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Weird Websites I've Found While Browsing The Web · 3:54pm Jun 10th, 2016

Weird Websites I've Found While Browsing The Web

Here is a list of some really weird websites I found while browsing the web. They all exist...for some reason. I will leave it up to you to decide why. If I happened to miss any, feel free to lave them in the comment section below.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the weird.

1. po.ta.to

Yes, believe it or not, this website actually exists and is basically just an image of a potato, isn’t that brilliant?

2. reddit.com/r/ooer

Unlike many subreddits you may see on Reddit, this is by the far the weirdest one you’ll ever see!

3. emergencyyodel.com

If you’re ever in dire need of a yodel, this is the best place to go to I suppose.

4. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.com

This website is purely dedicated to Arnold Sailormoonegger. What the heck?

5. instantcosby.com

If you’re ever in need of Bill Cosby’s wonderful face, this website is certainly the place to visit.

6. heyokay.com

Hey! Okay?

7. hristu.net

The best website in the whole entire world.

8. lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala.com

If you don’t want to be la la la’ing a tune all day long, I suggest not clicking on the link above.

9. zombo.com

Here’s the old classic, zombo.com! Originally made as a parody of flash websites that take ages to load. Wait for it to load though!

10. essaytyper.com

At first, it seems like a normal text document writing thing, until it writes an essay on anything for you.

11. nyan.cat

And here it is! This guy took nyan cat and made a whole awesome website on how long you can try and survive it.

12. fffuuu.com

One of the most ragey sites in history.

13. leekspin.com

Well, the only way to describe this is…leekspin!

14. theuselessweb.com

Need taking to a useless website? Well, this is perfect.

15. eelslap.com

The most fun you’ll ever have with an eel and a mouse. Guaranteed.

16. procatinator.com

The funkiest place on the web for cat lovin’ music fans.

17. pointerpointer.com

This is how you get to the point. Again and again and again.

18. heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa.com

Watch He-Man get down with his bad self. And also apparently Skeletor.

19. corgiorgy.com

I'm sure the queen would enjoy this seeing as she loves corgis.

20. fallingfalling.com

This is what happens when the internet starts tripping.

21. rainymood.com

Because rain makes everything better.

22. nooooooooooooooo.com

Perfect place to visit when you’re having a bad day.

23. omfgdogs.com

Little dogs like you’ve never even seen them before.

24. thequietplaceproject.com

Sometimes you just need to chill out.

25. haneke.net

I have no idea how or why, so just sit back and enjoy.

26. thenicestplaceontheinter.net

Wave cheerio to the blues, any hour of any day.

27. tholman.com/texter

The place where writing and drawing party together.

28. omglasergunspewpewpew.com

No words are sufficient to describe this website.

29. mapcrunch.com

The ultimate random travel site.

30. anasomnia.com

Turn off the lights, lay back and enjoy the ride.

31. zoomquilt.org

Weirdness to infinity and back.

32. burymewithmymoney.com

Bill Gates and Gabe Newell made a website together.

33. thatsthefinger.com

Send this website link to everyone you hate.

34. heeeeeeeey.com


35. ducksarethebest.com

Duck jokes are not funny. What the duck…

36. republiquedesmangues.fr

Like mangos? Today is your lucky day.

37. cant-not-tweet-this.com

A site that forces you to tweet something no matter where you click on the page as some kind of statement against social media sites.

38. movenowthinklater.com

The most annoying and irritating game of chess you will ever have.

39. rrrgggbbb.com

Red, green and blue are the only colors you will ever need and can form every single color we know of.

40. beesbeesbees.com

Bees! Bees! Seriously though, where are the wasps? They’re the real threat.

41. partridgegetslucky.com

Alan Partridge dances to Daft Punk again and again and again.

42. sanger.dk

Doug the Pug.

43. randomcolour.com

Literally does what it says in the URL.

44. grandpanoclothes.com

Whoever invented this website has some serious issues.

45. r33b.net

Toads will take over the world. This is it for all of us. If we cannot defeat them, we must accept it. All hail the toads!

46. koalastothemax.com

If you think this website isn’t about koalas, think again.

47. chrismckenzie.com

This little guy will be terrified unless your cursor is near him.

48. taghua.com

It's a tree blossoming. How pretty...

49. ninjaflex.com

Ever wanted to flex like a ninja? Let this website teach you how!

50. hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com

The Large Hadron Collider or LHC for short is the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider. It’s the most complex experimental facility ever built. Has it destroyed the world yet? According to this website, nope.

51. sadforjapan.com

Wobble the Japanese flag around like jelly.

52. iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples.com

This is seriously one of the best website on the list. Who in the hell made this? It’s actually superb.

53. leduchamp.com

This really hurts my eyes.

Here is a weird Pinterest board in case you are interested: http://techlightspeed.com/6120/the-weirdest-pinterest-board.html

Comments ( 32 )

Essay typer is pretty useful in a pinch actually. It actually looks up information on the topic you searched for, so if you're researching you can use it as a tool to quickly figure out what to research.

Rainy mood is just great for helping you concentrate.

4012860 Yep, this is very true. I could see a practical use for a lot of these, actually. But others, not so much. :P

I combined the Heyeayea site and the Leekspin one.

I think I'm in heaven.

4012879 That sounds like a great idea. I will have to try it. XD


I've been listening for almost or over ten minutes, I think. I'm not annoyed in the slightest.

4012884 I am glad that you found a new song to rock out to. ;)

4012889 It is pretty entertaining indeed. XD

37. cant-not-tweet-this.com
Ironically, if you’re using a PC or Mac, you can actually tweet this. Pretty easily, too.

There's no irony here. The website is "can't not tweet this," and you know what double negatives mean, right?

Somebody needs to start restricting your internet usage...:rainbowkiss:

This is really cool


I heard these a long time ago, but they were separate. Now they are one; I have found the keys to my ascension.

I look to the heavens, and hear the calling of ancient Swedish pagans. I fly on the wings of leeks, entering Valhalla to utilize my newfound (and fabulous) secret powers.

4012902 Yeah I know. I just copied what the site had for the description. Shrugs.

4012904 They'll never stop me from finding the weird things on the internet. Never! :pinkiecrazy:

4012912 I am glad that you like it. XD

4012917 Cool! Is it for a class or something?

4012918 I am glad that I could help you reach enlightenment. :P





4012935 Odin is a sexy, sexy man. XD He can take me anywhere, any day of the week. Ohhh yeahhh!




4012956 The voices. They tell you the secrets of the universe. They...know things...

If you want to find even weirder stuff, take a look on my favorite place in the internet, the Deep Web! Lots of exciting stuff there!

4013013 Oh okay. That works too. :P

4013074 I've been on the deep web. There is some highly weird stuff on it. And also illegal stuff too. You have to tread lightly.

Yep! I'm always super careful but I just love it. There's so much stuff that I find interesting on it!

4013228 You sometimes find things you aren't supposed to find. Which is interesting in itself.

4013328 That video is highly appropriate. XD

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