• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.

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One Week Until Everfree Northwest! · 9:02pm May 6th, 2016

It is only one more week until Everfree Northwest!

I've never actually been to a con before, but Xepher and Thornwing were kind enough to invite me as a community guest. I'm going to be on several panels, including:

Writing Process: Tips and Tricks (11:30 - 12:30 Friday Afternoon) - I'll be appearing there with Pen Stroke, Xepher, MA Larson, and Amy Keating Rogers. Super psyched for this!

Writing is an art, and like any art, there are many techniques, tools, and tricks that can help you succeed. Join our panel of both show and fandom authors as we discuss the process and craft of writing in general, not just for My Little Pony. We'll discuss various ways to beat writer's block, tips for getting out of tough spots mid-story, new ways to approach plot development, and how to brainstorm new ideas in the first place.

Fanfiction Advice and Mixer (12:45 - 13:45 Friday Afternoon) with an absolute horde of people!

This is an open-format followup to the Writing Processes, Tips, and Tricks panel where we'll focus on the fanfiction side of writing. Now that you've heard from the pros (or even if you missed the previous panel), come talk to your fellow fanfic authors about the stories and ideas we all love. Bring your story problems, talk to our fandom authors, ask questions, and hopefully get some good advice to get your story telling back on track. Oh, and make some friends!

Because friendship is magic, but feedback is hard.

Critique and Criticism (15:15 - 16:45 Friday Afternoon) - I'll be there with BronyWriter, Winston, WebOfHope, and Silver Flare

Writing takes work, but knowing what you need to work on can be difficult. Critique and criticism are therefore invaluable to writers of all levels. This panel will show how to provide genuinely useful feedback that goes beyond the casual comment. We'll also discuss why the burden is on the author as well, with the need to be open to criticism in order to make proper use of whatever type of feedback is provided.

Because, well, of course I'll be there.

The Story Pitch: Dragon's Den (18:15 - 19:45 Friday Evening) - I'll be there with Pen Stroke, BronyWriter, Ruirik, and Xepher.

Have an awesome idea for a story, but not sure you can do it justice? Come pitch your idea to our "shark tank" of fandom authors. You'll get feedback on your idea, maybe some tips, and if you're lucky enough, one of them might even agree to help write your story! Everyone is welcome to watch, whether or not they wish to pitch an idea.

I have no idea how this is going to go, but I'm looking forward to it. It could be a lot of fun.

Anyway, if you're going to Everfree Northwest, and want to hang out with me at some point, feel free to give me a poke. Hopefully it will be a lot of fun and I won't go completely bonkers being totally surrounded by so much cool stuff. I've never actually been to a convention before, so any tips and tricks would be welcome. Likewise, if you've ever been on con panels before, I've watched a few videos, but any advice would be appreciated.

Hope to see you there!

Comments ( 6 )

I get to meet the dragon, the myth, the legend. You get to meet me. My condolences.

Also, I'm going to pitch ALL the exceptionally weird fanfic ideas.

Hey, another Con virgin! I'm going to my first con, Midwest Bronyfest, in KC at the end of the month. Enjoy yourself, and say hi to all of the guys (and gals).

I wish I still lived in Washington. Someday I'll go back. For now, though, it's time to give serious consideration to Crystal Mountain in July. No classes to keep me away, probably a job to pay for it, it's looking like I can actually go to a con for the first time, too.

Hopefully I'll see you there!

I really wish I could be there, but unfortunately a minor obstacle keeps me away which some people refer to as "The North Atlantic Ocean". :fluttershysad:

Ah yes, America's moat.

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