• Member Since 28th Sep, 2014
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I first got into My Little Pony back during my second year of high school and have been a fan ever since. I love a good story, and hope to bring many good stories to readers for many years to come.

More Blog Posts49

  • 150 weeks
    A New Start

    Hello everypony. It's been a while since I really posted anything here on Fim Fiction, I know. You might be surprised to see this, but I am still around and kicking. Heck, last thing I posted was all the way back in 2017 I think. In any case, I've been thinking a lot recently of where I fit into the fandom and where I stand on fan fiction writing.

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    6 comments · 395 views
  • 340 weeks
    Happy Turkey Day Everypony!

    Well it's that special time of year again everypony. The leaves are turning yellow, orange and red, it's getting pretty chilly and families are gathering together to share their love and then all slip into a food coma.

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  • 352 weeks
    To Change a Changeling

    Alrighty then. Well I goofed up this time. I started watching the episode before I started this blog, so my first few thoughts aren't exactly my first reaction but don't think that will change much. Any-who lets see what we go going on at Love-Bug-Horse's place.

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  • 353 weeks
    Campire Tales

    Welp! Stuck in the house due to hurricane Harvey, why not check out the new episode of mlp!? :twilightsmile:

    Applejack what did your parent's tell you about talking with your mouth full?

    Come one everypony! Sing along! "Raise this tent! Raise this tent!"

    Oo a new location. Wonder what the Wishing Falls will be like.

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  • 354 weeks
    Triple Threat

    Okay! Time for a new reaction review! :rainbowkiss: Haven't done one of these in a while but just saw the new episode come out on YouTube and thought, "Hey, why not?" So here we are!

    Let's not waist time and get right into it!

    Okay, got a celebration going on to welcome our favorite Dragon Tsundere! Good start, good start.

    Spike you've been hanging around Twilight to much. XD

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Flutter Brutter Review. {spoilers} · 7:15pm Jun 4th, 2016

Well... this is... this is sudden. :applejackconfused:

Hey hey everypony, its be, your favorite wingless griffon here on the internet ready to talk about the new episode of MLP.

So... Fluttershy's brother... how long have we've been waiting for this? I think they first let it out we would be seeing Flutters family last season but for some reason it got pushed to season six. *shrugs* :applejackunsure:

So we open up at Fluttershy's parents house with Butterfly-Butt and Rainbow-Tush. Good start. :scootangel: But what's this? Fluttershy's little brother Zephyr Breeze... interesting yet fitting name, has had a falling out and hast to move back in with his parents? Oh dear... :rainbowderp:

And not a moment later he comes barging in like the kool aid man, "OH YEAH!"

And we get this dork:

Hehehehe, he's so bucking lanky and cocky! I love it. XD

I mean, look at this guy:

I be like, "See that guy over there little Timmy? That's what a virgin looks like." :trollestia::moustache::moustache:

I know he's a real asshole here, but god damn it I swear so many ships are going to be put with this guy. XD X3 I feel like Dash should just PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE!!!:twilightangry2::facehoof::eeyup: Slap him! Slap him right across the face!!! :ajbemused: I mean, their egos are two big to exist within the same general vicinity and not result in some distortion of reality. XD

...Is it wrong that I think it would be cute if RB got with him for just shits and giggles? I mean, he's obviously obsessed with her. :trollestia:

Then we find out he failed at pursuing hair styling.... and I'm just going to say this up front, Fluttershy's parents are too... agreeable. I feel like they only gave him praise his whole life but never constructive criticism. Like they never put their hoof down when it was needed, so... he's a bit misguided. :facehoof:

I swear the more he is on screen within the first few minutes of the show the more i want to punch him... but at the same time i don't 'cus he's related to Flutters....:ajbemused:

Now her parents... her father says that Fluttershy is bolder then they are?! :applejackconfused: :pinkiesmile::pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh: I don't know, I don't even know right now! XD

You know I'm actually writing this as I watch the episode, and the more I think about it I think perhaps Zeph might be very insecure... let me explain. There is some cases where someone who has little confidence, sometimes they subconsciously try to over come it by displaying overconfidence. That's what I think is whats going on with Zephyr here. He's very insecure of failing so he never really puts himself out there and he displays overconfidence to cover up his insecurity.

So one pep talk from AJ, Pinkie and RB later, Fluttershy flies back to her parents home to stand up to Zepher aaannnnnd... he's being a complete and under asshole with no respect for his parent's home and belongings.... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!:twilightangry2::facehoof::ajbemused:

Why Fluttershy's Parents, why you be doormats!? :raritydespair: Ahhhahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! :raritycry:

If somepony did that to my stuff you wouldn't hear from them again afterwards. :ajbemused::twilightangry2:

And the thing is, they could just tell him "NO!" But they don't! MMmmmgh! :facehoof:

Then we see his anxiety come out. When Fluttershy tells him he should move out we see him start to loose his cool. This is exactly what I'm talking about. They keep giving him praise, but its not deserved! :ajbemused: Its obvious that they never gave him the criticism he needed to grow the balls to take on the world. Instead of acting as the foundation he can build, his parents are acting like crutches, and because they never cut the apron strings, he's learned that he can walk all over them and get away with it.

They never let him grow up...

But they did it. They finally got him out of the house and where does he go!?

He moves in with his sister... oh dear...

So after RB gets the buck out of dodge, Fluttershy puts her hoof down *thumps chest* "Respect!" :ajsmug: And tells Zeph to get a job. And how well does that go? Wellll.... :trollestia:

Fluttershy aint gunna play his shit and gets him a job working for Lady Marshmellow! :rainbowkiss:

Oh what fun delights await us!? :pinkiecrazy:

So he's tasked with dyeing a few rolls of fabric while Rar and Flutters go out to market and... well... how do you think it went?

Okay this bucker.... *sigh* You know? I don't really know what to say... I honestly don't. We all know he fucked up. Why say anymore?

Sooooooooooo.... that was a travesty... but anyway...

Next up, Princess Purple!

And she's got him cleaning windows.... I shudder at what is to come... But at least he's got Spike watching over him. :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah... it doesn't go well. He gets Spike to do all the work. Is anyone surprised? No? Good.

And who's up next? :raritystarry: Why Rainbow its you! Come on down! :pinkiecrazy: And off to the Wonderbolts Academy we go!

And if you haven't guessed it, he fails again. *shakes his head tiredly*

So what does he do then? He goes and runs off into the woods to live as a hermit!

So we cut to him living like Castaway...

Yeah he seems to be doing fine. :derpytongue2: But finally he faces up to his insecurities and admits to being a little jealous of his sister and her friends, feeling like he could never live up to how his sister helped save Equestria several times and feels inferior in comparison, but Fluttershy being a good big sister give him the right amount of confidence to help him face his fears of failing.

One song later and we see him as a new stallion. Helping out and willing to face failure with confidence and push through.

And look at that! He graduated Mane Therapy Training!

What did I think?

I'll be short and sweet. I liked it, I liked what it gave, I'll give it a 3 2/4 stars out of five. ^^

But tell me, what did you guys think? Let me know it the comments bellow? ^^

Comments ( 9 )

The episode was good, but it destroys a lot of fanfics about Flutter's family.:fluttershysad: Overwritten by canon. *sighs*

3998877 But then again there's that wonderful phrase: alternate universe :raritywink::trollestia:

3998992 And thus, all the fanfics were save! :pinkiecrazy:

I just feel sadness and pity for fluttershy's brother. He's so unlikable it's painful. He's such a defeatist to himself its painful.

Did his parent's help the situation at all by being enabling doormats? no... I cringed so much during the episode. :pinkiesick:

Technically I think fluttershy being called the "bold" one of the family makes a lot of sense, and her brother calls it out for the very reasons it would be believeable.

Atleast the brother moved in the direction of making something of himself by the end. It's funny, because it really seems the moral of this episode is aimed much more at parents than at children. DON'T BE AN ENABLER! It creates manipulative freeloaders... If you want some really sad examples just look any 1000 lb bed ridden person that literaly can't get up and move on their own( like manuel or whatever). That situation would never exist without enablers.

Didn't they already go over a similar moral in the breeze episode?


Didn't they already go over a similar moral in the breeze episode?

No, we see Flutters utilizing the moral of "It Aint Easy Being Breeze", but the moral here is that you shouldn't give up when things get rough. This episode wasn't about Fluttershy putting her hoof down, it was about Zephyr to put himself out there even though he might fail.


Yeah, that's tru, gotta develop a spine some time :rainbowwild:... Hey, don't most of us as authors on this site already pass that test? hehehe...

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