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Kamen Rider Amazons Live Reaction Episode 4 · 1:53am Apr 30th, 2016

Kamen Rider Amazons episode 4


Episode picks up exactly where the previous episode left off: with the entire nest of Amazonz all awakening at the same time. Omega and the Pest Controllers both fight there way to a room where they're at least able to barricade themselves in and regroup, using an electric trip wire.

We find out that Queen is the only one of the Amazonz to be higher rank, the rest of the Amazonz are all Rank E.

While they regroup, Mamoru...offers Haruka some food. Aww, that's sweet of him. Shido is reasonable and questions him why he's here and assumes he's on their side, which he states he is and his mother told him.

Mamoru is the only one to ask his name and welcome him to the team. I like Mamoru in general. He's a nice kid and shows what Reika said about humanity being a CHOICE.

Speaking of Reika, Reika is being informed of the situation. Her assistant points out that sending Jin (I got his name wrong, apparently Alpha is named Jin) on a wild goose chase was a poor idea and they REALLY could use his help right now.

Speaking of Jin, Jin is currently at said location eating an egg. Hehe.

Back with Reika, she realizes that this might be a good thing and maybe, just maybe, they can use the chance to kill off a huge group of Amazonz at once if they play their cards right.

Mizuke is now looking at an aquarium book and thinking of Haruka. I'm liking this Show Not Tell.

Back with the pest controllers, we find out what Reika has planned: an Amazon killing gas they've developed and she's sending to them to use to wipe out the Amazonz. She explains it's still experimental and has limited use (and naturally is harmful to humans too), but in this situation is their best bet at wiping out the entire nest in one strike. I get the idea she wanted to give them this from the beginning but it's one of things that was 'too pricey'.

Shido replies that he demands a big bonus for killing them this time given the circumstances and how dangerous it is. And ALSO demands food for Mamoru and Haruka.

As they prepare to move out, Haruka discovers the Pest Controllers reasons for doing this for money, but also we get why Mamoru is doing this: he genuinely loves his friends and wants to help them.

Back up finally arrives with their new toys, so they begin to move out, using some tech to break through the Ant Amazonz lines and go to retrieve the stuff. Namely an electric bomb and a special round for Fukuda's sniper rifle. Nice.

Unfortunately for the back up, they're NOT nearly as good as handling Amazonz and are quickly overwhelmed and nearly mauled. Fortunately, the Pest Controllers show up in time and show why they're the ones who's job is to kill these things to save them.

Haruka is worried about his teammates, but is told to eat and regain his strength. And is VERY pleased to learn that there's another Amazon that's a good guy with their humanity.

Now refueled, the two transform and begin tearing through the Rank E Ants Amazonz. Rank E Amazonz aren't called that for nothing, they're clearly weaklings, which is probably why there's 183 of them.

Bad news though, the Amazonz are in the elevators, so they can't evac the resupply crew...who naturally don't last very long and get picked off. Guess that's why the Pest Controllers are doing this.

We get a pretty epic fighting scene as the group makes their way through the place. Nozami is wounded in the leg, and Momoru REFUSES to leave her, even after she tells him to, and Shido consents, which clearly makes Haruka impressed. I love Mamoru.

Finally, they get to the roof while Mamoru and Nozami stay behind...and guess who's up there? Miss Ant Queen. The group need Haruka to hold off the Queen while they set up the poison gas.

Haruka resolves to be like Momoru and charges into the fray to do so, but is overpowered because the Queen ate some of the back up to regain her full strength while Haruka is running on half. He still manages to protect the others, but he runs low and loses his transformation. The group begin to be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and things do NOT look good...

But thankfully, Reika and her security decided to get them some back up. Namely they let Jin learn of the location of the Amazonz. And he managed to fight his way to the roof all on his own. WITHOUT transforming. Jin is awesome.

Jin and Haruka talk and Haruka reveals that he came to see if he was still human, and decided he is. Jin doesn't agree with him, but still throws him an egg to eat so he can transform again, which he does and returns to the fray to save his new allies. Jin states that wanting to be human 'isn't noble', and all that really matters is staying alive, then transforms himself. He tells Haruka that staying alive means 'preying on someone else's life to survive' and that it doesn't change regardless of who you are. Which for the Pest Controllers is kinda true, given they're in this for the money, but really only true of Mamoru in the sense he needs to eat meet.

This seemed to get Haruka angry, and he introduces us to another ability his belt has: one of the handles can be removed to become a spear and rescues one of his teammates by throwing said spear straight through three of them and going berserk on them, ripping them to shreds. Guess he decided to let the beast out, but to note, he decidedly CAN tell friend from foe.

To note, the fact his belt has built in equipment is how the original Amazon's belt worked. In fact, that was basically the ENTIRE point of the original belt, as his armlet was his transformation trinket.

Meanwhile, Alpha is fairing considerably better against Queen Ant until she manages to distract him with some mooks and attack and maul him while he finished up hooking up the poison gas to the building's water supply.. Man, I wonder if any of them were a few days from retirement.

This makes Haruka VERY angry and he activates Violent Break, which consists and using the handle of his belt to take out a whip which he uses to wrap around Queen Ant's neck and make her GET OVER HERE Scorpion style before bisecting her with his wrist blades midair. Brutal, but once more, this is Amazon, I expect that kind of finisher. So yeah, Queen Ant is dead now.

Haruka is freaking out a tiny bit, so Jin has to pull him away as the Pest Controllers activate the sprinkler system, dosing the entire building with poison guess while their group (Mamoru include) all put on gas masks, killing all the Amazonz.

184 more Amazonz down.

Meanwhile, back at the board of directors, who have been watching the battle the entire time through the groups' cameras, have finally witnessed this first hand, and the boss points out they were too scared to watch. He actually becomes a bit reasonable and tells them NOW they see the gravity of this situation and reminds them nearly 4,000 still exist.

Also, the red shirt survived, though badly injured, so that's a plus.

However, the group captures Jin while he's still in human form...which is understandable, given they don't know anything about him. Too early for anything to happen to him thankfully. Episode over.

Overall, this was one exciting episode, as to be expected from an episode dealing with a group of people vs 184 monsters in a confined area. But they still worked in character development with Mamoru and Haruka and some touching moments. I'm still enjoying this series despite the darker tone and I definitely think Amazon was the best choice for the darker and edgier treatment.

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