• Member Since 19th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Sorry if I'm slow to upload. I'm more of a reader than a writer.

More Blog Posts13

  • 90 weeks
    Hello again.

    It has been a while, hasn't it? It's been months since I last uploaded anything. Some of you may have noticed I canceled Celestial Disposition. I'm sorry to do that. I jjst feel no drive to continue it any longer.

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  • 228 weeks
    A change in profession, and now a Schedule.

    So it's been a while. Several months. My updates are few and far in between. So sorry to everyone... But I've started pulling my life together.

    I'm going to start streaming on twitch.


    Tuesdays will be Terraria, Thursdays will be Storytime where I either read stories on Reddit, or talk to my viewers about stories.

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  • 361 weeks
    Change of Plans

    Okay, so you guys aren't getting an RP based fanfic so soon. Maybe not for a while. But instead, I've started working on a new fic based on a dream. A bit of a weird dream, but hey. It got you guys a story.
    But here's the thing. It's gonna be a Displaced fic. I know I already tried and failed to do one once, but here's a new one revamped and set to only one specific ability. Power Copy.

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  • 363 weeks
    Complete Breakdown

    I am so sorry everyone. It's been far too long since I've updated anything, and to be honest, I've completely lost the drive to write anything at all lately... I've been considering canceling a number of stories to work on new ones, or even rewriting some. But the quality will have degraded, since for the longest time, I've been doing only Roleplays.

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  • 403 weeks

    Hey guys, FC_Dracsemi here!

    And Switch too. I’m proud to say, this story is getting a Reset.

    Yeah, not really a great start, and that last chapter was frustrating...I definitely think we could do better. Don’t you agree?

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I am a Bug: Chapter 4 Preview · 6:09am Jun 22nd, 2016

Yeah, it's been too long.. you guys deserve at least a sneak peak into what I've written for your patience though. Here ya go.

Chapter 4: Let’s Show Off.
“Serena, something’s wrong. I’m going in, you need to stay here.” I urgently told my driver as she finished parking. Chrysalis, evidently in agreement, cast some sort of lock spell over Serena’s seat belt just before she could pop it open. With that, I opened my door and shot out of it running as fast as I could. I found, much to my surprise, that I’d taken on not only Sam’s appearance, but his sword and speed as well. So, naturally, I gripped the sheath of the sword where I could pull the trigger if I needed to, and my other hand on the blade’s hilt.
Once I got to the doors, I found out why everyone was crowded at the door trying to get out. People were shouting about a bomb, and some crazy people with guns taking control of the place. I turned to the only one there that looked reasonable under the circumstances.
“I need a way in. I’m going to help.” I told him. I almost hadn’t noticed I was still using Sam’s voice, but that didn’t seem to phase the guy.
“Try the roof. There might be a way in up there, a roof access or something. Just don’t get caught like the rest.” He pleaded. I nodded and kicked Sam’s speed into gear again. I ran around the corner, gripping my sword tightly to keep it from slapping my ass with every step.
Hey, Chrysalis? Can changelings walk on walls? I asked quickly.
[Yes, we can. But I have a little advice. Wouldn’t Bayoneta fit our skill set better?] Chrysalis replied. I blinked, having been in the middle of stepping onto the wall when she made the suggestion.
You mean we can do Bullet Time stuff? I asked in surprise. When I saw the world blur into green around us, and a flying bird slowing down until it nearly stopped, I took that as my answer. I grinned in excitement as I changed my form once again, becoming Bayoneta, as per Chrysalis’s suggestion. I thought about how Chryssie even knew about Bayoneta as I scaled the wall, and Chryssie’s quick-time spell wore off when I reached the top. I ended up shrugging the question off as it being whatever gave her the knowledge of Deus Ex Machina.
True to the Non-panicked dude’s word, there was a roof access. Unfortunately, like the rest of the complex, it was locked down. So I had to fix that with a bullet to the locking mechanism. It broke easily enough, and I had to smile at that. This was gonna be easier than taking a stroll through Ponyville.
...How did I know what that’s like? Chrysalis, I think our memories are bleeding together. I warned.
[Really, now? I’ll have to keep an eye on them, make sure they don’t mix so much we forget who we are.] she replied as I kicked open the door. I nodded in reply as I advanced down the stairs.
Good. I’d definitely prefer to have no more of you than your experience in my personality. I said. I slowed down once I got to the bottom, and took a cautious peek around the corner, guns ready in case I got spotted. I wasn’t, sadly, but I did see a couple of goons taking their jobs very seriously. They were guarding the exit.
“Hey, dumbasses!” I shouted in Lingish. Of course, to them it just sounded like bug noises. They both turned towards me, and I ducked out of sight.
“What was that?” One of them asked.
“I dunno… It could be nothing, but we ought to check it out just in case. I’ll go ahead, you watch my back.” One of them said. I smirked to myself as I hid from them above.
However, I found myself surprised when I dropped down to deliver a stealth takedown, only to be quickly sidestepped. Evidently, these guys weren’t idiots. I reacted quickly to the surprise dodge, and brought up my right hand to try shooting him in the face, but he caught my hand with his own gun wielding one.
“Well, isn’t this interesting? And here I thought you two were just chumps like every typical bad guy.” I said with a taunting, yet sexy smirk.
“You aren’t so bad yourself. If only we were on the same side.” The man I clashed with replied. I heard a gun cocking behind me, and I took that as my cue to Witch Time, using the enhancement of my reflexes to swing my right foot out behind me to kick the second guy’s gun out of his hand. Once Number Two was disarmed, I focused more on the first guy. Immediately, the two of us began a dance of a spar, him mainly using his fists and gun, while I used every gun on me. His friend, though clearly less trained in the martial arts, at least came to contribute, but he never got a hit in.
“Damn, lady. How much ammo you got in those things?” Number One asked at one point, after having tried to back off for the third time, unsuccessfully to try and reload.
“What’s the matter? Can’t stand the idea you’ve got so little to offer?” I asked tauntingly. That got his “friend” to laugh, giving away his position. I merely pointed my left gun at him and fired, finally finishing him off. With that over with, I sauntered over to the fighter.
“Well, as fun as you’ve been, sweetheart, this has gone on for long enough. I think it’s finally time I got serious.” I said before holstering my guns. My hands lit up green with my magic, and a large circle appeared on the floor under the guy, with some fancy runes thrown in for effect. “Good night, honey!” I said, blowing him a kiss before casting the spell.Thanks to Chrysalis managing the spell, it actually did come out looking like a giant fist.
Thank you for the most badass moment of my life, Chrysalis. I thought as I relished the sight of the two beaten terrorists.
[Don’t thank me yet. You still have the other ones to deal with.] She replied. I nodded, heading to the entrance those two were guarding. Just out there was the stage, looking out on a massive crowd of cosplayers and con goers. I carefully looked around, setting eyes on every goon with a gun here. There were a lot, but if I could take out the guys in the balcony without alerting anyone, I might actually stand a chance. I suppose now it was time to go ninja again. Though rather than get into Sam’s disguise, I just let this one drop. I still needed more energy to fuel things like that.

That'll be all I spoil for now. There's more, but I still gotta work out whether or not the ensuing fight is good as is, or if it needs more work. I'm personally leaning toward the latter.

Report Switchlock · 401 views · Story: I am a Bug. ·
Comments ( 1 )

OooOOOwwwww this is gonna be good

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