• Member Since 31st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 19th, 2023

Troublesome Beast

I don't know, man. Those weasels were on fire when I got here.

More Blog Posts91

  • 257 weeks

    Fleeting thing, that, completion. But occasionally, found. Another one finished. I've decided to put the bridge and the follow-up as separate fics, to preserve theme a it better.

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  • 257 weeks

    Just in case I'm not the only one who didn't see my update go, Part II of Heavenly Press is up. There will be a part III before the bridge.

    Side note: anyone with some ideas for some other SFW Celestia muscly pics to use as a cover story for the follow up, I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks for your time and your interest!

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  • 257 weeks
    Regarding editing

    As has been the case with my other recent fics and chapters, this is self-edited, and if a lawyer who represents themselves has a fool for a client, an author who edits themselves does so blindly. If I've missed anything, please PM me; I'll try to correct. My apologies for the somewhat unchecked purpling of prose and muscling of bodies.

    ... okay, not that last one.

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  • 257 weeks
    Thoughts on Pressing Matters

    At this point in my life, pressing matters are mainly health, and financial. Pain of the body, pain of the heart, and the pain of bills. But it does sadden me a bit that it's hard going even trying to self-edit further chapters of Hunting Season, a planned follow-up I'd started for that, Twilight's Thrones, and any of the other things I'd planned or started.

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  • 265 weeks


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    3 comments · 413 views

Wow! · 4:59pm Jul 24th, 2016

That is my first trip to the featured box. Thank you all very much for your interest and support, and especially thank you to Megapone, my spouse, and the various others who put up with my hacking at this until it was acceptable. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story, and more to come!

Comments ( 13 )

Hope you're get more trips to the Featured Drug. :twilightsmile:

4113563 Mmmm. Popular attention, right in my veins! Thank you kindly!

4113565 No problem. The more good stuff, the better, yesh?

4114005 Any toughts on how to start?

4114241 To write your own fic? It's an individual process; I started writing mine after imagining stories for a while and deciding to fill in the blanks by hammering out how to make it fit into the world. I guess-- figure out a question you'd like answered, a type of scene you'd like to see, or a story you'd like to hear. Do a quick check to see if it's feasible or if it'd have other problems, and if you think it'll work, just start writing at whatever point in the story you can imagine.

When you're first writing, don't worry too much about your typos _for your first draft_, but never post your first draft unaltered. If you can get editorial help or even just pre-readers, that's great, but once your first draft is completed-- what's called a vomit draft-- go back over it yourself for spelling, to see if you missed a concept, or if something doesn't work and needs to be fixed and then hand it to your editor/pre-readers.

The trick is basically to balance two poles: One, your story will be weaker if it's harder for people to understand, and it will be stronger if it's reviewed by someone who doesn't have your internal knowledge of the first place, so editing is a _necessity_, but on two, if you edit in the middle you can drown yourself in perfectionism, constantly changing one paragraph or sentence again and again until nothing gets done. Avoiding that paralysis is why you "vomit up" the first draft, get it complete, and then go back and fix, so you at least have a skeleton to know what you're doing. :)

Good luck!

4114324 My fear is for my main ideas to be hard to understand and if the character is going to be likeable... but I'll try my best.

4114431 Well-- there's two things there. For the main idea to be understandable, that's about the craft. It may not be great the first time, but then you take the criticism and build on from there. For the main character to be likable, that's on you; if you feel that their characteristics will make them seem unrelatable or as someone the reader isn't going to find pleasant to be on the 'side' of, you may wish to change them-- if that's the goal you want. Having a despicable and despised viewpoint/protagonist character isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it means you do have to accept that some people may reject it just for that. Reading, especially fanfic, is a pleasure/recreation activity after all.

4114770 Wwll, my main idea has a protagonist that is hard to describe: he has dark past, isn't the master of his situations, a watcher rather than a talker, introvert, tries to become good and has aa belief that the world isn't pure good - also of the need to make some evil if you need to come on top as the good guy.

You think Unwitting Armaggeddon, because it's his name, could work?

4114839 So-- to put this carefully-- you're describing a list of traits, rather than a person. He is this, he believes that, but no real sense of why or how. He also comes off like a lot of other characters do, the brooding watcher/loner with a troubled past and persecution is _very_ commonly done. If you want to make that kind of a character, that's cool, but if you don't want to be dismissed as just one of a crowd, you'll need to find ways to turn him against the type a little without conflicting with the rest of him. It's not easy.

My advice would be to take a look at the story you want to tell and see if it requires a character like that. Maybe it does; Sin City has its flaws, but it wouldn't have worked if Marv was able to see more of the light in his life. And yet, he had his ideals, his integrity, and those evils that he would not cross. But there's a difference between _requires_, and just "seems to fit best." Sometimes, taking someone with hope and idealism and letting them survive with that partially intact can do more to explore a dark setting _because_ they shine a light on it; their differences illuminate it and let the reader explore what makes it unique with you.

If on the other hand, you're making the story to fit the character, you might want to either put him into a place where his perspective won't be reinforced (so we're back to the story again), or double-check your traits and see "is this a living, distinguishable person I can imagine, or are these just things I find neat?" If it's the latter, I might work on concentrating on two or three, and developing a more personalized, you-specific character to help distinguish both the character and your story for others like it.

One thing that I would highly recommend as writing exercises is once you are certain of your character, and have a background that explains his beliefs and mannerisms and actions and fits within your fanon for mlp, is to write some stuff about him doing just ordinary things. Eating with friends, or if not friends, at least associates. Reading. Walking around a neighborhood and thinking. Enjoying some form of hobby. It'll give you practice, and help you say, "Okay, so he's got x hobby. Why? What does he enjoy about it?" The more questions like that you answer for yourself without publishing those bits-- two old writer tricks, know more than you show and always show more than you tell-- the more easy it will be to bring a given interaction with the character and the world to life. Subtle things can say a LOT.

And the name is a bit pretentious; that's going to turn people off, too. I would recommend picking something a bit more subtle and no more violent than Shining Armor or Stout Spear, even if you keep your motif.

4114875 Remember we're talking abaut an idea. Pieces to build something. And in terms of his past - it's something on the side, not impacting upon him outside of his dreams. I also wanted to make him ignore his memory at some point.

As for story - he isn't a sole protagonist, there will be 6 of them. All start off as those random ponies with their goals but all end up targeted by >>redacted<< that can come for them at any time, so they have to band together and get to like each other. Later a mentor will reveal himself and starts to teach them how to properly defend themselves on something other than luck. And so on. It's a journey of constant evolution of the heroes and their virtues.

The name is gonna stay. No way I'm gonna change it. The story is ought to have dark moments and Armaggeddon's name is a bit of a refrence to my surname noone seems to write the right way - it's staying.

The other protagonists are starting their personality a bit better. For egzample: Beidge Blitz, a Pegasus Warlock - a grumpy pessimist who become the magic user he is today because of his brother who get evrything while Blitz always was left with nothing - no love from his parents, no money, no education of his own, etc. He is so used to fighting his uphill batte to get anything; glory, money, goods, so he can once say that he is better.

4115085 That's your choice then; it's going to be your hurdle to overcome, as long as you're going in eyes-open.

4115182 I have ways to work around the weaknesses I have. But no story or concept is without flaws.

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