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  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2020


Humanity has spent thousands of years perfecting the indoors, so why would we want to go outside?

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Britain is Leaving the EU (Warning! Political views and facts ahead + wall of text) · 9:42am Jun 24th, 2016

Nationalism has had it's way once more... :applejackconfused:

So. Yesterday a referendum took place where the British peeps voted on whether we should leave the EU. This arose after the strong opinion within the population that we could operate outside the EU. Lemme' go over a few things.

Anyone can operate as an independant country. That's the whole bloody point of being a country, you're an independant soverign state whole can function on it's lonesome. Britain is not a weak country, it can operate fine by itself. The EU was the idea that we could all be a part of something greater. It was an ideology, similar to the UN. That all our countries would work together to tackle each other's problems. Then a couple of things happened. Here's one.

I can't remember the exact story, but here's the lo-down. A bunch of countries, namely African, borrowed a crap-load of money from the EU which in typical EU fashion, we all chipped in for. Then those countries wasted it all on shit they don't need and used it to fund their problems. Essentially they used the money we gave them to solve their issues on progressing the fucking problem.

Then they owed us even more. So, with frustrated face in palms the EU allowed some of their debt to slide so they didn't have such a collosal amount to pay back, but it's still way to big for a tiny economy like an African nation to pay back short term. Now every fucker in the EU owes each other for the losses we had. So now we're all in debt as well.

Then the Greek economy nearly collapsed and Britain, Germany and France had to practically run their country for them. THEN we started getting hundreds of thousands of migrants from northern Africa all looking for somewhere that wasn't half on fire and with bullet-storms in every town.

That set off the idea that maybe the EU wasn't a very good place to be in any more. So UKIP got on their band-wagon once more and released to the public that we pay 350 Million a week to the EU. This made all the nationalists go fucking insane and go crazy to leave the EU. Because apparently, it's enough to build a new hospital every week. Then we had the whole fiasco you can see leading up to the referendum.

I'm going to clarify few things. First of all! £350,000,000 What does that mean? Not much. Considering we spend around £190,000,000,000 annually on social protection alone, 350 mill is nothing. And besides, with the amount we spend on health, £11,900,000,000, what makes you think they would build new hospitals? Doesn't seem very high on their priorities to me...

And finally. I seriously cannot believe people still make blind decisions based on what politicans, of all people, claim. We are one of the longest surviving political cultures, with hundreds upon hundreds of years of politics behind us, and people still trust them to say the whole truth... I think I might just crawl into a corner and die... UKIP do not care about you. Yes, 350 mill can build a hospital. Will it? Of course it won't, because it'll be spent on something pointless. And I don't remember anyone in UK politics saying anything of actual value. Noone has any plans on what to do now, noone knows what is going to happen. We can make an educated guess, but that's all.

I believe we just blindly threw ourselves to the wolves, hoping to come out of the fight with some nice fur hide. They're fucking wolves, m8. They'll kill you.

That is all. I'll see you later.

Report Lazy_ · 418 views · #UK Politics
Comments ( 10 )

They are so many country ball memes of Germany asking greece to pay its debts, like their everywhere. Makes me laugh.

true, but the EU might not let the UK leave, (speaking as an American) i don't think they want your lot to leave; seeing as the pound fucking sterling is so powerful.

considering that a while back some other country was told that they couldn't eave because they ' didn't''t vote right ' or some such nonsense.

We've pretty much got it down that we're leaving, 52% doesn't lie, 17 million people. Now Scottland want to leave the UK because they had 60% of their people wanting to remain in the EU. £ dropped by 10% in value overnight, the world shit itself.

4045922 cracks me up every time

That set off the idea that maybe the EU wasn't a very good place to be in any more.

I can't imagine why ...

So UKIP got on their band-wagon once more and released to the public that we pay 350 Million a week to the EU.

"Released to the public" ... um, was this supposed to be kept secret or something?

I think what bothered people even more is:

(1) The Schengen Agreement -- which meant that you would be unable to prevent having absurd numbers of uncivilized, misogynistic and terroristic Muslim supremacists coming in eery year, because it would be illegal to do so,

(2) Subordination of British law to EU regulations, which meant that your laws would be made for you by unelected officials and could not be changed by the elected ones,


(3) The fact that the EU was about to acquire an army, meaning that past a certain point they might not have let you leave in the future.

But what do I know? I'm an American, and half the things you have to worry about our Constitution protects us from.

Oh, and who are the "wolves?" Obviously not the EU -- you're pulling out of it. Nor the Muslim immigrants -- you will now have the right to reject them. So which "wolves" are you talking about?

By "Released to the public", I mean that they simply told them something they couldn't be othered to research themselves without any context. And the 'wolves' thing was a metaphor for putting yourself into a possible risky situation without any real plan before you do it.


I don't actually see much risk here to Britain that wasn't GREATER in the EU.


Happily Britain is leaving before the EU acquired the military might to force them to stay.

It's more the fact that it was done without any fore-thought that bothered me. Everyone just blindly walked into the decision without any knowledge of any plans or even as to why they should vote leave. Most of it was done sheerly out of nationalism, which ticks me off.

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