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One of the most important things I will ever say to you · 5:49am Jun 1st, 2016

If I am banned or something my email is illlovetillidie@gmail.com and also you can reach me on Kik or hangouts (New Spark for both accounts).

If you have EVER felt even the slightest bit of care for me please read the rest of this.

Hey guys you all know what’s going on in Venezuela so far but this today is both a culmination of all the important facts and a call to arms (aka begging you to help these people). If you read then it would mean the world to me.

The Venezuelan government today s wracked by corruption. Most of the money they get is mismanaged and embezzled into the hands of politicians, government officials and companies that work closely with the government. Schools and hospitals and every other social service or program meant to lift people out of poverty are doing literally nothing to help anyone. There are huge shortages in food and medicine and medical supplies. Even though there are tons of medicine rotting away in warehouses. Even the food situation is absurd in its unnecessariness and between 2007-2008 they found a whole lot of food meant to be given to the people just rot. Powdered milk meant to also be for the people gets smuggled into Colombia and sold. These are just a fraction of the examples And in the current system, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. They call it socialism it is hierarchy-based, survival-of-the-fittest fascism and the people in power don't care about the weaker majority.

Half the people used to be in serious poverty before the price of oil collapsed and now that it has over three quarters of the people are impoverished. You should note right about now that the government developed oil and only oil and didn’t let anyone else develop anything either. If that isn’t the literal definition of either incompetence or evilness I don’t know what is. Not only that but instead of saving any of that money they spent it. And they spent it on themselves not even the people. Oh and just so you know Venezuela has more oil than Alberta and that oil is cheaper to produce than Alberta’s oil though it sells at the same price and they had a decade and a half to develop it. And look how perfectly fine Alberta is compared to how not fine they are.

Now here comes what I think is the most disturbing. The government is very dicey when it comes to accepting foreign aid of any kind. Just a few days ago they announced that they would not accept any aid for their medical emergency. Any type of any type of aid they accept they would have to see as being a “respectful one” and “not out of pity” which puts a lot up to their own interpretation which we all know is totally pro-people. They are also very wary of too much help because they’re on the slightly ultra-nationalist isolationist side. So if any country besides Venezuela started to legitimately help Venezuela they wouldn’t have it.

Oh and did I forget to mention the government probably likes the poverty seeing as how starving people are a lot easier to manipulate?

Also they are stomping on human rights. They rank literally last in Latin America in terms of human rights. Hell they’re even worse than China and the African countries in some ways. They scored 19/100 in Transparency International’s 2014 Corruption Perception Index (which would be beyond an F if it was a school grade, there guys are 79% corrupt). They are denying the media freedom and doing a lot of things to intimidate people out of saying things. Many leaders in the media section right now have had their passports taken away. For quite a period of time it was even illegal to say anything that disagreed with the government. Now I totally get keeping propaganda or bias or anything like that out of the list of things which are legal but expressing the fact that you have opinions or reporting simple facts should never be illegal.

Also the infrastructure is falling to bits.

*suspenseful music starts to play while a super intense voice takes over*
Amidst all this chaos …
All this desolation …
Finally …
There is, in the distance …
A ray of hope

*everything turns normal again and you’re once again reading a boring piece of writing*

So, this ray of hope comes in the form of the opposition. A bunch of parties who formed a coalition to unite against the government. They recently won a supermajority in the National Assembly. But unfortunately the executive and judiciary branches are still controlled by the government and they have literally all the power. The judges, who are chosen by the government, overturn all changes the National Assembly proposes and has even kicked out three of its members (in order to keep it impossible for the NA to replace judges).

But, the opposition is pushing for a referendum, which if won would take the government out of power and make there be a national election. But it must be done within this year or else the government will still stay in power until 2019

There are a few huge problems associated with waiting that long for an election:
-People are dying right now, as we speak, and in two more years that death toll will rise.
-The government is quite manipulative and also intimidating and there’s a good chance they’ll be able to threaten and lie the people into voting for them by then
-The government will have a chance to get rid of most of the things holding the opposition together by that point and then the opposition won’t be able to be strong enough to actually make the country better or even get support
-They can't have any more time than necessary to conspire on ways to keep Venezuela down even if they’re not in power (like making deals with people to make things go wrong), so that people don't trust true democracy as much
-And who knows what else, we can’t trust these guys

But the opposition does seem pretty trustable. I’m not going to say they’re the most trustable they can be but they are pretty trustable. And they’re hope. And if nothing else they will definitely let other countries help Venezuela. Most of the opposition leaders haven’t been involved with corruption. Many of them were Chavistas during the time that Hugo Chavez and his movement seemed to be the saving grace of an otherwise horrible period. But when they saw the corruption that was in the new government they couldn’t stand it and they hated the corruption so much that they left. Some of the leaders (for example Leopoldo López) even willing to spend lots of time in completely inhumane jails where their rights don't get respected because they cate about their countries more than themselves.

The one most likely to become President if a new election should be held is Henrique Capriles Radonski. He is in and helped found the Primero Justicia party which makes a point to set itself apart from all the other more traditional parties in Venezuela and has never taken part in any corruption. Although that party although and every other party got dissolved and now there is only the coalition, he is also acting leader for the coalition while López (the real leader) is in jail. He joined politics in 1997 at the age of 25, eight around the time that Chavez was coming to power, and opposed him from the beginning although he liked some of his ideas. While the government likes to call him many things, he identifies as a center-left humanitarian. He spends a lot of time with the impoverished locals of his constituency, Miranda, and treats everyone equally and with respect regardless of everything. His constituency is the safest in the country. He believes that there should be any social programs and everything should benefit the people first and foremost but also believe that at this time foreign investment is necessary and the government can't and therefore shouldn't try to control everything since they already have their hands more than full. He also believes that education is the key to solving crime. He hasn't taken part of any corruption that anyone knows of and most Venezuelans think he has all the makings of a legitimately good leader.

But it is incredibly and absurdly hard for the opposition to do anything. If they try to change any laws the courts don't let them. In order to have the referendum the opposition would need to collect over three million signatures within the time span of three literal days. On a country where .any of the people don't have Internet this is absurdly hard. Not only that but the National Electoral Council would have to check them. The NEC, filled with Maduro supporters, would definitely delay the process as much as possible, perhaps until the end of the year. Of anything gets I plenty which it might judging by how starving and pissed off the people are, the government wouldn't hesitate to use it as grounds to shut the opposition down. Also the government is and will continue to be using violence and intimidation tactics to stop people from listening to the opposition.

Now here so where we come in. The West is powerful and influential in many ways. This isn’t always a good thing. But if we act upon love, benevolence and respect, it is. If governments around the world support and protect the opposition, maybe guard them and their supporters against violence, pay lawyers to make sure nobody is playing too dirty and maybe help speed the process up, talk diplomatically, etc, then that would be really even the playing field and it would be good for the Venezuelan people.

And it’s what they want. Venezuelans are pushed to the edge enough to swarm the National Electoral Council building. Support for Maduro is at 10%. And if you ask any Venezuelan, they’ll tell you how much they hate the government (if you’re unsure of this ask a guy named Time Reaper)

So if we raise enough awareness about all if this, get people to know what's happening and be rallied up about it, then we could get them to pressure their governments into helping Venezuela.

So my darling friends and family could you please play your part in helping the world and post about this situation on every social media you have, and tell your friends to do the same please?And could you put this on your fimfic blogs and tell your friends to do the same? If you can, (and I am definitely not asking you to do this it’s just a suggestion), could you also tell as many people at your school or workplace this story and tell them to share it on social media? What I’m asking is neither difficult nor boring, nor does it take time or money, nor will it bring you unpleasantness of any kind. But it could save a life. It would help a lot of people a whole lot.

TL;DR: The Venezuelan government is very corrupt and hurting the people and not letting anyone help the people. The Venezuelan people hate them. The opposition, which cares about the people and wants democracy, wants a referendum to take the current government out of power but it’ll only work if it gets done this year. But the opposition is having a hard time since the government is playing dirty. But if governments around the world support and protect the opposition it’ll be
Really good for the Venezuelan people. So could you post this on as much social media as you can and raise awareness? If you do I’ll be eternally grateful.

Report New Spark · 410 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

3990147 So you'll just stand and watch as people die horrible deaths. Typical.

3990160 Some of us have our own monetary problems. While I will do my best to raise awareness, it's not a bad thing for people like me who have gone hungry many nights recently and are at risk of losing electricity, internet, and even water supply, to not have a lot of sympathy for someone who we've never met and most likely never will.

3990236 Donating won't help now. Like I said the government doesn't really allow that stuff. Raising awareness is mostly all we can do.

ive heard of governments like that I cant fucking stand em

3994722 I can't either. Whuch us why we're raising awareness.

3995008 becoming a radical aren't we?

4004365 wut? :heart: Also, I havne't talked to you in forever! How are you?

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