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Why · 3:19am May 27th, 2016

*Warning, this contains spoilers for the new (at the time) Captain America comic if you haven't already seen the comic.

It also contains me being GENUINELY angry. If you know me, you know me being GENUINELY angry is not something that happens often.*


No offense to anyone who's waiting for this story arc to pan out before judging it or are being optimistic. I PLEAD with you to close out of this journal now because I don't want to offend you.


For those who don't know: Captain American's current comic had a comic end with Captain America FLAT OUT MURDERING another superhero, saying 'Hail HYDRA' and reveal he was indoctrinated as a member from his childhood. And has been a Nazi the ENTIRE TIME.

And by word of god, this IS Steve Rogers. This isn't a BRAINWASHED Steve Rogers. This isn't a clone. This isn't an imposter. This isn't an alien. This is the 'real' Steve Rogers.

Here is why I LOGICALLY and without bias consider a repulsive, horrid, vile, rotten thing to do.

It has nothing to do with 'fan boy butt hurt'. Oh, my fan rage is there. It's SO there. But no, that's why I consider this bad story telling and canon discontinuity.

I consider Digimon Adventure Tri noncanon for that reason.

I consider this a vile, horrid, rotten excuse for a shocking swerve for one big reason:

Captain America was created by two JEWISH PEOPLE.

Joe Simon and Jack Kirby were both Jewish. Both which received FREAKING DEATH THREATS for making Captain America punch Hitler in the face because of the sentiments of their time.

Captain America has blond hair, blue eyes, and is fair skinned...BECAUSE he's a walking middle finger to Hitler. He FREAKING PUNCHED HITLER IN THE FACE under their control.

So...you took the ultimate symbol of America...created by two JEWISH PEOPLE who for obvious reasons had him punch Hitler in the face.

I don't GIVE A DARN what stupid, idiotic explanation or reasoning you have. I don't give a darn what reveal is coming.


Do you have ANY idea. ANY FREAKING IDEA. How big of a PUNCH IN THE FACE this is to two comic book legends?

To two people who are a big reason your company EXISTS?!

You just turned their creation, their big punch to the face to Hitler. Their creation they GOT FREAKING DEATH THREATS for. Into the GROUP THAT KILLED OFF A LARGE PORTION OF THEIR RACE.

Here's an idea Marvel. Go dig up Simon and Kirby's grave, spit on their corpses, and then pee on them.

Because you've pretty much already done that.

Now...no one send the writer of this comic death threats. Don't threaten him.

Because soon enough Marvel is going to be pretending this never happened.

Comments ( 19 )


3975481 It scares me to. :(

... What? Tell me this isn't true. Cap's been my idol since the Civil War comics. His famous speech to Spiderman came to me at a very low point in my life where people were hounding me to change and accept things that I knew were wrong just to appease them. I have argued for years against Stark-supporters for that reason. The man has been my own personal Kamina.

And you're telling me Marvel has, not in some alt-universe, not in some dreamworld or galactic-trickster dimension, made him out to always have been a Nazi? That Marvel has seriously, SERIOUSLY made this ridiculous and stupid change to the character that changed my life?

3975489 Sadly, yes, it's true.

But don't worry, with all the bad press it's getting Marvel will retcon it in no time. He'll be brainwashed, a clone, or an alien soon enough.

And I'm with you.

3975489 My advice? Pretend this isn't true because soon enough Marvel won't be either.

Plus, it makes very little sense. A large part of Captain America's career has involved either fighting the World War II Nazis, the Red Skull or Hydra. If Cap was a sleeper agent all along, then why has he been such a big factor in defeating both the original Nazis and their post-war incarnations? It would be kind of like if J. Edgar Hoover and Ronald Reagan turned out to be secret Communists. Zero logic.


THIS is not a Nazi spy. THIS changed my life and saved my humanity. THIS is how I ended up happier and more secure than the ruins of a life I'd had before. Fuck Marvel. Fuck Disney. Fuck whoever thinks this is a good change.

3975524 Not to mention the storyline really is only shock value given Red Skull is ALREADY Captain Americia's Nazi counterpart. They don't NEED a Nazi Captain America because we've GOT ONE that makes sense.

3975536 I'm with you there.

Like I said, best advice is ignore it, because Marvel will probably be doing their best too soon enough due to bad press.

It's probably some kind of idiotic publicity stunt. Kinda like how when they did the Death of Superman, they claimed that they killed him off for real to boost ratings, then later admitted to lying and they were always going to resurrect him. Still, this Nazi thing is tasteless.

3975572 Agreed.

And that's the thing: if it weren't for context, I'd consider if a bad publicity stunt.

It's the fact that Captain America's creators were Jewish and MADE HIM to be a walking middle finger to Hitler that makes me morally angry.


This is what astounds me. It makes little to no sense. Especially because of the elephant in the room and the big mistake in their whole "We can explain it through comic history" bit. If Cap was a Hydra soldier all this time, then why does Red Skull go ape everytime he sees a Cap costume. You don't even need to be named Steve, the moment he sees that outfit, he will KILL and torture you! I have those comics and yeah, Skull tortures a kid before killing him because he wore the outfit.

Now, why would Skull put so much hate behind a fellow agent?

3975507 Either that or Red Skull managed to get the Cosmic Cube again and did the one thing we'd expect him to do but never actually pull off cause reasons til now, turn his greatest enemy into his greatest ally by either rewriting his memories or changing his past much like how Cap used it to save Bucky when he was suppose to die originally. Especially since apparently Red Skull has someone's brain in him with mind powers now. Think about it, in the FCBD issue he says at the end once they meet on the battlefield he'll truly have won, then this bombshell happens on issue 1. Seems suspicious don't you think?


I"m minded of the inept regime of Nicholas II, which deployed agents provocteurs into the terrorist groups who were so very competent at being agents provocteurs that one of them arranged the assassination of Stolypin -- one of the events that began to destablize Tsarist Russia. If Captain America was a Nazi agent, he was the most inept agent ever in the history of covert action at achieving any of his masters' ends. All he would have needed to do is sabotage and spy on the Allies, for realsies, and the Nazis especially in the Marvelverse would have stood a good chance of winning the war.

This has to be the stupidest idea Marvel Comics has ever had, and that includes the Spider-Man Belasco reset.

You're kidding... Right?

3975690 I admit, that'd be clever. Still kinda tasteless given Cap's origins, but clever.

But that'd require THOUGHT on the part of his creator when he's more or less admitted he's doing this for shock value and a political statement.


Oh how I wish it was.

3975524 And if it was from his childhood, doesn't that mean in the late 1920s Hydra (which I don't believe had formed yet) said "oh, let's find the scrawniest, weakest kid in Brooklyn and turn him into a sleeper agent. That's a good use of our resources!"

I can sympathize with your annoyance, but it's Marvel Comics. Give it six months and they'll change it back; they always do.

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