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I am Dennis I come from Greece. I am 30 currently and I have finished computer engineering.

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Political Blog: Through the eyes of a Greek · 7:20pm Jun 25th, 2016

Yall about to receive a good ol rant/warning. You've been warned.

Left vs Right
Let me just say a few things. Under conservative right wing party Greece gave bankers money so they could keep money circulating in the banks.

It failed.

Under their rule we actually gave investors money... to come and invest back in our country ((because logic)).

It of course amounted to JACK SHIT.

Under Right Wing party "NEW DEMOCRACY" aka "Νέα Δημοκρατία" we were reassured that we wouldn't be affected by the Goldman Shacs fall and the resulting economic crisis.


Before the most recent election of Tsipras and SIRIZA we also had the right wing "New Democracy" party absolutely bow down and obey everything that the EU told us to do. Years later the memorandums continue and show no signs of stopping. True some rights were rightfully cut but they didn't stop there. They used us as Guinea pigs to test our tolerance.

I of course have a few thing to say about the "left wing" and the "socialists" ‪#‎not‬ of the "Pasok" party. They largely played the "Greater Fool" ploy while trying to handle an issue that they failed to handle or had their tasks remain incomplete. Allegedly the two presidents from there Simitis and Papandreou are two big failures that we have ever seen.

However I will also admit that Simitis is responsible for our entry in the EU which later under Papandreou's leadership completed the bridge of Rio-Antirio allowing people to be able to cut almost 300km of distance while treading through Greece((Though people still prefer the ships because less costy on tolls)).

So next time you say "X party is better" or "Y party is fool of illiterate fools"... remember this. The current party that rules Greece consists of members from multiple sides of the spectrum, it defends Greece and tries to at least not get bullies by every memorandum that says we gotta cut the pensions... AGAIN, right now in the parliament exists a Neo-Nazi/Patriotic bs party called "Golden Dawn" that has been responsible for murders, shady deals, KKK-like behavior, crime activities... and people voted for them because they wanted to cause noise in the parliament.

Pretty much both sides have failed us... and this is all going straight to hell. There's no "leftist" ideology, no "socialism" right now. Don't bs me and try to tell me that either side has some superiority over the other... YOU BOTH SUCK. Maybe republicans suck more.

I just hope that either side will keep some reason and pull the stick up its ass.

Politics Memes
Oooh! A meme! How smart, nice, intelligent and witty. I can feel the delight of the sarcasm dripping.


The disgrace of the conversation is insane. One after the other people use memes to be condescending, mean, and mock people. All this just to try and demonstrate intelligence. No. You're not smart... you're just trying to sound cool. Get that stick up your ass and actually think before disgracing the art of conversation.

Guns and ammo
Nobody can take all your guns. According to your second amendment you have the right ((but not entitled to)) buy a gun and use it to defend yourself from whatever oppressive force you see.

Doesn't mean any other country besides America has to live by the same rules.

It also means that since this is a constitutional right that it can't be taken away from you unless 30 or more states vote for it. Thinking anyone is going to take that right is... well not true.

Most people just want the laws that enforce strict background checking to actually be valid and not for everyone to be able to just buy a gun on the go.

Now I hate Hilary as much as the next person buuuuuuuuuuuut... I gotta say something alarming. This guy has much similarities with an alarming individual that we Greeks know of and voted for. Let me present to you.... Mr Kasidiaris.

He's the stricter, more brutal, more audacious version of Trump.

His party hides the swastika behind the Greek Maiandros symbol. His party is a Neo-Nazi party with elements of nationalism and allures people with the promise of "riding Greece from traitors/corrupt".
The members share an abundance of love for guns, hiding them, and of course with no license, and train as if prepared to commit insurgence. members also claimed to "sleep with their guns" as if they were their wives. *sigh*

He has a fucking model/slut/whatever you want to call her right now next to him ((who's in it for the money probably)).
Has suspicious funding in his party.
Now while this is not a common point please allow me to say a few things. Members are suspected to have murdered an anti-fascist rapper((the party denies involvement or the fact that the perpetrator phoned to the party's headquarters before)).

He has also attacked other members or parties like the Communist KKE and then hid for two days so he can countersue and not be caught in cold blood.

I tell you this... if such as I said Trump is a more tame version of this person... you better watch out.

Trump says he's going to build a wall.
We did it already. It's done mostly shit. Granted we're a sea country but as far as I know immigrants to you aren't coming by plane. At least most of them. If the immigrants want to go away from their country... they're going to find a way.

They'll find a way.

The problem has a root. And shoving people left and right isn't going to stop it. I think we tried invading (see Afganistan) and we can see that didn't go anywhere in the end (see ISIS being a product of Al-Kaida).

Final points
There's a lack of awareness in people today. I'm not joking... people are thinking about bombing Agrabah.

Do you know what Agrabah is? THE CITY FROM ALLADIN.

... Yea... CLUELESS.

Some people who voted for the BREXIT ((Brittain's Exit from the Eurozone, but not the coin since they never had it...))
Searched for what even IS the EU or the Euro. Wow... like... really? And this happened AFTER.

30% of the people didn't vote btw. The decision was very narrow 51% and some did it because of immigration. But that's not the main point...

Some didn't even THINK about what they did. Stupid much?

We need to start getting more active in our politics, start some conversations, push for SOMETHING to be done. Why do you think the democrat party did a sit-in? http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/06/house-democrats-sit-in-guns/488444/

Politicians oughta do more things about the major issues that plague society, and not just sit in and ignore everything. Democrats oughta start saying that as much right as everyone has, everyone has got to think of their due.
WARNING:The following videos linked vary on the relevance with the sentence associated.
Republicans need to start remembering what Republican means and that Patriotism and Nationalism doesn't equate xenophobia.


I see people starting to panic, and then act offending that there aren't thick-skinned people.


Stop doing shit in the name of someone. Do things for reasons that don't involve what you believe in, but what is FACTUALLY CORRECT.

Stop being disingenuous.

Act. Vote. Talk. Protest. Go in the streets...

It's time you looked around.

One thing is certain. Everything is in question... nothing is reliable.

Comments ( 9 )

Sounds like the world is going further down the drain than anyone expected it too.

4048383 It's time to do something.

4048393 Got it, steal launch codes and send us back to the dark ages.
... That's not where you were going with this is it?

4048457 Okay then, I'll file that one away for a rainy day. How about getting into politics and making the world a better place.

4048467 Keep your eyes peeled.

4048588 Oh, you've already started to take that step.

I think I know what do you mean by all of this.

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