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    S9E26 - The Last Problem


    In a distant future, Princess Twilight Sparkle attempts to solve a student's friendship problem.

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    S9E24-25 - The Ending of the End


    24 - A villainous alliance unleashes their power on Equestria.
    25 - The Mane Six face off against Equestria's most dangerous foes.

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    S9E23 - The Big Mac Question


    Without telling each other, Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle have devised unorthodox methods to propose marriage.

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    S9E22 - Growing Up Is Hard To Do


    When the Cutie Mark Crusaders are magically transformed into grownups,they discover that growing up the right way means gaining experience and wisdom that simply can’t be rushed.

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    S9E21 - Daring Doubt


    When another author releases his own version of the events in AK Yearling’s Daring Do books, Rainbow Dash is furious, while Fluttershy is curious to know the truth.

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    S9E20 - A Horse Shoe In


    Starlight decides to hire a Vice Headmare in preparation to take over the School of Friendship from Twilight. But she soon realizes that hiring the right pony for the job is going to be a lot harder than she thought.

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    S9E19 - Dragon Dropped


    Rarity worries she’s done something to upset Spike when he stops making time for her.

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    S9E18 - She Talks To Angel


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    S9E17 - The Summer Sun Setback


    Twilight is determined to make Celestia and Luna's last Summer Sun Celebration memorable, but things start going horribly wrong.

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    S9E16 - A Trivial Pursuit


    Twilight's hopes of keeping her Trivia Trot winning streak alive are waylaid when she's unexpectedly paired up with Pinkie Pie, who has never been to a trivia night before.

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Episode Discussion » S6E13 - Stranger than Fanfiction · 3:20pm Jul 30th, 2016

Clearly whoever named this episode doesn't actually know anything about Fanfiction.

Comments ( 233 )

Yep, apparently not. The world of fanfics is a strange place... (Nods sagely)

Just asking Knighty, but where do you get these images? This latest one is sooooo cute!:heart:

Likely DeviantArt. Derpibooru if he wants a fresh screencap of his waifu.

They've obviously never been on fimfiction.

Clearly whoever named this episode doesn't actually know anything about Fanfiction.

I'm inclined to agree.

You could've just flown the whole way, Daring Do.

Dashie goes to Comic Con

4122116 That's what its looking like

However, they have watched way too many reviews and analyzes. Quibble was a perfect parrot of the stuck up nerds and Rainbow was perfect representing the more relaxed yet still not casual fans. Quibble's character was more realistic and more funny than anything the Big Bang Theory (which is supposed to show nerds in a nerdy environment) ever conceived, though that is not saying much.

Also, that Daring Do bondage body pillow

4122116 Shouldn't it be called PonyCon?:derpytongue2:

I ship it.

Headcanon: Every new episode has a new ship.

Oh God, it's a Star Wars fan argument spoof

I can sense the fandomness in these two.

Maybe they are talking about this site!!!
Illuminati confirmed

Thou wert saying?

How did they not see them around them?

nope because fanfiction is insane to crap to gold or a mix of all 3
Stranger than Fanfiction if you want stranger its impossible

I want a dakimakura for Christmas. . . .

The first half of this episode sorta reminded me of BronyCon lol

4122121 And the henchpony who has bought a daikamura of Daring Doo. That's some Empowered shit right there.

Sarcastic Quibble is pretty funny.

Quibble's getting on my nerves. Few ponies are nearly as stubborn.

4122143 It was definitely inspired by cons, the show staff has been to enough of them over the years.

Great episode, I really enjoyed it. Poor Twilight, though.

I could see these three having their own adventures elsewhere.


This was a great episode for me. I'm happy to have seen it.

4122159 Nope. They said friends. :pinkiecrazy:

I liked the credits. Quibble DOES NOT KNOW when to shut up.

Patton Oswalt, ladies and gentlemen.


I sense a ship. :rainbowwild:

And as the credits started rolling, Rainbow Dash realized she just should have let the crocodile monster eat the other guy.

Well, that got uncomfortably metareferential at times.

Man, Quibble was Mr. Negative.

BenRG #38 · Jul 30th, 2016 · · 1 ·

That was the coolest fan-appreciation episode ever! I just loved how they addressed so much of the whole issue of different fans loving different aspects of the fandom and how these schisms create wholly-artificial feuds that shouldn't really matter for those who love it. Just like we Bronies have sects: Some love the original 'moral of the week' episodic format. Some were attracted by the character growth and surprisingly complex interactions and then some were even attracted by Equestria Girls! Yet, these are all valid viewpoints and DHX were reminding us of that. We're all fans and we're all loving parts of the same wonderful experience.

Oh, I'm expecting a tidal wave of QuibbleDash shipper fictions with the existing DashShip shippers fighting a furious rearguard action against it. Which just goes to show that fandoms will always form split opinions that shouldn't ever divide us! FWIW, I'm expecting Quibble to get on well with Twilight - They both strike me as nit-picker fans who would spend hours going over every book looking for continuity errors and the like.

Why do I think Quibble is romantically interested in Rainbow? After they have the argument over book 4 and afterwards, he still keeps stalking her and trying to impress her with his ideas. Yeah, he fancied her and he fancied his chances too! So, yeah, at least one-sided canon ship, IMO.

This was funny, exciting and genuinely accessible episode for all, especially where it reminds us of people we've really met and debates (either IRL or on the Internet) that we've actually had. It is much better than the rather arbitrary-feeling Daring Don't. Instead of just saying: "Deal with it", they actually address the problems that would inevitably arise if a pop culture icon that everyone thought was fictional was in fact real. This was so well-written and well-presented that it has reconciled me to the 'real' nature of Daring Do, something that I previously didn't like.

BenRG's Rating: 8.5/10 - A great restart for Season 6 with either the joint-best or near-best episode of the season.

On review, I've added an extra half point to the score of this episode, making it my joint favourite of the season with The Saddle Row Review

A great way to start off the second half of season six. This episode was superior to Daring Don't. The comedy was really well done, Quibble Pants and his reactions were hilarious, and I did enjoy the whole idea about how fans like only the earlier works and not the later works. I'm sure we've all met somebody who's a fan of this show and proclaim to not like the later seasons. A great episode all around.

Daring Do dakimakura was the harshest moment in the episode, and I don't even buy that stuff at all.

I guess those are Quibble's natural colours, then. I was sort of expecting him to be dunked in water and have the grey dye wash out for something more bright.

No Scoots in this episode :fluttercry:

Wow. I've never seen a show so accurately depict their own fanbase. It wasn't even that exaggerated, I have seen people right here on FIMfiction talking exactly like Quibble Pants. Even his description of the first Daring Do trilogy was almost a perfect recreation of what a lot of people think FiM Season 1 and 2 were VS what it has become (more of a character-focused adventure, in general).

The sad part is there's a high likelihood that this entire episode will fly right over the heads of the people who need to learn from it, if they bother watching it at all.

Feel bad for missing this episode was binge watching code geass lelouch of the rebellion. I am hooked on that anime. I set my DVR to record this episode next week. I can wait.

BenRG #43 · Jul 30th, 2016 · · 1 ·

I think I understand the title too: If Quibble tries to break Daring's cover, nopony will believe him. Instead, he'll lose credibility in the fandom for writing a really weak self-insert and claiming that it all really happened to him!

Who the heck wrote this? It was solid as hell.

All the tricksy meta playfulness, and still based mainly on personalities.

And a semi-plausible Dash ship example :rainbowderp: that doesn't make her go all thunder-squishy. Shout out for depiction of a personality-based relationship that obviously COULD take on other dimensions, but would not be doing so through 'romance' and getting swept up in high drama and sentiment. If Dash let this fellow get frisky it'd constantly be interrupted by negotiation of terms, some of which would doubtless be Daring-Do related :rainbowlaugh:

Quibble's got a big mouth. Also, nice to see Caballeron be his own villain instead of just serving as a middle man for Ahuizotl.

Inb4 Meeeeester says "I've seen some shit."

To think how the story approvers could have scarred the show-writers for life . . . no matter how much we gripe about some of the bad fics on the site, think of what failed moderation.

I just had to comment on the title. ROFLMAO!

4122181 Well, if it helps you any I heard it's on Netflix already!:yay: I kid you not.

4122172 So Zephdash again but with a less enjoyable lead?

4122162 Since when did the 'friend' barrier stop us from shipping?

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