• Member Since 12th May, 2013
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Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.

More Blog Posts513

  • 6 weeks
    If you were looking at the shirts I sell...

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    So if you'd noticed any of these before, now's effectively the last chance.

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    1 comments · 127 views
  • 11 weeks
    Not back to KSP yet, but I did do some space stuff.

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  • 13 weeks
    My muse is nagging me.

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  • 14 weeks
    Life imitates art...

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  • 17 weeks

    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
    --- probably not Mark Twain

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    6 comments · 480 views

CSP - The Footnote Thing · 12:01am May 21st, 2016

OK, seriously, I need feedback.

Some of you wanted me to space groups of footnotes throughout the chapters, at the end of each section they appear in. Others want the footnotes all at the end of a chapter.

So... which is it?

Going through the existing chapters and editing them for consistency of footnote placement is NOT FUN, so the next time I do it will be the last. I need to know which you prefer- scattered, or all at the end of a chapter?

Comments ( 19 )

(What fortunate timing!)

I don't presume to speak for anyone but myself.

I prefer the footnotes all grouped up.

Here's what I do: open one tab to the story, duplicate, move the second tab to the footnotes. I can then flip between them.

Having said that, I'm okay with having them spread out. Just pick one and stay with it.

I'd say space them out thorough the chapter. I read the site on my smartphone and that makes it easier to see what are they referring to.

3959959 This blog constitutes a vote.

For my part, I'd prefer both reading and writing the footnotes at the end, but I feel that the format of the story should be accessible to as many readers as possible. You all don't get a veto on the actual story, but I will listen when people tell me, "Hey, this part here is kind of hard to read."

Option 3: Kill 'em altogether. Footnotes REALLY don't translate well into the web medium. Scattered throughout interrupts the layout and the narrative, and almost forces you to read them when you may not be ready to. Grouped at the end has you either forgetting what they're about, scrolling though the entire text to find it (both ways), or pulling up multiple tabs to try and keep it straight.

If you truly feel you must have footnotes, I'd say scattered is the least bad option. This way, I may at least remember what the footnote is referencing, and as such actually get some use out of them.

Footnotes scattered throughout the text is related to the printed page size, where its an out of body text aside, usually by the author, narrator or such. Footnotes at the bottom of a given chapter is due to a chapter online being a single scrollable page. In a book, footnotes per chapter can lead to many fingers being needed to hold places as you flick to and fro. the dual tab, window method is about the closest, given at ths time it seems more difficult to have dual split screen than on the old DEC terminals.

It would be intresting if it was possible to have footnotes rest at the bottom of the screen while scrolling the text, as in overlay, but given the range of machines and code implementations, far too complex currently.

Least worst trade off? Scattered footnotes.

It worked for Pratchett. :pinkiehappy:

Well⁽¹⁾, this is only my opinion⁽²⁾, but the use of a footnote is to give the reader a little bit of knowledge or background (or humor that won't fit in a parenthetical aside) while not breaking up the flow of the story. Generally, I used to prefer to put the footnotes at the very end of the chapter, but people whined about it to no end, so I started putting them at the end of paragraphs with [ size=.8em ] tags to make them smaller and less obtrusive.

(1) Not the hole in the ground with water in it. The other kind of well.
(2) Free advice, worth every penny

Then when the next paragraph comes up, you don't have to worry about where to put the darned things. Plus, when you put them at the very bottom of the story, you can accidentally⁽²⁾ use the same footnote number twice.
(2) or intentionally

3960042 "No Footnotes" is not an option on offer. Those that are here are staying, and I like having something which lets me throw in bonus jokes, comments or worldbuilding without breaking narrative flow.

3960045 Footnotes can be used to good effect. They have, many times, been used to good effect. But essential? No. You could remove them completely and still have an entirely enjoyable story. And due to the layout limitations of the site, I think they drag it down more than they prop it up.

3960081 Figured, hence my backup vote. Regardless, it's been enjoyable so far.

In a web-based infinite scroll format, I prefer all of the footnotes on the bottom of the chapter, but I can live with scattered ones.

I vote for having them all at the bottom. Having them scattered at the ends of parts suggests to me that the story could be broken up into that many small chapters.

I'm not even sure how this is an issue. I can have multiple pages open on my phone, and it's a few years old now.

When I make notes — whether actual notes or gags — I will normally insert them inline with the thing they belong to unless they are of sufficient length, and then I'll leave them directly below the paragraph in which they appear (which is still kind of inline). I find this is easier not only to read (because then the relevant information is right there), but also more convenient. More convenient for readers, because again, the pertinent information is right there and they don't have to put in extra work hunting it down or switching between tabs, and also more convenient for me because, again, it's right there and I don't have to switch pages to check my notes.

Accordingly, I would prefer footnotes scattered through the story. I will say that in the most recent chapter, they were a little cumbersome like that, but that was due to the length of the chapter, and not any other reason.

i read this on my XBOX1 so i say at the bottem

I think that a massive authors note on the bottom would be easier, right?

Current count:

On bottom - 5
Spaced throughout chapter - 6


3962059 If the voting is still open, I say on the bottom.

That said, if you do decide to scatter them, please take Georg's suggestion of putting them immediately after the paragraph so I don't have to read the mission summaries before the actual missions and ruin the story if I want to know what is going on with the footnotes.

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