• Member Since 2nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2017


She's just the dirty-by-trade tomboy.

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  • 387 weeks
    See Ya!

    It's been a while since I posted a story! Heck, it's been almost a year and a half! Boy did time fly by. I wasn't active last year, not even through blogging, so consider this my update... and goodbye. Sorry to say, but I think it's high time I take my leave. It's been an up and down two and a half years on this site, but I don't think I'll regret it in the end.

    So here's the haps!

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  • 395 weeks
    I've Been Waiting To Post This

    Last call for alcohol.
    Last call for your freedom of speech.
    Drink up. Happy hour is now enforced by law.
    Don't forget our house special, it's called a Trickie Dickie Screwdriver.
    It's got one part Jack Daniels, two parts purple Kool-Aid,
    and a jigger of formaldehyde

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  • 397 weeks
    Super Scientific Pretty Princess Poll!

    Answer this poll! :raritydespair: http://www.strawpoll.me/11489036

    My senpai, Stiggy, wants to find out who best princess is! Please partake in this vital research!

    But you better not choose Luna. I've got my eye on you. :trixieshiftleft:

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  • 398 weeks
    I wonder if my new avatar will give the wrong idea...

    I like it purely for the irony, I swear! :raritydespair:

    ...Aaaand maybe for her looks. :twilightblush:

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  • 411 weeks
    You Think You Know What Fabulous Is?

    You know nothing. :duck:

    Just when I thought my sexuality wasn't questionable enough.

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I'm Looking Forward to the New Ghostbusters! · 10:18pm May 31st, 2016

And nothing you say can stop me! :flutterrage:

Except for McCarthy and the sassy black woman. Neither are funny. :pinkiesick: At least a cast member from the original film watched it early and liked it.

Comments ( 16 )

I'll give it a shot but I don't have much hope for it going from the trailers

Who was the cast member?

I think it will be a fun summer film at least, we'll have to wait and see. I read Dan Aykroyd saw a test screening and said he enjoyed it. Nothing can beat the original of course, but a remake/reboot can still be a good nod to the original.

3987314 Dan Aykroyd, I heard.

Dan Akroyd.

Personally I'm willing to give the film the benefit of the doubt. I don't consider the original to be so sacred, that the material can't be experimented with.


You just earned a follow for this :pinkiehappy:

To answer Luna's question, I am going to call Pinkie be cause she will giggle them into submission. :pinkiehappy:

I don't care, not because of the all female cast. Just one in particular, I find Kristen Wiig to be annoyingly unfunny. Personally I would love to see Tina Fey in a Ghostbusters movie.

It's got to be better than some of the sequels, anyway. :unsuresweetie:

Hrmm....who would make good mlp replacements for the cast in the original?

Just my two cents, but Dan Akroyd's endorsement means diddly to me. He's been trying to make the sequel happen longer than anyone else (Lord knows Bill Murray never wanted it to happen), he's been more irrelevant longer than any of the other comedians from the original, and frankly, whereas Bill Murray's kind of the guy who's a "Cool Grandpa who doesn't even have to try to be how cool he is to the point that he even gets sick of it," Akroyd's more like a guy who's "Not a Cool Grandpa in the slightest and desperate to be considered one." As far as I know, the only reason Bill Murray cameos in it is because Sony went so far as to threaten to sue most of the original cast if they didn't make cameos. Yeah.

He was hilarious in the 80s in stuff like Blues Brothers and the first Ghostbusters, but his career definitely peaked a long time ago (after all, this is the same guy who voiced Yogi in that CGI Yogi Bear movie) and I can't help but feel that Sony threw some cash his way and gave him marching orders to give the film some good press. I mean, he went so far as to say that a film which hasn't had one funny looking trailer is "funnier than the first two films combined." Really, Dan, really? You're just gonna throw the first one under the bus like that?

Now by all means, go see it. I don't want the film to tank in and of itself, certainly not because of the leading ladies or original cast members like Dan Akroyd trying to make it work. But if it's a hollow, corporate reboot and nothing more, I mostly want it to tank to teach Sony a lesson and because I'm super ticked off at them and Paul Feig for making anyone who dares dislike the very poor trailers Public Enemy #1 and trying to claim they must be sexist for not liking how their movie looks. Here's hoping it's not as bad as it looks, but I have my doubts and remain skeptical to say the least.

Actually, McCarthy and Wiig are the only members of the new squad that I actually know, and I happen to be a fan of both. My problem with the trailers is that it feels like they're all trying to hard to force the lines, making the delivery of otherwise okay lines terrible.
Either way, I'm neutral to it. I don't think it particularly needs to exist, but it doesn't need to not exist either, like a lot of reboots. If it is a reboot, they can't seem to make up their mind if it's a sequel or not.

Let me know how the movie goes, I'm a fan of the first two and have high hopes for the new one. But would like to hear an opinion before going to see it.

I intend to go simply because I was a fan of the originals and have had enough of trailers in general.

My only real complaint from the trailers is I kept getting the feeling of "This is a reference, look at the reference, isn't the reference funny?, laugh."

Also curious about the cameos, seems odd to me to have the actors appear but not as their past characters. It seems strange to me to go for a flat out reboot rather than something as simple as a nod to the fact that it has been 25 years with no ghostbusters movie, because things were quiet, something goes wrong and the mass containment facility fails, the old team are now too old for something this big, pass the torch to the new team.


Unless they do Sensha Do while busting ghosts, I'll pass.

I'm taking the James Rolfe approach. That is, I'm just not gonna see it. Ghostbusters is my all time favorite movie, and the trailers did not inspire confidence. Besides that, Hollywood is gonna keep shitting out reboots and remakes until they start to not gain money. As a ghostbusters fanboy, I'm not gonna see it. Not going to bitch about it or talk shit, since I can't because I'm not seeing it. If the movie is awesome, great. I'm still not going to see it.

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