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Rated Ponystar

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Rated's Fanfic Adoption Agency: The Resurrection · 11:39pm Sep 12th, 2016

Greetings my fellow bronies around the world, I am the Rated Ponystar and we are back for another adoption blog. Holy crap it has been a LONG time since we’ve done this. I’ve made myself way to busy these days. In case some of you are not sure of what I am doing, I have just switched jobs recently. Stared new comic series. Planning to start QA testing a board game of mine. And are currently writing both new stories and updating old ones. So yeah, I’ve been a busy boy.

That being said, however, I have had more time to come up with ideas for people to adopt from me. If this is your first time reading my blog and/or Adoption post allow me to quickly explain. I have tons of ideas I get for MLP fanfiction, I can't just write them since I am forbidden to do so under penalty of death. Instead, I give them out for writers to do on their own free will, provided they have the ability to write and have the time to give dedication. There is nothing wrong with taking an idea from somebody and giving your own twist on it, provided you acknowledge the idea came from somewhere else.

I’ll admit that in the past few adoptions, my quality for ideas hasn’t been that good. But since that time I’ve come up with ideas that I’m sure people will want to try for themselves.

It should also be stated that there are other adoption blogs, with ideas that have yet to be adopted. If you don’t see a story idea you might like personally on this particular blog, check out the other ones I have for a shot.

-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency
-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency Returns
-Son of Rated's Adoption Agency
-Rated Potter and the Chamber of Adopted Fanfics
-Revenge of Rated’s Fanfiction Adoption Agency
-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency: The Begnnings (not really)
-The Wraith of Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency
-Rated's Mother's Day Fanfic Adoption Agency
-League of Rated’s Adopted Fanfiction
-Adventures of Rated's Adoption Fanfic Agency
-Rise of Rated's Fanfic Adoption Agency
-Super Mega Death Rated's Fanfic Adotpion Agency 2000 B.C. Version 4.1 Beta Bitch!
-Rated's Adopted Fanfiction Agency Black Friday Sale
-Santa Rated's Merry Christmas Adoption Fic Agency (HO HO HO!)
-Rated's Adopted Fanfiction Agency Ultimate Super Mode
-Rated-R-Ponystar's Sexy Mature Lusty Adoption Agency of Clop
-Rated's Fanfiction Adoption Agency of Adoptedness (I'm running out of titles)
-The World of Rated Ponystar's Fanfiction Adoption Agency
-Rated Ponystar Adoption Blog Agency Inc.
-Rated Ponystar's Fanfic Adoption Agency Blue Light Special Sale
-The Church of Rated's Fanfic Adoption Agency
-Rated's Fanfic Adoption Agency Lives Again

Without further ado, let’s read on shall we?

1. Title: "To Deny Paradise"

Genre: Drama, Sad, Adventure

Summary: “In a climactic battle against a resurrected Sombra teaming up with Queen Chrysalis, Twilight and her friends succeed in beating them… but at a high cost. All the elements, save Twilight have died in the process. Days after placing them in their eternal rest, Twilight figures out a way to bring them back to live by way of the Tree of Harmony and the spell that caused her to become an alicorn in the first place; the realm where magic, life, and death are one. Sending herself into the afterlife, Twilight finds her friends living out their personal paradises, at peace with the fact their lives are over… does she have the right to deny her friends their eternal reward for the sake of being not alone?”

-There are naturally a few stories out there where Twilight faces the aspect of living life without her friends due to her immortality as well as ones where she has to deal with their loss from other circumstances. Naturally, Twilight of all ponies would be the one to try and fight against death itself for the sake of friendship and bring them back to life so all is good right? Well, what it wasn’t. Religious or not, the concept of heaven or the afterlife is that’s the final reward. Eternal happiness to the point where you don’t want to leave and all your suffering is finally over. Twilight is trying to deny them that now by offering to bring them back to life.

-Whether the characters do this or not, I leave up to you, but the struggle is that the characters are happy. They accept they died. They aren’t in pain, suffering, or sad their life is over. They are in a realm that is designed to make them happy and reward them for their good in mortal life for eternity. Take this as an example: Applejack finally is with her parents and the rest of her family that died. Twilight offers to bring AJ back, but this means she will have to wait until death takes her again to see her folks. What happens next? Up to the reader.

2. Title: “For The Rainbowed Hoof!”

Genre: Comedy

Summary: “Rainbow Dash wasn’t surprised when Fluttershy’s brother, Zephyr Breeze, publicly proclaimed his love for the rainbow maned Pegasus in Ponyville. What was a shock was Soarin of the Wonderbolts and Quibble Pants, her friend/debate rival, of Daring Do’s books also were in town and wanted to proclaim their love for her as well. Now, with a big unwelcomed thanks to Pinkie Pie and Rarity, the three males are fighting in a series of contests to prove one of them is the right stallion for Rainbow Dash.”

-I’m actually surprised this hasn’t been done. So far in this season we’ve seen a LOT of possible ships with Rainbow Dash. Not that Dash has really show any sort of romantic interest mind you. Which makes it funnier when three stallions come together for a showoff to determine who is the right pony to win over Dash’s heart. Pushed by Pinkie Pie and Rarity, the three try to compete in a series of “romantic and dashing” tests to see who is the better boyfriend material type. Naturally, Rainbow Dash has no say in this much to her annoyance.

-Doesn’t need to have a romantic ending, mainly this story is for comedy or those who want to make fun of the concept of shipping itself.

3. Title: “Markless”

Genre: Dark

Summary: “A killer is loose in Equestria. They die in mysterious ways, but then their cutie mark is gone. As if they died a blank flank. The only connection is that each of these ponies has been helped by the Cutie Mark Crusaders in finding their cutie marks or understanding them. Some think the Crusaders are behind it, others think it’s a curse. Suspecting not just the ones they have helped in the past, but slowly each other, the girls have to figure out who is behind the deaths before the three of them end up next.”

-In an interesting idea, everypony the Crusaders have helped with their cutie marks starts ending up dead under mysterious circumstances, starting with Troubleshoes. The unique thing is after being found dead, their cutie marks are missing (Not knifed off, just vanished) and nopony knows why. The girls are, naturally suspect to this, or at least ponies of interest as they try their best to not just protect each other from a mad pony, but the ones they’ve helped out in the end as well.

-It’s a murder mystery story told in various POV’s, and I do have a killer in mind, but the writer can choose somebody else to be their murderer.

4. Title: “The Madness of Dragon Lord Garble” (Adopted by Black Hailstorm)

Genre: Dark, AU, Tragedy

Summary: “In an alternate universe, Spike was never called for being a Dragon Lord. Ember drowned in the water without anyone to save her. Garble became the new dragon lord. His first order was to begin war against Equestria, to burn it and everything down, to establish dragons as the most powerful once again. At first, Garble seems he will lead them to a new age with them in power, but as time goes on, his forces crumble, his army suffers defeat, madness begins to grow inside the Dragon Lord’s head that will cause ruin to the dragons never seen before in history.”

-This idea came to me when I realized that if Spike wasn’t there at the Dragon Lord event, Ember would have died and Garble would rule if we went by what happened with the episode. Garble seems to be, in my mind, a dragon like version of Joffrey from Game of Thrones. He has high pride, sadistic, enjoys bullying others, is a coward at heart, and wants to punish anyone against him. In my mind, he would bring the dragons into an army to go up against Equestria since he’s Dragon Lord and in command. However, unlike where in some stories, the ponies get beaten and we get a rule under the evil one that a resistance has to save, the ponies push back after damage to their home.

-Faced with his grand dream losing, the pressure of ruling finally beings to break Garble as he becomes a mad kind, ordering and demanding his dragons to do things that will utterly ruin them until they cannot take anymore. Good for anybody who likes writing MacBeth like tragedies.

5. Title: “Notice Of Death”

Genre: Comedy

Summary: “Of all the things Braeburn expected in the mail, the last thing he expected was a notice saying that he had died. Shrugging it off as a prank, Braeburn goes off to do his usual day only everypony is treating him as if he had died for real. Even when he goes for a visit to Ponyville do they treat him as if he had died. Braeburn struggles to clear all of this up while trying to deal with ponies who won’t stop asking what he wants for his funeral.”

-Please note that this idea does not need to be Braeburn as the main focus. In truth, any character can be used by the author. The overall concept is that the main character, whoever it is, gets a notice that says they died and there is even later on a mention of them in the obituaries. Of course, the main character thinks this is all a prank and doesn’t get bothered by it until ponies are starting to treat them as if they were dead despite being alive in front of them. Thing such as giving memorial flowers or cards, giving sympathies and comforting them for dying, and even planning a funeral. The main character then tries to find a way to stop this.

-Again, any character can be done with this. Rainbow Dash. Rarity. Luna. Tender Taps. Gabby. Discord. Derpy Hooves. Fluttershy. Big Macintosh, etc it doesn’t matter. It’s up to the writer.

6. Title: “One Last Week Together”

Genre: Romance, Sad

Summary: “Button Mash and Sweetie Belle have been together since they were teenagers. They’ve been through amazing and hard times, but now it’s come to an end. Their final summer together is here before they head off to separate colleges at opposite ends of Equestria. Despite the two wanting to be together, they realize their relationship much come to an end. With only seven days left before they have to say goodbye, the two resolve to make it the best seven days as a couple before breaking up for good.”

-This one is a tragic love story, but one we can all relate to in a way. A loving couple is going to be separated because of college or changes in their lives and despite who much they don’t want to go, they know it’s the better thing to do. Sweetie Belle and Button Mash decide if it’s going to be their last week together, they’re going to make it the greatest they ever had. A full seven chapters of the two doing the most romantic thing before finally parting as close friends.

-This is a great idea for writers of sad romance or are big ButtonMash fans. No matter what, it must END with them breaking up.
Well, that’s what I got. If you wish to adopt them, you must send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE in order to get it. It’s first come first serve so be quick about it.


Comments ( 5 )

I would like to read the one with Garble.

The one where everyone thinks Braeburn has died. That's straight up Twilight Zone.

Here's the first thing I thought of when I saw #4's title:

Buttonbelle for life!

The one where Twilight goes through death to rescue her friends sounds absolutely like a huge mound of NOPE.

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