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I Had My Creepypasta 'Paranormal HQ TV' Read On YouTube! · 3:50pm Sep 8th, 2016

Hey guys! I am just letting you know that a few different YouTube channels have read my creepypasta story Paranormal HQ TV.

Thank you to the YouTube channels SupportMarker, That Creepy Reading, and The Shadow Of Innocence for reading my story! Be sure to check out their videos and subscribe to their channels.

Here is SupportMarker's reading of my creepypasta.

Here is That Creepy Reading's narration of my creepypasta.

Here is The Shadow Of Innocence's reading of my creepypasta.

This story has also been published in an official story collection which can be found on Amazon here and well as Barnes & Noble here.

Feel free to support me as well as the other authors of this book collection by picking up a copy for yourself.

To learn about some of the other stories I have had ofiicial published, read this blog entry here

Thank you so much for checking everything out everyone and have a nice day.

Comments ( 29 )

Cheers buddy!

4199007 Thank you for the encouraging words, my friend. They mean a lot. :)


Nice! Excellent! Glad you did this. It's fun!

4199038 Thank you so much for the encouraging words, my friend. They mean a lot. I hope that you enjoyed listening to the story if you checked out the YouTube video links or reading it if you happened to follow the story link. I was happy to have these YouTube channels read my story. XD It was a good feeling to hear them be narrated by these YouTubers. Some other channels read another creepypasta I wrote called Don't Eat The Sandwiches as well. I wrote a journal entry about it here if you happen to want to check that one out too.


First, you're welcome, it's my pleasure. Now, at the risk of disappointing you I haven't actually watched (listened to) all of the creepypasta posts yet but I'm planning on doing that later tonight when I can relax and really enjoy them.

Also, I think you need someone with a much more Leonard Nimoy-ish voice. I would easily fall into that category since I tend to sound a lot like him IRL, anyway. (It tends to be that way when people grow up in the same town, same part of the country.)

I took a moment to record a cold reading so you can hear the sound of my voice and judge for yourself if it would be suitable for use in your creepypastas. You can listen to that here.

Again, congratulations on your success with your creepypastas.

4199465 You have a great voice and you are certainly welcome to narrate any of my stories (not just the creepypastas) if you ever feel like it. XD I appreciate the kind words and look forward to the feedback when you have the time to listen to the narrations. I am just happy that the people chose to narrate my story to begin with. So no complaints here. XD

Thanks! Unfortunately, I wasn't at my best voice-wise, yesterday. Usually my best is first thing or very early in the morning when I've been up a short while and I'm still relaxed.

Here's a sample of my "Morning Voice". (Isn't it any wonder my wife loves waking up next to me in the morning? Hee! Hee!)

4200763 Your morning voice is great as well. :) You have a very good narration/ radio style voice for sure.



Ironically, I'd actually considered going into radio when I was in my twenties. Then, I was side-tracked by a career as an auto mechanic (ran my own shop in Mendocino County). Later, got into computers/tech. I don't know if I would have been a great radio personality, though... I could never quite get over being nervous in front of a microphone. :rainbowlaugh:

4201275 You could always narrate stories or do something similar on YouTube. A lot of people do that. XD It would be prerecorded so you wouldn't have to feel nervous about it. XD


I've already made efforts in that direction right here in this community. At one point I was going to voice the part of The Bad Guy in a story someone was working. Months and months dragged by on that before I finally started getting responses. Out of 40 other applicants for the Bad Guy part I was instantly chosen hands down.

I was excited and looking forward to actually doing the thing until I heard readings from the other cast members who were to do the remaining parts.

Not wanting to be mean all I'll say about that was that, after hearing those readings, I was greatly discouraged from participating any further in the project and that was that.

I still like the idea of doing voice work, though, and will happily do that providing I get to work either solo or with other cast members who are willing to put in as much practice, rehearsal time and voice polish as I'm willing to put in.

4201408 You could always start up your own project of some kind. :) And hold auditions and such for audio play or something of that nature. Or you could just be a sole narrator on YouTube like what many channels do. There are lots of things you can do with narration. :)

4202404 I know right? I was pretty excited. XD Thank you so much for your enthusiasm. xD Some other channels read another creepypasta I wrote called Don't Eat The Sandwiches as well. I wrote a journal entry about it here if you happen to want to check that one out too. :pinkiehappy:


I was listening to creepypastas last night. I would have listened to yours as well but when I checked the time it was 3:04

4202863 It's all good. Thank you for thinking of my creepypastas as well. :)


Later tonight I'll give it a listen :raritywink:

4203247 Hurray! And if you want to, you can check out my Don't Eat The Sandwiches story too. XD

I posted the readings for that one in this blog entry here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/671141/i-had-my-creepypasta-dont-eat-the-sandwiches-read-on-youtube

4203371 Thank you as well my friend. :rainbowkiss:


your welcome. I always read them before bed; helps me sleep :pinkiecrazy:

4203394 I like listening to creepy things at night as well. XD


Those are all nice ideas but I really don't have the time for that kind of thing right now. Although I don't bring it here I have become very politically active in the last few months so a lot of my time goes into that. However, once this election year (and the elections) are over I'll be giving that some serious consideration.

4203423 That sounds like a plan. And good luck with all of the election stuff going on. It is important to keep track of that for sure. :)

Thanks! But, for me, it's more than simply keeping track of the election stuff. There's a lot of truly evil things going on in our country and our world this year, evil things that really worry me like Obama and Clinton taking advantage of police killings to try to nationalize our police, Obama turning control of all US DNS to the United Nations, that international trade deal that's like NAFTA on steroids, all kinds of stuff that makes my hair stand on end and turns my stomach all at the same time.

Yeah, well, okay, I'm not going any further into that because I'm pretty well convinced that most Bronies and Pegasisters are (and no offense to any) so wrapped up and absorbed in this little Pony world that they couldn't care less about politics or what's happening outside this world. Of course, I could say that for a lot of other Americans, too.

Anyway, we'll talk again, soon. Right now I'm taking some time to post a Kitten Update on my blog.

4203521 Oh trust me. I've been following things pretty close too. There is a lot of crazy stuff going on behind the scenes. That most people would say I was nuts if I talked about it. But it's true. So I know where you are coming from. And it is smart to pay attention to it and even bring it before the supreme court (such as certain laws recently put into place) if it is necessary.

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