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Azure Sandora

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    Revised Chapter is now up.

    For those who wish to reread the chapter now with the intended content, the link is here: Revised Chapter

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    Update to Persona 6:REM

    Hi. How are you? Oh me? I'm doing better these days. I've been wanting to get back into the swing of things, and while I'm not 100 percent yet, I'm going to be writing a lot of different things both here and on Ao3 in the future.

    That said, I'm here to talk about a change I'm making in Persona 6: REM.

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  • 45 weeks
    Persona 6: Reflect

    So, the story has been restarted. I'm helping Bahamut Omega a bit with it, but it's still his demon. And yes, it's still the Omega Ruby to my story's Alpha Sapphire. So READ IT GODDAMN IT!!!

    Here's a link so you don't have an excuse not to read it. Get to work, people.

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  • 48 weeks
    Persona 6: REM will be returning soon.

    I've begun working on the next few chapters, as I'm still not at the part where I wanted to take a break initially, so expect a new chapter sometime tomorrow.

    Progress WILL be slow due to my new job taking over a bit, but know that I am working on this one.

    Also, 13 Sentinels will be worked on as well. Again, that won't be premiering for a long while though.

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  • 62 weeks
    Demo for my new project

    For those who want to read it, you can find the prologue chapters in the following link. It's set up where you can comment there, but if you just want to comment here, that's fine too. I'm very curious what you all think of this.

    13 Sentinels: Equestria's Last Stand

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SapphireLibra3 Rants: Feminists make me ashamed to be a woman. · 4:18am May 21st, 2016

I hate feminism.

It's a shame that I have to say that, because I used to consider myself a feminist. However, the number of stupid feminists make me wonder if I should consider myself one. Anita Sarkeesean (I always spell her name wrong) is just one example. Her feminist frequency show has put out SOME good points here and there, but most of the time they're just exaggerations of things that aren't a big deal.

Hey, news flash Anita! You wanna know why I sway my hips a bit when I walk? Because I have WIDER HIPS THAN MEN DO, so it's an unconscious style of walking. Women swaying their hips in video games when they walk is actually emulating how women NATURALLY walk! Also, as a woman, I'm rather fond of the damsel in distress trope. I've used it a few times in my stories. Anyone here read Inner Demons? Remember the part where Rarity was held captive by Twilight's soldiers, and she was a F*CKING BOSS, mocking them while they were there and only crying when she was sure she was alone?

She was a damsel in distress.

In fact, the entire story is one giant damsel in distress story, since 97 percent of the cast are females, and they're distressed by the situation.

Also, why shouldn't a male want to protect their loved ones? If I got captured, I'm pretty sure my boyfriend Ezekiel would go CRAZY searching for me! And you know what? If that happened, I would be terrified, crying my eyes out, being WEAK. Yeah, I admit it. The way feminists claim that women who are captured in media act, I would BE that woman if I were captured. Not ashamed to admit it either.

But to really get this rant going, I have to respond to something. You see, there's a video on youtube that's titled 36 questions women have for men, and I'm putting it here as well. As a woman of sound mind and a genius level IQ (TOTALLY not bragging :trollestia:) I thought the best way to really rant about this was to answer these questions, and since I don't have a youtube account to post videos (yet) I'll post my answers here.

1: How does it feel to be the same sex as Donald Trump? I'd imagine it feels about the same as being the same sex as you.

2: Honestly, I don't like romantic comedies either. They're usually poorly written, overly melodramatic, and the romance always makes me gag. Also, I hate The Notebook, and I think Beyonce is boring these days. Just a fact. See what I did there?

3: I've never been forced to sit through my man talk about men in movies. Also, you can't talk about boobs for hours. I have a nice rack myself, and people will talk about them in passing, but it's usually just a comment about having huge tits and then going about our day.

4: Um... I don't think men actually do that, but if they do, it's probably because most movies that feature female leads are poorly written romantic comedies. (:rainbowlaugh: I'm on FIRE today!)

5: Okay, first of all, you blondie, are NOT funnier than me. I'm not funny in the slightest, and I'm still pulling more laughs than you with this blog post alone. Also, men aren't surprised to see a woman that's funny. They WELCOME it, because men like women with a sense of humor. Something that you clearly do not have.

6: Men think you're obsessed with them because you keep blowing up their phones. Also, if you had sh*t to do, you wouldn't be doing THIS dumb video.

7: Personally, I CAN sleep with as many men AND women as I want, if I'm called a slut for it, OKAY THEN, I'm a slut. I'm a filthy, dirty, slut, and proud of it baby! The only reason I DON'T sleep around like that is because I have a boyfriend. I don't think men have a problem with you sleeping around. Most of the time, it's OTHER WOMEN (hint hint :raritywink: :raritywink:) slut shaming, but if you have a good self esteem, guess what? None of that matters.

Oh, and on a side note, men don't get congratulated for sleeping around. Look at the character Barney from How I Met your Mother. He's a dick with legs, and his friends (two of which are men) look at him like he's a horrible human being, because he is. NEXT QUESTION!

8: Men consider a woman a tease when she's TEASING, as in making it look like she wants him, and then saying she's "waiting for the right time". Also, all the men I've dated have no problem when I say that I want to have sex on the first date. Once again, if I'm a slut for that, then I'M A F*CKING SLUT!!! Deal with it!

9: "In what world does no mean yes?" Um... not this one, I'll tell you that. I think you assume that all men are rapists, which they aren't. Also, no CAN mean yes when you're role playing. Just... getting that out there.

10: Okay, this question bugs me, because it's actually two COMPLETELY unrelated topics being treating like they're related. The first one:

"Why do you say women are too emotional to be leaders?" THEY DON'T SAY THAT! Any man that does is an asshole, plain and simple! Look, I'm surrounded by men pretty much all the time, okay? We have a little group that guess what, I'M THE LEADER OF! Women do make great leaders, and men CAN acknowledge that. Onto the second topic though:

"But then... justify cat calling as... men can't control themselves?" First of all, what does that have to do with the last question? Anything? Anything all? No? Okay then. Second of all, I've cat called men before. That's not a gender exclusive thing. Also, IT'S A COMPLIMENT! It means you look good. Take it, and move on, just like I'm doing.

11: Once again, you assume that all men are assholes. Most men who are nice to me aren't trying to get in my pants.

12: Well, we send half naked pics, and nude selfies, so yeah... kind of the pot calling the kettle black on that one.

13: Most men I've spoken to don't think harassing women at all is okay, whether or not she's their sister. Once again, not all men are assholes.

14: "How does it feel to interrupt me when I'm-" Sorry, I'm going to butt in with this one here. If someone interrupts you while you're in the middle of making a point in a meeting, you kindly say "Excuse me, I wasn't done talking," and then continue. That's how you deal with assholes that do that.

15: You answered this question yourself! Men have balls, which is why they sit with their legs spread open. You see, I hear that having their legs pressed together is uncomfortable (:pinkiegasp: SHOCKER!!!). Now, as for us women with our boobs, two things. One: if our boobs were in between our legs, we'd spread em too. And two: we do walk around with our boobs out in the open. It's called a LOW CUT TOP. You know, the kind that you (the one making the comment) are wearing RIGHT THIS SECOND!

Oh, and concerning the gesture that the clear dyke is doing, please stop. You don't have enough cleavage to do that, and you just look stupid.

16: Women are considered the weaker sex because we're LITERALLY physically weaker than men are. They're made to be the workers, the protectors, while we women are made to give birth to children, and nurture them. Also, giving birth isn't a sign of female strength. It's what we're built for! We don't get achievements for doing what our bodies were created for!

17: It's not that men think that it's bad to show their emotions, as much as we women are just MORE emotional than men are. That's just something you have to realize. Mind you, there are some really emotional men out there, and they're some of the MANLIEST MEN IN EXISTENCE! It takes a true man to cry honest tears.

18: Do men actually try to prove their masculinity to their female partners? I've never had to deal with that myself...

19: "Why the F*CK isn't it considered ladylike to curse?" Um, it's not polite to curse in general, whether you're male or female. Also, I say whatever the f*ck I want, goddamn it.

20: Concerning this question of being doubted if we say we were sexually violated, I WAS sexually violated, earlier this year actually, and Zeke didn't doubt me at all. In fact, most of my friends (majority male) all KNEW something was wrong with me before I spoke up. Now, in terms of the law, they have to assume the rapist is innocent until proven guilty, because there are instances where the woman is lying. So the real question is, why would a woman lie about being raped?

21: "Why do you assume a woman is angry because she's on her period?":flutterrage: WHEN I'M ON MY PERIOD, I GET ANGRY!!! WHAT?! AM I NOT ALLOWED TO BE ANGRY WHEN I'M ON MY PERIOD?! YOU WANNA GO BITCH?!!!!! I WILL F*CKING WRECK YOU!!!!!!:flutterrage:

22: Men don't think a woman who wears make-up is false advertising, nor do they say anything about the size of their dicks. Most men think a woman who wears make-up is hot (assuming she's doing it right).

23: Okay, I'm not gonna lie, this question I feel is SLIGHTLY valid, because it is weird that old white guys get to decide what I can and can't do with my body (abortion I'm guessing). That being said, if you have a problem with it, STOP VOTING THEM IN!!! You can run for office if you want, and change that, but don't complain about things that you have no intention of doing anything about!

24: "Why are straight guys so obsessed with lesbians?" Okay, here's an analogy I heard about this: You love apples. They're your favorite fruit of all time. Someone offers you an apple, and you like "Holy sh*t, this guy is fantastic! He just gave me an apple!" and then he's like "but wait, I'm not just giving you one apple, I'm giving you TWO apples" and he hands you a second one. You go absolutely ballistic! It was cool enough that he gave you ONE apple, but now you have TWO?! You see, men see one hot woman, and that's fine. Now, imagine seeing TWO hot women KISSING. I'm getting turned on MYSELF thinking about it.

25: You know... that's ACTUALLY a good question? How DOES it feel to get kicked in the balls?

26: What do you mean by that, getting tired of being "manly"? I don't get tired of being feminine, so I'd imagine... no. They don't get tired of it, since they're... you know... MEN.

27: Men aren't afraid of gender equality. The fact is though, and this is going to be tough to swallow, gender equality is NOT going to happen, because the genders AREN'T EQUAL! There's a reason that there are TWO different genders. Neither one is better or worse than the other, but they are DIFFERENT. They can live in HARMONY with each other, but gender equality would be BAAAAAAD.

28: Okay, so this question is talking about the wage gap, which is actually nonexistent. Men get paid more than women because they usually take on the more dangerous jobs, the kind that require a certain level of strength that only a man possesses. If you want to be paid as much as men, go take a job as a construction worker, or a firefighter, or something that's life threatening and requires a lot of upper body strength.

Oh, what's that? You CAN'T do those jobs? You're too weak physically to lift up those heavy pieces of metal? THEN STOP COMPLAINING!!! (:facehoof: I need a f*cking drink...)

29: I don't believe men are actually intimidated by a woman making more money than they are. At least, none of the males I know are. If anything though, I feel it's less about the money and more about social status, which is something I COMPLETELY understand. A simple guy from the hood would be VERY intimidated by a woman who's the CEO of a huge company, but I'm pretty sure that goes for male CEOs too.

30: And speaking of... opinionated men aren't seen as bosses. There's another B word that describes them. It's called BASTARDS!

31: How do you know your man isn't defending your honor behind closed doors? Also, why is it his responsibility? He's not the sexual harassment police. If he is harassing women, then you need to find someone new to date, and if his friends are harassing women, he needs to get some better friends.

32: What is this male privilege I hear so much about? I personally feel that we women are the privileged ones. I mean, think about it: men hold the door open for us, men let us go first in a lot of things, men protect us, men do the dirty physical labor so we don't have to, men buy us chocolate and flowers on valentines day, and all they ask in return is our love, affection, and the occasional sex. If you ask me, being a woman is where the real privilege lies.

And that's it. They say that there are 36 questions, but I think they were counting a few things as two questions that I grouped together. These women disgust me. They make me ashamed to even consider myself a feminist, and a woman in general. Look, I get it that there are things about being a woman that suck, but you know what? From what I've observed, being a man isn't a walk in the park either, ESPECIALLY when you have to deal with self entitled, man hating whores who accuse you of rape just because you said hi.

If you don't like something, then change it, but if all you're going to do is sit around, point fingers, and complain about it, then get over yourself. There are actual problems women have to go through throughout the world. You think you have it bad being cat called? Get this: over in Somalia, women have their clitorises CUT OFF! You wanna talk about misogyny?! You want to complain about women's rights?! How about you get of your f*cking high horse, and go do something about THAT instead of complaining about first world problems like cat calling and the way women walk in video games!

I'm Victoria,

And I need wine and sex,

IN that order!

Comments ( 35 )

Anita Sarkeesian's idea of feminism is not much more than mislabeled misandry. Don't be fooled. True feminism means equality for all. What these people show you is not feminism. It gives true feminism a bad name, discouraging the true idea from ever really making a difference.

3960436 Thank you LightningSword! Glad to see that there are some people out there who are sane.

Also, I think this is the first blog post of mine you've ever commented on. That makes me really happy actually. :twilightsmile:

this is very interesting its cool hearing your thoughts

3960444 Hmmm . . . I'll take that into account. I'll try to comment on your blogs more often.

And, I'm glad to help. :twilightsmile:

I don't call myself a feminist because I see inequality all around. We need to stop treating each other like crap as a species and stop focusing on single issues. Lets just pretend the world is Ponyville.

all of this is true even im a guy this is true the way you answer these questions was fabulous girl you get it show these women whos boss ima stop now if i say something else i'll offend somebody.

25: You know... that's ACTUALLY a good question? How DOES it feel to get kicked in the balls?

It feels fucking HORRIBLE. Like all the joy and happiness leaves the world...... it hurts..... so much.

3960492 I'm glad to see how well this blog and my opinions are being received.

3960493 Ah, so about the same as giving birth.

Thanks. I REALLY wanted to know that.

3960496 It happened once...... I never want to experience it.... EVER. Again.

I'll probably view the whole question answering part later on, when I can hear the questions and read your responses, but this was very well put together, props to you.

By the way, there's actually a YouTube Channel, called Bearing, who has a wife with a YouTube Channel called Sugar Tits. Both of them do remarkable videos on stupid feminists and other retarded situations. I think you'd be interested in them.

3960501 happened to me a couple of times my brothers did it

3960518 Oh My God that's horrible.

3960520 but i got use to it though now im very cautious around my brother

I'm still a feminism but I see where you're coming from. Some people think that feminism means that women should be above men when feminism is about women getting equal rights.

You always going to find stupid people in your support groups. Like a couple of days ago someone said I can't be supporting the animals right movement because I eat meat. Even sometimes vegan people can just be more harmful towards animals and harm the environment.


See, I usually avoid arguing on places like this, not because I care about offending a hypersensitive liberal and/or feminist and/or homosexuals and/or transvestites, but because websites pertaining to this show have a certain knack of censorship to anything that challenges the "normal" ideology associated with bronies.

Despite my avoidance, I really had to comment here: You claim that feminism is about equal rights between men and women, but that already exists. Can you actually name a right granted to men that isn't granted to women?

3960436 speak the truth brutha!

bravo! bravo! (clap clap clap)


Awesome to see stuff like this dealt with logically Sapphire. It genuinely does suck that feminism as a label has been corroded by what is, in some cases, effectively misandry on the internet. I for one, even as a guy, consider myself a feminist in the original sense of the word - that females and males should be treated equally.

For that matter, everyone, no matter sex, gender identification, race, skin colour, ancestry, religion, etc. should be accepted for who they are in my opinion. A person should be a person on their terms and not face discrimination for it. Good on you for voicing your objections.

Also, for the record, getting booted in the bollocks fuckin' hurts. Mainly because it doesn't hurt at first - you think you're all good, and then a few seconds later they start to hurt like hell itself is tickling your scrotum. I'm not sure what sort of pain getting kicked or punched in the breasts or crotch is for a woman, but I'm not sure if taking it in the balls is anywhere near the pain that childbirth must be :twilightsheepish:


As I asked another person: Can you name one right men have that women don't?

Also, there's already a term for equality between the genders: Egalitarianism. Why do you not identify as that, given the terrible nature of modern day feminists?

Were you not dating someone, I would probably declare my undying love for you. Of course since you are dating someone and we actually barely know each other, I will just say you have my absolute respect for standing for your beliefs. I may disagree with you on a few things but that is to be expected.

Still, good on ya!


3960716 Don't really want to argue over this, but take for example the limited rights of women in some nations. Famously Saudi Arabia, where women are prohibited from driving. I just think, that's while it's traditional custom and normal for the nation, that it's not particularly fair. I'm not about to march over there and demand it be changed, just an uninformed outsider's opinion is all.


My bad, I meant where feminism is prominent, like in the United States. I'm not naive to the cultural nature of those countries, and the lack of rights there. I'm not talking about them.


3960809 Sorry about that man. I fully understand that in most places where feminism in the negative sense is present, women have every opportunity to succeed that men do. I just approach it from a moral standpoint rather that a practical or political one - that everyone should just get along; hippie and amusingly fanciful I know. Few these days hold bias against women, but everyone's allowed an opinion after all anyway - I'm not going to tell someone they're wrong for seeing things a certain way, that's their choice.


Honestly, I'm just glad we finished this on better terms than most discussions. I agree that everyone has a right to an opinion(free speech is a two way street), but I get tired of seeing feminists in perfect opportunity countries like the United States cry about women becoming equal, when they are. I thought you were one originally.

Have a good day man!


3960833 No worries man, I should have made it clearer originally - I didn't make it clear that I see it on a person-to-person basis rather than an error in society or anything. But you're right, as brief as it was, it's good that this ended well - I think we understand eachother's points now. You have a good one too man!

3960757 Thank you, and I'm glad that there were things you disagreed with. Differences in opinions are the ways people grow.


See, this right here is what I promote. Two people with opposing views initially, coming together and becoming closer as a result. Good on you guys.

Anita is a talent less, opportunist hack! She's not even a real Feminist! She's just robbing Feminist of their money. (Which is not hard to do if you tell them what they want to hear) There is nothing in this world a woman can't do here in the U.S.. But Anita thinks these "Problems" are worse than everyone else. It's not like in other parts of the world women have little to no say in anything and are treated like property. Like this for example: A pornstar is raped and her friend reached out to her and asked for some help since she was a "Leader of women" And guess what.. She did.....Jack-Fucking-Shit...... She has constantly attacked gamers for the dumbest reasons and if you refute her you're sexist. Luckily the FBI is on her ass for fraud.

Rant aside,

3rd wave feminism has no place in this world in my opinion. Like I said up top, women can be anything they want, Do whatever they want, fuck whoever they want. They're is nothing men and women can't do, regardless of race or gender.

I have to admit I have kinda a damsel in distress thing in me. But when I picture females getting captured and in need of rescue it's usually females I like and admit like Kim Possible. I picture these to show that their not perfect and sometimes need help, and may or may not picture in two pieces like women wear in science stuff, I'm pervert and I admit it. Another reason I like damsel is distress situations is that it gets me to care about these characters. Like Twilight in the last arc of Code Lyoko EG, when you started that arc I was really invested in Twilight's situation from what she was put through to how in affected the other of the warriors. And looked what happened, I was so into it I managed to became co-writer for you. If the female is well written making them a damsel in distress can be a good story. I mean as long their name isn't Bella Swan I can get into these of stories.

Most the fact is women are still not getting pay equally as men and some other countries don't treat their women.

Plus you going to find that one asshole that like think women should seen not heard. Just like you're going to have asshole who bullies people or someone who is a racist.

The most important thing is find balance between fighting for sequel rights but also thinking about the other parties and not being a asshole.


Firstly, you have impressed me tonight. Most people wouldn't have responded with an attempted answer to my inquiry.

Despite that though, I would like to point out, once more: I'm talking about the United States in particular, but also most advanced countries. I'm not naive to the fact that the cultural nature of certain areas in the world discourage rights to women, but I have never seen a single feminist be focused on that, only about non-existent issues in the advanced countries of which they live.

Speaking of, you mention the gender wage gap, and I'd like to direct you to this video, which does a great job talking about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oqyrflOQFc . Also, I have started to write a paper debunking this myth, but it's not completely done as of today, so I'll put some basic points from my research:
-Men tend to choose higher-paying degrees, and choose higher-paying career fields.
-Women tend to choose lower-paying degrees, and choose lower-paying career fields.
-Women take more time off work than men(for important reasons, of course(children), but the point is the same).
-As per a chart made through the results of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 26/30 jobs in the Top Earnings Decile are by men, while 23/30 jobs in the Bottom Earnings Decile are by women, a choice corroborated by statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics, showing a parallel with parts of the aforementioned chart, with degrees chosen by both genders leading to which gender is dominating which of the two deciles.
-There's not enough information on similar/same job charts of men/women to be accurate, as they go by raw numbers alone. The fact that women take more time off than men is never accounted for, alongside the specific workplace, other possible benefits, and so much more, are not accounted for, leading to inaccuracy. It's completely possible there could be a slight gap, but nowhere near what feminists and government charts tend to indoctrinate us into thinking.

With all that said, I ask again, as even with your original response, you never answered my question: Can you name one right men have that women don't?

1: How does it feel to be the same sex as Donald Trump? I'd imagine it feels about the same as being the same sex as you.

As I'm not Amercian and don't intend to go to America if he gets in power, I don't care.

2: Honestly, I don't like romantic comedies either.

Agreed, give me Star Wars anyday.

3: I've never been forced to sit through my man talk about men in movies.


They WELCOME it, because men like women with a sense of humor.

I do at least.

Once again, if I'm a slut for that, then I'M A F*CKING SLUT!!! Deal with it!


"In what world does no mean yes?"

This again.

Women do make great leaders, and men CAN acknowledge that.

Cleopatra comes to mind.

"But then... justify cat calling as... men can't control themselves?"

I'm fairly certain it doesn't work that way.

12: Well, we send half naked pics, and nude selfies, so yeah... kind of the pot calling the kettle black on that one.

Eh, for all our achievements, we humans can be very stupid sometimes.

13: Most men I've spoken to don't think harassing women at all is okay, whether or not she's their sister. Once again, not all men are assholes.

Thank you! If a guy is being an asshole, or if a girl is, then gender be damned, you tell them not to, it really is that simple. Assholery is independant of gender.

14: "How does it feel to interrupt me when I'm-" Sorry, I'm going to butt in with this one here. If someone interrupts you while you're in the middle of making a point in a meeting, you kindly say "Excuse me, I wasn't done talking," and then continue. That's how you deal with assholes that do that.


You see, I hear that having their legs pressed together is uncomfortable

Kinda is.

You know, the kind that you (the one making the comment) are wearing RIGHT THIS SECOND!

As I said, humans can be very hypocritical.

Women are considered the weaker sex because we're LITERALLY physically weaker than men are.

You make a good point, it's a matter of genetics, nothing we can do about it, on average, a man will be physically stronger than a woman.

We don't get achievements for doing what our bodies were created for!


It takes a true man to cry honest tears.

Aye. I won't disagree with you on that.

Do men actually try to prove their masculinity to their female partners?

Hell if I know.

"Why the F*CK isn't it considered ladylike to curse?" Um, it's not polite to curse in general, whether you're male or female. Also, I say whatever the f*ck I want, goddamn it.


So the real question is, why would a woman lie about being raped?

Spite, cruelty, a desire to see the guy suffer? I'm just guessing here.

"Why do you assume a woman is angry because she's on her period?"

Because that's how it works, hormonal imbalance lady. Seriously, this is pretty basic biology.


Libra, Libra, take a deep breath,

Most men think a woman who wears make-up is hot (assuming she's doing it right).

It depends on taste.

That being said, if you have a problem with it, STOP VOTING THEM IN!!!

It really is that simple, if you don't want someone is power, vote for the other guy. Even I know this and I couldn't care less about politics.

"Why are straight guys so obsessed with lesbians?"

Simple. It's hot. Obsessed is a strong word though.

You know... that's ACTUALLY a good question? How DOES it feel to get kicked in the balls?

It hurts like a motherf*cker and it's that kind of pain that feels like it will not go away. Plus, it can lead to actually damaging the balls and can lead to infertility. I'm serious. Same with any other part of you, you damage part of you badly enough for long enough and it won't be able to recover.

What do you mean by that, getting tired of being "manly"?

Oh jeez, look, as far as I'm concerned, you could be as manly as Arnold Schwarzenegger, or as feminine as, *insert feminine person here*, I COULD NOT CARE LESS. You do your things your way, I do my things my way. That simple the way I see it.

Men aren't afraid of gender equality.

Not this again.

Men get paid more than women because they usually take on the more dangerous jobs, the kind that require a certain level of strength that only a man possesses.

Thank you, different jobs different paychecks, and some only men can do, others only women.

I don't believe men are actually intimidated by a woman making more money than they are.

I'm not, if a woman makes more money then me, then good for her, who am I to complain?

30: And speaking of... opinionated men aren't seen as bosses. There's another B word that describes them. It's called BASTARDS!

That's, pretty accurate.

How do you know your man isn't defending your honor behind closed doors?

Question, why would it have to be behind closed doors?

If he is harassing women, then you need to find someone new to date, and if his friends are harassing women, he needs to get some better friends.

That sums it up very well.

32: What is this male privilege I hear so much about? I personally feel that we women are the privileged ones. I mean, think about it: men hold the door open for us, men let us go first in a lot of things, men protect us, men do the dirty physical labor so we don't have to, men buy us chocolate and flowers on valentines day, and all they ask in return is our love, affection, and the occasional sex. If you ask me, being a woman is where the real privilege lies.

You make an excellent point.

From what I've observed, being a man isn't a walk in the park either, ESPECIALLY when you have to deal with self entitled, man hating whores who accuse you of rape just because you said hi.

Neither gender has it easy, we both have our share of different problems.

Get this: over in Somalia, women have their clitorises CUT OFF!

That sounds extremely painful.

I'm Victoria,
And I need wine and sex,
IN that order!

I'm sure your partner will be happy to provide.

Sapphire has just restored some of my faith in humanity. And I suppose as a guy that says something. I mean I might only be 18 but Sapphire has made some pretty good points based on what I have seen and even the actions I have taken. Yeah I have a girlfriend. She also means the world to me and I feel the need to be her protector. It just seems like there is misinterpreted labels over both genders sometimes. And how those labels are interpreted do tend to vary greatly around the world and in different place.

Loved hearing you weigh in on this! I actually saw a very similar rant to yours a little while back on youtube. You may enjoy it:

As a guy raised among women, I'd say feminism has taken itself too seriously. And I don't mean to tell them to STFU but rather "stop and pay attention to what are you saying" It pisses me off that so many people uses important words like "Feminism" or "Faith" or "Patriotism" to get away with using, or more accurately, Abusing logical fallacies to win an argument or make a point. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who uses these abominations deserves, but should not get (for legal reasons), a punch in the face. And a kick in the nuts, depending on plumbing.
And Sapphire, if you're wondering why did I read this from like last year, I was bored out of my mind and decided to check what people with talent has to say about the world and whatnot. And I prefer fan work over the actual series.

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