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... *Spoilers for Captain America Steve Rogers #2* · 3:23am Jun 29th, 2016


So...apparently that WHOLE month long anger and rage mongering thing by Marvel about Hydra Cap? The one that got a LOT of people enraged, angry, upset, canceling comic books, and sending DEATH THREATS to the authors.

The one we were REPEATEDLY told was not brainwashing, would be permanent, would change Captain America as you know him, and so on and so forth? That he wasn't a clone, he wasn't brainwashed, he wasn't turned evil by time travel, this has ALWAYS been Steve Rogers?

Yeah, he was actually brainwashed the entire time by cosmic cube lady via Red Skull. His indoctrination memories were false ones implanted there. Marvel lied through their teeth just to make us all furious in a shameless publicity stunt.

For those who don't want to read the entire article:

"Captain America: Steve Rogers #2, from the creative team of writer Nick Spencer and artist Jesus Saiz, reveals that Steve's memories of indoctrination were implanted by Kobik, the sentient Cosmic Cube who became a girl. Not only that, but Kobik has been under the influence of Steve Rogers' most fearsome archenemies, the Red Skull, for months."

Now, let me explain: I'm OKAY with this twist in and of itself. This is actually a decent plot twist.

No, what makes me mad is the blatant LYING and PRAYING ON THEIR FAN BASE that Marvel did!

Your fan base is enraged because of a twist? Well why don't you outright TELL them that the plot twist that enraged them so much isn't brainwashing of any kind, isn't time travel or any other possible thing, it's Captain America choosing to be a member of HYDRA and stroke the flames for an ENTIRE MONTH purely because we're going to do an insensitive, money grabbing publicity stunt that's going to get our writers DEATH THREATS!

I mean it's not like you could just say 'hey, wait a month and it will make sense then' or nothing, right? I mean all that would do is get people CURIOUS about what's going to happen and fairly likely to read the next issue, that's not a stupid idea at all, is it?

I'd like this twist if it weren't for how much of a blatantly obvious, money grabbing, insensitive, and INSULTING attempt at a publicity stunt that shows NO respect for the audience AT ALL!

Seriously, Marvel. FOUR FREAKING WORDS: wait until next month. That is LITERALLY all you had to say for this to be an intriguing and fun storyline, but you just HAD to ruin it, didn't you? You just HAD to spit in everyone's faces just to make them mad, didn't you?

Someone on one of my journal's posted this, and I think it accurately portrays what Marvel has done:

Comments ( 9 )

..... I'm scared now. I'm kinda glad at Marvel and yes not HAPPY but I am mostly more glad that this was the twist.

4055301 I'm perfectly fine with the twist honestly, it's Marvel's behavior I can't stand.

4055326 DC would be no better.

Knew it. Still, they are dicks.

I've yet to read the actual comic and saw the FCBD issue 0 before I saw the article for the first time. My reaction was surprise and interest in how this could be. I have only this to say regarding this reveal: I TOTALLY BUCKING CALLED IT!!!! :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage: Seriously it couldn't be more obvious the Red Skull had something to do with this and involving the Cosmic Cube especially with his line about meeting on the battlefield with Cap is when he truly wins. Plus it technically does line up with what they said. He wasn't mind controlled or brainwashed as those are 2 separate methods altogether. What this was, was rewriting one's memories with fake ones added in so they'd believe they were always a sleeper agent and choosing of their own accord to become a member of their archenemy instead of being forced against their will to like mind control and brainwashing both are by definition are known for. The Red Skull even stated earlier that the best way for him to win is to Cap to choose Hydra, not force him as that's the best way to break our american hero.

A part of me wonders if something didn't happen in between then and now. Like, maybe Spencer DID intend to go through with this twist, but the moment the backlash came in he was forced to rewrite this by both marvel and Disney as a way of damage control. Like tgey saw how many people objected to it (Including Cap's own actor) and realized that there was no profit in it at all.

I came to this theory because, well, with things like Superior Spider-man or Electric Superman, they at least waited six months to a year befoire pulling the "This was our plan all along" card

Fuck Marvel. First all this SJW crap they're pulling, and then they took my inspirational hero from me. Now they're just "It's a prank bro."

I wish a bitch would, if Marvel was a person it'd have its knees broke.

I have 6 words for Marvel. Keep. This. OUT. Of. The. MCU. Because while I'm all for an interesting plot twist, this twist makes Kingdom Hearts look sensible and Shymalan's twists intelligent.

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