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  • 30 weeks
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Top 5 Reasons why X #1 · 2:37pm May 15th, 2016

Why I believe Civil War is much better than Batman V. Superman

Note: This is my opinion, okay? If you enjoy the other more, then that's your thing, and that's great! And this is sorta a thing I want to do every far & in between. Please, if you want to comment, then go ahead, but please, don't let it be the 'Go f**k yourself' type of comments. Now, if you're wondering, this is going from least important to most important, with an explanation for each. Also, SPOILERS!!!

#5: More Heroes. Okay, more characters don't always mean a better story, but this was epic! Excluding 'normal' characters and the villains, Batman V. Superman has 6 heroes, 3 of which don't share much screen time: Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and the Flash. In Civil War, however, we have 12 characters, ALL getting a good amount of screen time and DOING something important rather than... awkwardly stare at the camera... scream in pain... or stop some guy from robbing a liquor store.

#4: Comedy. If there's one thing I have to agree that Marvel does good on, it's their comedy! Whether it's through a visual gag, references, or even just the situation at hand, these heroes can save the day while offering a laugh! Not saying all need to, but it is welcomed. I can understand Batman not being the comedic type, but Superman!? True, he shouldn't be spreading a joke a minute, but at least let him smile! The only real comedy in Batman V Superman was Lex Luthor, but that was just how BAD Jessie Eisenberg was, making many of us, myself included, to think "Why not Heisenberg?".

#3: An Established world. Marvel has the unfair advantage here, I get it. However, there's an actual buildup to Civil War with the constant disputes between Captain America and Iron Man, not like Batman V Superman where, immediately, after Man of Steel, Superman fights Batman. I get Man of Steel wasn't a crowd pleaser for a lot of people, but at least make a sequel where they hint at Batman, instead of... POOF!!! Batman!

#2 Drama. Okay, Civil war got me to tear up a bit. Both sides of Civil were hurt by their own actions, especially at the end. In Batman V Superman, the supposedly 'tear jerking' scene was the 'death of Superman', but as soon as those pebbles rose from the casket...

The real funeral scene was when Agent Carter, who was shown as an old woman in "Winter Soldier", passed away by old age. Black Panther's father dies in an explosion, filling him with rage & vengeance to kill Winter Soldier, and, probably the moment that made me tear the most, was when we learned about what really happened to Iron Man's parents. That scene... god... I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it.

#1 Actual reasons to fight! Basically, Civil War is a huge dispute whereas our heroes argue over whether they should sign a law to work for the UN or not, but some are deeper than that. Sure, Cap & Iron Man are around this, but Cap is trying to protect his friend, Bucky, a.k.a., the Winter Soldier, who was framed by someone else. Falcon is with Cap because, well... bros before rich bros, Ant-Man because he's both a bit of a rebel and is a huge Cap fan, Scarlet Witch as a way to be free instead of being in a cage, and Hawkeye... well, I think it's because of his speech in Age of Ultron with Scarlet Witch. On the other side, Team Iron Man, Warmachine is there as Iron Man's friend, Black Widow as an agent of the government & to help Black Panther, who wants to kill Winter Soldier after the bombing that killed his father; Vision as a means of calculations to stop the madness, and, last, but not least, Spider-Man, who is just fanboying out and wants to prove himself to be an Avenger. And, now with Bamtan V Superman. Batman believe Superman can kill everyone, and Superman because... Lex Luthor has his mom hostage. ...Yeah... not very engaging.

Extra: No stupid ties that makes everyone friends again. I'm glad that Civil War didn't out EVERYTHING in their trailers, unlike Batman V Superman's, but that was probably the marketing's fault. Still, I didn't know who the REAL villain was for Civil War, unlike both Lex Luthor (though that one was obvious) and Doomsday (Trailer's fault!!!). And, apologies, but Civil war didn't have a single MARTHA tie. Sure, one could say they became friends when it all ended, but if that were the case, if they REALLY became friends again... then it would probably end with another Shawarma scene.

Comments ( 1 )

I took the ending to mean possibly friends, but still on a shoot-on-sight basis.

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