• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st


I'm a writer of fluff, kibitzer, and especially interested in canon AU: Equestria Girls, the comics, etc. They are fun to play with.

More Blog Posts181

  • 249 weeks
    Follow-up on that stalker thing

    He seems to have gone quiet for now. I'm assuming the admins managed to smack down all of those alts. I haven't seen any new material on Tumblr or DeviantArt, either.

    Speaking of DeviantArt, here's the reply I got from them:

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    A member of the DeviantArt staff has reviewed this situation, and we have taken appropriate steps to resolve the problem.

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    5 comments · 464 views
  • 252 weeks
    Just so you know...

    There's a person on here who has been creating alts and harassing me. I keep getting posts like "why have you stopped talking to me? Tell me what I did. I need closure." I'm also getting PMs along the order of "yo, why are you ignoring X? I thought you were friends."

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    13 comments · 521 views
  • 258 weeks
    I lurk

    I know some people have asked why I won’t say anything, etc., but the truth is that I lurk. I sign in to see something, usually to re-read Rage Reviews. There are some things I can’t see unless I’m a bonafide member over a certain age. And then I just don’t ever log out, but I’m not “here” and ignoring anyone on purpose.

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    6 comments · 418 views
  • 337 weeks
    Some people make themselves very, very unhappy

    Haven't been around much, but then, you knew that. Busyness, health issues, and frankly a whole lot of depression. Even ponies weren't interesting me very much anymore. I had a ticket to go to EQLA and a party that same weekend, and I did not go to either.

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    26 comments · 816 views
  • 391 weeks
    Hey guys guys guys

    So, hi, you haven't probably seen much from me, and that is primarily because I have been sucked in again by my primary fandom, Harry Potter. Which isn't surprising, considering that I help run a convention and teach a course on it and am the school's club's faculty advisor and have given talks on it for, oh, over a decade.

    So for me, for the last few months, it has been mostly about:

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    12 comments · 726 views

I'm gonna say it ONE. MORE. TIME. · 2:16am Sep 3rd, 2016


It is not that hard. Just don't stick the episode title in the title of the thread, use that nice little tag up there, and be vague so it doesn't pop up in people's feeds.

Personally, I don't care about spoilers if the title, animatic, or trailer has been officially released by DHX. I care if it hasn't. I care if it's speculation based on a rumor or leaked information. For example, last season, there was a lot of discussion about Fluttershy's brother when there was no official information and when that episode didn't air for a full season. And that would have been FINE if it had been properly tagged and spoilered, but it wasn't, so FLUTTERSHY'S BROTHER was pasted all over the place.

Some people, however, do care and try to avoid spoilers, and it is nice not to have FiMFiction be a no-go zone for them. A lot of people totally avoid EQD because of all the spoilers there.

Oh, and also, if someone asks you politely to please change the title, put something in spoiler tags, or hide something so it does not pop up in the feed, it is majorly not classy to downvote that comment or to whine that you don't want to be polite. I mean, what the heck, you might as well pee directly on the floor of the men's room! You were almost to the urinal, amirite?

It takes very little effort to be polite, or in less pleasant terms:


Comments ( 17 )


That was an epic last line.

You are no where near as old as my mom, :coolphoto:

Whose birthday was two days ago. Happy Birthday, Majah! :rainbowkiss:

4188474 Awww.

Well---you saw Rescue From Midnight Castle when you were a kid, right?--and that was 1984. So probably I wouldn't be older than your mom, and it would kinda have been difficult for me to be your mom, although perhaps just possible, because I was in college when Rescue From Midnight Castle first aired.

I'm sort of sorry that I missed the first generation of Pony. I would have loved it, although possibly I wouldn't have been allowed to watch it. My parents only permitted half an hour of TV a day, maybe an hour. When I was in junior high and high school, they graciously permitted me to watch an extra-long show on the weekends if I didn't watch any TV during the week. And so they made me wheedle and beg to be allowed to watch Masterpiece Theatre and the BBC Shakespeare.

Those sneaky bastards.

My niece and nephew are also on a low-TV diet and never are allowed to watch Pony, sadly, but they are permitted to read the comics. My nephew expressed his fondness for the comics and mentioned that he hadn't ever found out the end to The Return of Queen Chrysalis. He didn't beg for them, and I mentioned that to his mom, and that is how the kids wound up with three omnibuses last weekend, because virtue should be rewarded. With Pony crack.

Wait, isn't Alara "old enough to be your mom?"

Hm, I think my Moms was in college in... late sixties? Early seventies? Somewhere in that range; pretty sure she got asked to burn her bra more than once, but she's always been a bit of a straight-edge (which made her marrying my hippie of a Father even weirder, :applejackconfused:). I ended being on the front end of Gen-X; you know, those kids that everyone said were lazy, unmotivated, and would never amount to anything?

**SPOILER ALERT**: We didn't, :twilightoops:

4188521 Alara claims that she possibly IS your mom, yes, but I doubt she is old enough to be YOUR mom, Mr. Could Have Been My Twin By a Day.

4188535 Yeah, that's almost MY mom's age. She refers to me as her Early Works, as opposed to my sister, who is her Later Works. Because my dad and mom are both hippie types and practically Boomers, I figure this does make me early, early, EARLY Gen-X, or at least whatever Barack Obama is, who is certainly NOT a Boomer. (Some people refer to this as Generation Jones, after Jonestown, but I consider this creepy.) :twilightoops:


Hee hee, I know, I was teasing you. :pinkiehappy:

Sometimes they're called "Generation X" or "Slackers." We're right on the cusp between Boomers and Slackers, because the line is often drawn vaguely somewhere between 1960 and 1965.

They are at it again? :facehoof:.

You don't know how many "Fluttershy's Brother" posts I dealt with as admin. I already didn't like her brother before the episode, 'cause of all the admin work he brought me.

Admittedly, my episode post for the week will always have the episode title in it. The format's easy to avoid, though. Admin Post: The Official <blank> Discussion Post. Most of the time, my guesses about what the episode'll be like in the first post is almost entirely from the title, and partially me being silly anyways.

I'm not sure why lately there already seems to be a thread going on about the episode by the time I'm ready to post the official thread. It's kinda irritating, since I like writing those threads...

--Sweetie Belle

the next episode will have a pony in it


Didn't watch Return to Midnight Castle as a kid, but I was six when it aired. I still might end up watching it sometime, though. I did watch the My Little Pony movie...


4188598 NO SPOILERS!
4188587 I don't really mind the title in the official Spoiler Thread, although that probably doesn't make much sense, I guess.

Poor Zephyr Breeze. He brought so much misery to so many, and I didn't think he was all that bad. It's too bad that people hate the annoying characters more than the truly evil ones. I think Trenderhoof gets more hate than Chrysalis!

4188560 Aw, thanks.
4188680 I've only seen clips, myself, although I can watch the Sea Ponies song over and over and over.

I'm Elric of Melnipony, and I approve this message.

Part of it might be, as I said, it's pretty predictable, and also, when I post it, it's literally the night before, so the episode will be along shortly.

I used to post it the morning the episode was gonna appear, actually, but the thread would start up spontaneously before that, or I'd sleep in and start it late, so it works better this way. It was once something Soaring did, in fact, but I started doing it for him when he forgot, then I was doing it more regularly, so it just shifted over to me.

Zephyr isn't that bad, the spoilers just got me annoyed at him, and he didn't do much to improve the impression. Which is funny, because I tend to support minor characters everypony doesn't like.

I guess evil and interesting gets more slack then just annoying.

--Sweetie Belle

Spoilers drive me insane. I have blogged on the matter myself. One point to note, though, is the abject lack of respect some people here have for the concept that not everyone can watch an episode live.

This instant the last credits role, everything is fair game, and the race for the feature box is on. This site is a no go zone for me at times.

Not that some people are very good before that point; one user in particular, who I shall not name, seems to delight in the things; he is perpetually dropping spoilers right into people's feeds via group threads.

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