• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!

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  • 1 week
    Full Steam Ahead!

    A backer returned, so more updates!

    Behold! Still room for more if you want your story worked on.

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    New Story Vote

    Open for all, patron or not: Click here!

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    June Calender

    Does the calendar view help? Lemme know.

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  • 4 weeks
    Upped to Mature

    The patron requested it, so Blue Wedding Belles is now rated Mature, and will proceed under that banner. Figured I should post an alert about that.

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  • 5 weeks
    May Calendar

    By popular request, a calendar view:

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Maximum Overdrive! · 7:32pm Jun 10th, 2016

Ugh! I have two stories being paid for at one time. The horror! The horror!

This is not a plea to my supporters to let up, mind, but boy it can be overwhelming at times. Flipping back and forth between them, to say nothing of my personal mess and Ponyfinder writing is a challenge. Any other prolific writers out there want to throw their opinion or ideas into the hat? I'd like that.

Not a prolific writer? Eh, I still love hearing from my fellow ponies.

Relatedly, I'm working on the next episode for Cherry's wild adventure. She's not done, not by far!

Twilight and Sunset's adventure is just getting going. Not going too slow or fast, am I? Lemme know! Starts and ends are where I am typically weakest.

Comments ( 10 )

Once a day is a good pace. It should help you from burning out too fast.

4013272 As in update one story a day? That'd be a huge slowdown for most, no?

I prefer the one at a time approach myself. As in focus on one story and get it done before working on another. Although admittedly I had to break this rule recently myself to take a break due to burnout. Still, it seems like the best method for me. I've seen too many author's who if you look through their stories, have a dozen unfinished but are still starting more and more new ones.

As for your response to badninja: from what I've seen, no it's not a slowdown for most. While some do update daily, they seem rare around here. Ranging from weeks to months, and in a few occasions even years.

4013456 I would hope to never fall into the latter category. Daily is my usual update rate, and I've done more than one story often (neigh, some would say frequently).


Sorry, I ment that each story you have going is updated everyday just about.

So i don't know what you mean...
What is it you want me to talk about (or do) exactly?

4014899 Either your own experiences with being buried in horse words, or some kind words. Either would do!

4014924 refer to this response to a thread about thinking of sharing something with equestria and how it would effect it

"Hmmm i've felt the same about a month ago, when i was listening to a song by edmund (creator of "the binding isaac") called "my innermost apocalypse" it's just a sort of thing i do... But anyway as i was listening to this song i thought of how it would effect EG:2 (for some reason i pictured a giant version of isaac [also from the binding of isaac] that had whatever Item had been in my thoughts in the moment, which was basically brimstone :3 and i pictured the blood practically flooding the stage and drowning the sirens (and sadly the main six T-T)
So what does this say about me?
That if i am listening to a video game's final boss music, my mind fills me with some sort of bloodlust for that boss monster
(That also explains why i kept reloading undertale to kill sans 24 consecutive times without fail X3)"

In other words "i am merciless when playing games...":derpytongue2:
"And vengeful... Can't forget that!"

Did i forget to mention that me and two other people that i don't know were playing that song, with some sort of huge speaker system? And that i was harmonizing with the song somehow?

Eh probably, it was in a daydream while walking home so it's possible...

Sorry to say, but it shows. The main story for the "Sky Gazing", but the contuiniation is lacking. You might want to slow down and put more effort in writing.

Starts and ends are where I am typically weakest.

I agree that your ends are weak (sometimes even missing completely), but I think your starts are usually quite strong.

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