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Sea-quil to The One Who Got Away — Drifting Down the Lazy River (in process) · 3:50am Jun 30th, 2016

Just wanted to take a moment to directly confirm The One Who Got Away is getting a sequel, Drifting Down the Lazy River, in which a young orphaned colt with a talent for painting decides to get on a raft and float down the river to Baltimare, where he will seek his fortune as an artist.

It probably would work better if he was older than 11. Or if he did not trust everything the river’s inhabitants told him. Particularly Ripple, when she gets an idea (below)

“Do you know anywhere around here where I can get some food?” he asked, with great hesitation and the unspoken addition of “And not fish” because of the conversation they had last night.

The little seapony’s ears drooped and she shuffled to the edge of the raft. “No. You probably…” Ripple vanished off the edge of the raft with a deceptively-small splash and giving Turpentine a brief glimpse of the way her thin tail and hind flippers fit together into what appeared at first glance to be a larger solid tail. She surfaced after a moment and swam to the deep edge of the raft, with the river water streaming off her face looking almost like tears.

It gave Turpentine an odd feeling under his ribs to see Ripple rest her chin on the log and look away from him, almost as if he had done something terrible by offering her that dry alfalfa biscuit. He moved forward and crouched down next to her before whispering, “I have a couple of packages of hot chocolate powder, if that would help. I was going to save them until I reached Baltimare, but we could drink them now, since you’re hungry.”

She shook her head at first, then paused, looking at the rising sun. “Actually,” she started with a gradual rising of her ears and some of the earlier eagerness coming back into her voice. Ripple lit up her horn and the slim silver ring around the base took flight, floating over the raft and landing around the handle of one of the brushes he had gotten out to dry. “I have an idea for breakfast, but you need to trust me.”

“Okay.” Turpentine eyed the little seapony as she paddled backwards for a short distance, leaving a wide bit of river water between them. “What are you doing?”

“You have to trust me,” she called back. “Lean out over the river.”

“Like this?” Turpentine moved up to the edge of the raft and looked down. The water was fairly clear, but he could not see the sandy bottom of the river from here, and that made him nervous.

“Farther. I mean further. More,” said Ripple, splashing water in all directions in excitement.

“I don’t understand,” said Turpentine. He did not see anything under the water that looked even remotely like food, but Ripple seemed to know what she was doing. She was pretty smart, for a younger filly, so maybe she had tucked away a waterproof picnic basket on the river bottom. He leaned just the smallest bit more out over the water to get a better look when there was a sharp pain in his rear end, and he pitched forward into the deep water.

Comments ( 26 )

I've been getting a lot of faves on One lately, so I thought I should stir the pot a little.

I really loved the first one, so I can't wait to see how this one goes ;3


He leaned just the smallest bit more out over the water to get a better look when there was a sharp pain in his rear end, and he pitched forward into the deep water.

...And in that moment Turpentine suddenly remembered all those stories and tales his grandmum used to regale him with about river kelpies and lake sirens who lured Unwary Adventurers and Disobedient Little Colts Who Did Not Listen and Wait One Hour After Grazing to go Swimming to a watery and partially digested grave...

This should be fun.

What's the status of the Child of Everfree story?


4057790 Working. Hey, I still have four months.
4057792 Hush, you've got Silver Glow's journal entries to write. Besides, I'm not done yet :pinkiehappy:
4057781 That would be a really horrible way to end the story. And then Ripple ate him. The end. Anyway, he does have an expert with him.

“Well, in Captain Hornblatt and the Seven Seas, Lanyard the Cabin Colt was trapped in a sea cave guarded by a huge pile of seaweed that turned into a huge tentacled monster whenever he tried to escape.” Turpentine furrowed his brow in thought. “I tried to draw a picture of it, but the book didn’t give a very good description.”

“Oh, those aren’t kelpies, they’re just Ambling Weeds,” said Ripple. “They’re not as scary when you realize you can eat them. What are changelings? Do they show up in a book too?”

Yes yes yes.
Can't wait.


That would be a really horrible way to end the story. And then Ripple ate him. The end.

Oh no no no!

I did not mean it like that. All those stories were just simply that: stories to get Turpentine to behave.

("Wait one hour after grazing before swimming Turp! You would not want to end up like Daring Do's foolish sister, Brave Braggart, who got pulled under by a sea pony now would you?"

"But mum! I am not swimming, I am wading")

I would imagine all those morality tales and whatnot would suddenly spring to the forefront of his mind in that split-second before he got dunked...

I'm surprised you didn't name him Huckleberry. :pinkiehappy:

That said, awesome! The One Who Got Away was a lovely story, so a (loose) sequel sounds just great.

Ah, youth. So naive. So trusting. So easily pranked.

I just hope he'll learn the right lessons from this experience.


this is going to be good


I'm surprised you didn't name him Huckleberry.

Well, he's not a seapony, he hasn't got Fins. :trollestia:

4057964 The pull quotes at the top of each chapter will be coming from Huckleberry Finn, because I love Mark Twain. Let me give you an example.

Disclaimer: Quotes for this story are out of Mark Twain’s, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. As the author plainly stated in his book:


PERSONS⁽*⁾ attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot⁽¹⁾.

BY ORDER OF THE AUTHOR, Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance.

(*) or ponies
(1) in a metaphorical context only, or if physical force is needed, lemon meringue pies

This author takes no responsibility for any youth of any age who attempt to emulate the activities in this story, not limited to snuggling, swimming in unchlorinated water, spending time relaxing in the sun instead of doing work, roasting marshmallows over a campfire, or other such activities frowned upon by their elders who don’t remember what it is like to be young anymore.

4057828 Well, amidst the screaming and the splashing and the sight of the river's surface getting further away as he sinks...

...and the really odd sensation of spell-created gills.


persons attempting to find a plot in it

A... "plot", you say? :trollestia:


BY ORDER OF THE AUTHOR, Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance.

"Ordinance Chief" seems to be a perfectly cromulent name for a pony Chief of Ordinance in the Royal Equestrian Army...

Quotes for this story are out of Mark Twain’s, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Now I cannot help but wonder about a Huck Finn/MLP crossover:
- Turp befriends a Crystal Pony slave escaping from the Crystal Empire.
- The ongoing feud between the Hooffields and the McColts.
- Flim and Flam join the group and con ponies in riverside town by posing as the Duke of Griffonstone and King of Yakyakistan.
- Crystal pony ends up staying at Sweet Apple Acres before he is freed.

When you publish a sequel, does it appear in the feed of the users tracking the original story?

Sorry, I'm just over here squeeing...

4065381 not unless they're following him. The cromulent method is to publish it, link it to the original as a sequel, and then post a blog linked to the original.


then Ripple ate him.

... We think we've been reading to many of the giggity Fics...

This is gonna be so awesome I can't wait! :pinkiegasp:

Surely we will get the sea-quill soon. I hope.

4376221 Working on chapter 17 of 18 right now. PM me if you want to help edit.

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