika runs into a man named Tachibana (who if you know Kamen Rider, that's a recurring name, meaning this guy will likely have an important role), who notes things aren't going her way and offers his help. Her assistant explains Tachibana (first name Yuugo) is the Head of International Sales and has wanted to get involved with the Amazonz for a long time.

Reika continues into a board meeting, Tachibana among them, and a man appears on a screen nearby, who they all bow to in respect, which I'm assuming means we've met our big bad, or at least ONE of them. Certainly has the 'shrouded in secrecy' feel to him, and there's some drums in the background that make for an ominous vibe. He's also wheelchair bound, which makes me have some ideas.

Meanwhile, Mizuke is still looking for Haruka, and remembers how he spoke about Aquariums when she sees a poster for one. Not much dialog, but plenty of body language.

However, now we cut away to a woman in her apartment telling a worker her fridge isn't working...However, something seems OFF about her. I mean her dialog sounds very monotone. And while he looks in the freezer, she begins to change...and he finds a severed human hand. As he freaks out, the woman transforms into an ant-like Amazon and munches on him.

I like this scene because it doesn't contradict what we've been told about fully awakened Amazonz: the woman's speech feels like something IMPERSONATING a human rather than her still BEING human. She has no real emotion and she just sounds off. In other words, she's a mimic.

That said, the fact Amazonz can turn back to human form to lure in prey and retain enough intelligence to do so adds a whole new level of horror to this.

Meanwhile the group gets the report on the monster and learns she's A-010, a Rank B Amazon.

Despite their mourning and being down two people, they decide to mobilize anyway because they have a job to do. Shido explains he's sent out a request for replacement members, but they still haven't got them yet, but still have to go. I like Shido, you can tell he's feeling here, but just trying to do his job and keep the team together and motivated.

Meanwhile, Jun heads out as well...but the group have found his transmitter and sent him on a wild goose chase. Guys, I get it you don't trust him, but I think you NEED back up.

The group discover the A-010's made her nest in an apartment building, which will make things hard on them to keep this secret.
While Momuro leads the way (as they can't track her while she's in her human form with the transmitter), Ant puts in another call, this time to the gas company, to lure in another victim.

While all this action is going on, Reika finds herself being told that she's gone over budget on the extermination team. Over budget...OVER FREAKING BUDGET! You've got four freaking thousand maneating monsters rampaging across the country pal! Show some EMPATHY and CONCERN! Jun has shown more concern for human life than you!

This is why corrupt corporate executives being in charge of monster hunting never works.

Reika replies that the Amazonz are becoming more active, and they need to IMPROVE the team to counter it, including new Amazonz.

Mr. Corrupt Corporate Executive complains 'it's not cost effective'. Though to his credit, he considers going public to cut their losses.

However, the Mystery Man steps in and says that money is NOT their priority...nor is actually cleaning up their freaking mistake. It's to ensure the Amazon Cells remain their property because apparently their company depends on it. Yep, this guy is definitely one of the Big Bads. Buddy, you do realize you won't HAVE a company if these things EAT YOUR FREAKING COUNTRY!

Reika is LITERALLY the only guy in this room I have any compassion for at the moment...but that's probably the point, given these ARE the kind of people who'd let 4,000 maneating monsters ravage the country with barely lifting a finger.

However, one of the board members points out they don't have infinite resources and the extermination team must 'come under scrutiny'. Dude, you're sending seven, admittedly brave, tough people against FOUR THOUSAND maneating, superpowered monsters. CUT THEM SOME FREAKING SLACK!

The paranoia fuel comes to a head as they realize if one of the extermination team could be an Amazon, so could one of the Board Members.

However, Haruka bursts in, wanting to see Reika, and blasts away the guards with a burst of energy in self defense...then asks Reika to come clean and tell him the truth...while his hand morphs into his Amazon form's.

Back with the Pest Control, the group has tracked down Ant to her apartment and prepare to engage her.

Thankfully, Reika's assistant explains Haruka isn't a threat back at the office before anyone can lose it. Haruka explains he knows about the Amazon Cells now and asks if he's actually human, or if he was EVER human.

Meanwhile, the pest control encounter Ant, who transforms and begins fighting Mamoru.

Shido gets a call in the middle however.

Haruka meanwhile explains he LITERALLY has no memories of before two years ago, which he believed was a coma, and realizes the nature of his gilded cage, and that he felt his inner Amazon the entire time...credit to his actor, I feel sorry for him.

Back at the apartment, the Ant Amazon continues fighting Mamoru...who's emotions are inhibtanting his ability to fight. Thankfully, he's got his group to help him.

Shido finally answers the phone...and tells the Board of Directors to leave them alone they're busy...which leads to a genuinely funny joke.

Reika covers for Haruka by saying he's not an escaped subject but a new Amazon for the extermination team rather than an escapee, so that the Board doesn't order him killed.

Reika then comforts Haruka...by telling him that there's a difference between being human and having HUMANITY, and ultimately that matter is HIS to choose.

With no choice, she tells her assistant to give Haruka some equipment to go join the team, which Haruka accepts, while still clearly thinking about what was said.

And the equipment he's given? Well, it wouldn't be Kamen Rider without a motorcycle would it? Said motorcycle is called the Jungleder and is designed to sync with his Amazon nature to let him use it effectively.

Haruka remembers what Reika told him about choosing if he has humanity or not, and heads off.

Meanwhile, the group continues fighting Ant, who is overpowering them at the moment and gets Mamoru some bad wounds.

That is until Haruka makes himself known by bursting in through the window and saving him from Ant.

The team is naturally confused by the fact Haruka is helping them, but Ant is overpowered by Mamoru and Haruka working together and flees.

...that's when the group realize something: the commotion didn't attract the attention of everyone else in the building...and then they get a report: Amazonz are awakening all throughout the entire building IN MASS. 183 of the dang things!

The monsters are all Ant Amazonz like the one they were fighting, but lesser ones. So the Ant Amazon we've been seeing the entire episode is the QUEEN. And they've stepped right into her hive.

The episode ends with Haruka and the Pest Controllers preparing to take on a gigantic hive of Amazonz.

Overall, I like this episode. It manages to give a lot of fall out from the last one, but also does bring up a few things. I like the point Reika makes about humanity and being human being two different things. Heaven knows, there's been plenty of humans who have given up their humanity.

I also like all the emotion here, from the Pest Controllers, Reika, and Haruka. They've got good actors here.

It also gave the terrifying reveal that at least some Amazonz are capable of feigning still being human to lure in their prey. Reminds me of the movie mimic. Kudos to Queen Ant's actress for managing to convey that emotionless monotone that made her just feel WRONG and like something pretending to be human instead of actually being one.

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