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This is our story #2... · 10:45am Sep 14th, 2016

Hey, guys.

Another entry in the story of our lives. I hope you guys have had a good week. I've had a fairly decent week. Nothing bad, but nothing particularly good. Just kind of an okay week. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's okay to have just decent weeks where nothing bad happening.

But, it's been a decent week for me. And I'm okay with that.

For something that makes me happy this week, I recently did a Pokémon Nuzlocke Challenge on Leafgreen. And I'd never done one before. And it was kind of fun to try and pretty stressful. For those of you who don't know what this is, its basically a set of rules that is entered into the game to make it intentionally harder for players. It's mostly for players who seek a challenge.

And I thought I would share my adventures with you guys. I hope you all enjoy it.

***Pokémon Leafgreen Nuzlocke***

The first rule I went with was when a Pokémon faints in battle, it is considered dead and you have to release it. Obviously, this puts a lot more pressure on you because you can't go back and alter your moves to try and save them. And that's kind of what this Nuzlocke challenge is.

This sounds hard and it is hard. It's supposed to be hard. I've never been into Nuzlockes for that reason, so I was hesitant to try it. But I decided to try it and I gave it a shot. And this is how it sort of went.

The story began with me (Or as I named my character Flrace) looking at my trainer ID card. This is an optional Nuzlocke challenge that you can do. You look at your trainer ID card and you look at the last number in your trainer ID. And what that number is determines what your starting pokemon is. If it is 1-3, you get the grass type. If it is 4-6, you get the fire type. If it is 7-9, you start with the water type. A 0 means it's the player's choice. My ID number ended with a 3, which made me very happy to see because I've always loved Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur is my favorite pokemon because he was also my first Pokémon. When I got the Red and Blue versions so long ago, my brothers and I decided to each get one separate one. My older brother wasn't into Pokémon until later. So it was just me and my younger brothers. And my younger brothers each picked Squirtle and Charmander. And I got to pick Bulbasaur because he was all that was left. And I never regretted it. He has served me well in the past. I hoped that he would this time as well.

Anyway, after picking up Bulbasaur, who I renamed Bella. That's another rule that I made. Each Pokémon I caught must have a nickname. It give you more personal investment into that pokemon. I usually don't nickname them, so there was a couple times where I forgot to and I had to go to a Name Rater to rename them. But, I picked Bella because it was a Female Bulbasaur and that was the first name that came to my head.

So, after Flrace (Virtual Cookie to anyone who can pick out why I named the character 'Flrace'. Hint: it has to do with My Little Pony) picked up Bella, he started on his quest and defeated the first gym leader thanks to Bella. Rock types were weak to grass types, so no issues. On the way, I had caught a Weedle (Beedrill by that point named QueenSting), a Caterpie (Butterfree named LordButter), a Spearow named Spira, and a Ratatta named Joey.

That's another rule I wanted to mention. I could only catch the first pokemon I didn't have in any route, cave or forest that I encountered. And if I accidently killed it or it fled before I could catch it, I could not catch another pokemon in that area. So for example, if I got to a route and meet a Spearow, I have to catch that Spearow or I can't catch anything.

And I used a rule that said, if I meet a pokemon I did have on another route, I get to keep trying until I find something I didn't have. So, if I get to a point that has Spearows and I already have one. I can keep searching, even though I encountered Spearow, for a Pokémon I don't have. This keeps you from being type screwed. This gives you a chance to get Pokémon of various types. So if one of them dies you can replace them.

I ended up buying a Magikarp for 500 poke dollars. Which I hoped would become a good investment. Because I've always liked Gyarados. He's always been good. By the way, it was a girl Magikarp, so I named her Miss Syza.

After traveling through Mount Moon and while preparing for Misty, the water gym leader, I am sad to report... we had our first casualty in the war. During a battle with a Ratatta, while I was training up Miss Syza to evolve, QueenSting was killed by a critical strike. Truly it was saddening for my team. QueenSting had just barely become a Beedrill and had barely had a chance to see the world. She would be missed.

However, her sacrifice was not in vain. I ended up defeating Misty with the combination of Bella (Ivysaur) and Miss Syza (Gyarados). I was well on my way to defeating the Elite Four, but it would still be a long road and I had a feeling that QueenSting would not be the only pokemon I would have to bury.

While on my travels, I encountered an Abra. Abra is a powerful psychic pokemon. And psychic is strong against a particular gym leader late in the game. And I was fortunate enough to catch all other pokemon in that area, so Abra was technically the first new pokemon I saw. And with Bella's help, I was able to catch Abra and name him the thing I expected him to do and his title became KogaKiller.

Lt. Surge and his electric Pokemon was a difficult challenge, but with the help of Fissure (Sandslash) the battle was over before long. With no losses on our side. I felt good. I felt confident. My Pokémon skills were beginning to show and put to a real challenge for the first time in a long time. While every attack a foe would send my way would cause me to pray silently, I pulled through and kept strong.

Erika, the Grass Gym Leader, was also easy to defeat. Thanks to the Vulpix I had caught earlier named Naruto. (Before you ask, I know nothing about Naruto except that he turns into a Nine-Tailed Fox. :P) Things were running smoothly. I evolved Naruto into Ninetails before long. Got an Eevee (Named Mercedes after my sister in law) which I evolved into Jolteon, knowing I would need an electric type Pokémon.

Many trials came my way, battling Team Rocket, saving the Marowak's soul and saving Mr. Fuji. But none of them were as trying as the battle against Snorlax. He was heavy and very strong. I knew this behemoth would serve me well in the future. Knowing how powerful and tanky he was, I had to catch him. Using Miss Syza as a shield to weaken him, I finally catch the massive Pokémon named it TJ Bean after a friend I knew in high school who reminded me of Snorlax.

I had a feeling TJ would be on my team for a long time.

Finally, we made our way to Fuchsia city. The home of Koga, the Poison Gym Leader. I had a lot to prepare for. I knew that. But I was confident. Kogakiller was coming along nicely. He was growing strong. I knew he could take out most of Koga's pokemon in one, if not two shots. But I also knew he was a glass cannon. I needed some one to back him up incase things got ugly. The safari zone was a great place to catch high level Pokémon. However, I was only allowed one try per area of the safari zone. I wanted a Rhyhorn. I liked him and knew his high defense would be welcome on my team.

Far and wide, I searched until finally I found it! Rhyhorn right in front of me! I threw Safari balls until he ran off. He escaped. There was nothing I could do. I lost my chance at my best tank. However, it was not all a loss. I did manage to capture a Nidorina. A good poison type. Against Koga, she might be helpful. After making her a Nidoqueen I decided to name her Elsa, after my favorite Disney Queen. She would be the shield that would protect Kogakiller until he could wipe the floor with Koga's powerful poison pokemon.

The battle began. The whole reason for Kogakiller's existence came to this moment. The Battle against Koga. I send out Elsa (Nidoqueen) to deal with his first poison type, knowing that if he used Self-destruct I would survive. Elsa fought hard. And then... the unthinkable happened. A rouge critical hit with self-destruct burned Elsa to cinders. I had lost my shield. I had lost my only defense against Koga's monsters.

What was I to do? What could I do? I sent Kogakiller to face off against Koga's monsters. And he killed them all in one hit with no problem. ... Sorry about that Elsa. Guess you didn't need to die.

After taking a moment to bury Elsa and mourn her loss, I quickly replaced her and moved on. Not bother to get too attached. After all, she was barely on the team. I started to make my way back to Saffron City. It was a long road still to the Elite Four. And I needed to gather the strength I could get in order to beat Sabrina, the Psychic Gym Leader. Probably the strongest of them all.

During some training against a biker gang, I saw an enemy Koffing. I had horrible Elsa flashbacks. The self-destruct had taken her life. Would I lose another so soon? I couldn't risk it. I sent out Naurto (Ninetails) to deal with it. He didn't kill it and it used Self-Destructed. However, Naurto was able to hold on and keep standing after it exploded. I quickly benched him and sent out Spira (Fearow). It was at a disadvantage because of the Electric type pokemon it was fighting. But I was afraid of Self-destruct. If I could get Spira to fly, perhaps I could get my opponent to kill himself without losing one of my heroes. ... It didn't work, of course. Plans like that never do.

Spira was hit by a bolt of lightning and fell to the earth. After the battle, I scooped up Spira in my arms and wept. Spira had been with me since the near beginning. I had been through so much with her. And she was my primary flier. But I could not mourn her death long. I continued on. Two pokemon in such a short time? I was beginning to fear what else lied in store for me.

I made my wait to the Silph Cooperation where Team Rocket had taken over the building. Through various battles, my team began to gradually become stronger. But more exhausted. Maybe I was pushing them too far. Maybe I was pushing my luck too far. I found the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni. I knew he would be tough, but I wasn't afraid. His team was formidable. Especially his Kangaskhan, who I greatly underestimated. So much so... that it cost me, dearly.

His Kangaskhan was very durable. And despite his incredibly power, Kogakiller was slain. My most powerful Psychic type was defeated. I had put so much experience into him. How could he just ... suddenly be gone? I quickly finished the battle and mourned. The only positive that came from this was a Lapras named Bokiman. He would be useful later. Not now though. Now, I had a friend to mourn and an enemy to face.

Sabrina's gym was always a pain of a puzzle. Of course, I wasn't in the right frame of mind to deal with puzzles. My thoughts were on the past. Three pokemon? Gone in an instant? So close together? Was I getting cocky? Would I have enough to face the Elite Four and completely the challenge? The confidence that I had built over the course of two gym leaders was swiftly dwindling.

And ... it only got worse. During a battle with a psychic trainer, on my way to Sabrina, the impossible happened. The wall I had hoped would lead me to victory against the Elite Four came crumbling down. TJ Bean (Snorlax) had the powerful ghost move, Shadow Ball. Against a ghost and psychic, he would be a deadly weapon. Especially against Sabrina. He would never seen that beautiful woman. Instead, he would only see a Gastly and his powerful attack, Destiny Bond. A move that will kill any pokemon that kills him the turn he uses it. TJ Bean did not survive the round.

Depression hit me hard that day. I wanted to quit. Wanted to give up. What chance did I have? TJ was dead. My tank was dead. I had lost four of my most powerful Pokémon in the span of a few hours. I had spent much of my resources on TJ, thinking that he would lead me to victory. And now all those resources were gone. And I could never get them back.

The second Snorlax was already long gone and there was no way for another one to appear anywhere else. My hope was fading. Despite this hopeless feeling in my heart, I carried on. If only to see how badly I would be demolished. The confidence was all but gone. In it's place there was only sadness and hurt. Hatred for myself and my failure to protect those I swore to get through this with.

After besting Sabrina in battle, it was time to sail for Cinnabar Island. Defeating Sabrina had restored my confidence somewhat, but I was so far off. The Elite Four seemed lightyears away. And seemed to be getting further with each Pokémon I lost.

I arrived at Cinnabar Island and made my way to the Pokémon Laboratory. The pokemon there were high leveled, but not too difficult for me to handle. Or so I thought.

A wild Raticate appeared. Simple enough I thought. I had faced enough of these buggers to know how strong they were. They didn't seem too much of a challenge. But they were. Naruto (Ninetails) fell to their hands. Or should I say Hyper Fang/crit.

This was my lowest point... I had lost my best fire type. I didn't have any more. I had already caught a Grimer at the lab. And even if I hadn't, it was still the first pokemon I encountered. I knew I'd never used Grimer in my life. And I wasn't about to start. Things were getting worse. I became frightful of Raticates. I ran from all that I encountered. A crippling fear in my heart. I knew I could never face them. The terror of losing another was more than I could bear.

After making my way through the lab, it was time to face Cinnabar Island's Fire Gym Leader, Blaine. I thought I had a good position. I had been training Fissure (Sandslash), Miss Syza (Gyarados) , and Bokiman (Lapras) for just this moment. The Fire would be killed by my ground and water types. Until, I saw that Arcanine. Arcanine was a powerful fire type and that Fireblast nearly destroyed Miss Syza. Fearing for her life, I swapped her for Fissure.

Fissure was strong, I figured. He was tank the Fireblast.

I was wrong.

Fissure was killed by Arcanine's Fireblast and I was forced to use Bokimon to finish him off.

How could this have happened? I lost one of my strongest pokemon, again! How could this have happened?! I let myself get cocky again! I let myself show that I wasn't good enough! I would never complete this challenge! I wouldn't! I knew I wouldn't. All these deaths on my hands. QueenSting, Elsa, Spria, Kogakiller, TJ Bean, Naurto, and now Fissure.

I had lost hope. I had lost all sense of direction. I thought that I had no chance. Fissure was one of my best. Someone I kept by my side. But there was one special lady who I had with me. The one from the very beginning. Bella (Venusaur). She had been through many trials with me. Seen all that I had seen. Befriended all that I had befriended. Lost... all who I had lost.

And yet, with courage in her heart, she continued to move forward. As I was expected to also do. And so... I did.

After making my way through the number islands, I found myself at the top of Mount Ember. Where I found the first of the three Legendary Bird Pokémon. Moltres. I knew that Moltres would be necessary to join my team. And bring me back from the ashes of despair. And with my master ball, I insured that I could have her (I know Moltres is genderless) on my team. And like a marvel hero I adore, she would give me a new hope for the future. So, I named her Phoenix.

Finally, it was time to return to where all of this began. Viridian City. The final battle against Giovanni, the Ground Gym Leader, had begun. And was over before I knew it because Miss Syza (Gyarados), Bella (Venusaur), and Bokiman (Lapras) were really strong here.

Honestly, I was surprised how easy that fight went. It was like after taking a first step after a long and hard road, I had finally reached the downhill slope and was on my way. I... felt ... good. It was like I had finally made some kind of progress. My team was confident. I was confident. We were on our way. And only Victory Road stood between us and our final battle against the Elite Four.

And through Victory Road we went, battling the various trainers that approached us. Carefully, I planned my moves and used my team wisely. We had come so far, I wasn't about to lose them now. I had already decided on a team before setting out for Victory Road. Bella (Venusaur), Mercedes (Jolteon), Bokiman (Lapras), Miss Syza (Gyarados), Danny (Haunter), and Phoenix (Moltres).

They were the best I had and while I was worried about having two water types on my team, I had no choice. It would take too much time to level up someone else and I couldn't risk them dying while training. So, I had to take a chance. My logic was that there was no electric type Eltie Four. So I might be okay.

It wouldn't be long before I discovered how ready I really was.

After making my way through Victory Road, I stood against the tower of the Elite Four. I knew there was no going back once I entered. I needed to be ready. No mistakes this time. I couldn't afford to have any. I could leave nothing to chance. It was all or nothing. If I lost during my battle with the Elite Four, it would be over. There was no one else. No one strong enough. No one brave enough to stand with me. Save for these six I had prepared.

After purchasing a Thunderbolt TM with my money, and spending the rest on Full Restores, I took in a deep breath. Going through the Elite Four in my head, I planned my strategy. I checked my team to make sure they were ready. They were ready to die if necessary. I hoped it wouldn't come to that. I prayed for all of them as I took my first step into the trails of the Elite Four.

First, Loreli, the Ice Mistress. I knew most of her types would be Water-based as well. Mercedes would be able to chew threw them all with her newly acquired move Thunderbolt. However, her Lapras was stronger than I thought. It survived the Thunderbolt and Mercedes was forced to take a hit. I thought she was done for, but Mercedes got back up, refusing to give up.

After tending to her injuries, I executed another Thunderbolt, finishing off the enduring Lapras. The fight was over. Loreli had lost. Mercedes was safe and I took a breath of relief as the first of the four was defeated.

The second I knew would not be as difficult as the first. I knew that this fight was going to be tough however. I prepared myself and squared off against Bruno, the Fighting member of the Elite Four. His two Onix were no problem for me. Bella shredded them with her Razor Leaf. His fighting types were another story. His Hitmonchan appeared and I decided to send out Phoenix (Moltres). Moltres was strong and knew Aerial Ace, a flying attack that couldn't miss and was good against fighting.

What I didn't expect was that Hitmonchan would survive. What I expected less was that he would know Rock Tomb. A rock move that slowed my Phoenix and was four times as effective because of my Fire/Flying typing. My heart stopped as Phoenix's hit points began to drop. I couldn't lose her! Not now! Not so soon into the Elite Four. If I lost her, I wouldn't know what to do!

It stopped. It didn't kill Phoenix. She held on, despite her pain. With that, she was able to finish the fight against Hitmonchan. His Machamp soon appeared. Knowing that Machamp would most likely have Rock Slide, a powerful rock type move that would surely kill Phoenix if given the chance, I examined my team. My heart sank. I had a lot that was weak to Rock types. Except one. And it was a risk. But one that I knew wouldn't let me down. She never did.

With a quick switch, I summoned Bella to the arena. And let me down she did not. As I had hoped, her Sleep Powder/Leech Seed combo slowly withered his Machamp and defeated my opponent.

Bruno was defeated. My team was growing tired, but they were hanging in there with all their strength and skill. After checking to make sure their wounds were healed as much as they could be, I made my way to Agatha, the Ghost Elite Four.

This was not going to be easy. She was by far tougher than Bruno and I didn't have any one who could beat her Ghosts. Except Danny (Haunter). But that was a risk by itself. Without the ability to trade, I missed out on Gengar and his speed would have come in handy. Regardless, I had to make a move. I decided to use Phoenix first, since she would most likely survive the first Gengar.

The battle went better than I anticipated. However, as I expected, Danny was having trouble against her Pokémon. He took too much damage. I switched him out for Miss Syza, who was much stronger at dealing with them. And after playing 'Sleep, Poke-flute, Sludge Bomb, Full Restore, Repeat' With her Gengar and Phoenix for several turns, I finally managed to best Agotha.

Finally, the toughest of the Elite Four. The strongest opponent out there and the one that worried me the most. Lance. The Dragon King. Dragons were already one of the strongest types of Pokémon out there and these were much higher leveled. I knew it wouldn't be easy. I would probably lose a couple during the battle. Even knowing the risks, even though I knew that losing one of my team meant my team would be severely crippled, I moved forward. I was scared, but even yet, I had to face it. It was all that was left.

Lance appeared and his dragons with him. I summoned my forces one by one, matching his Dragon's strength with my own. And one by one, they fell. Then... Aerodayctl appeared. It wasn't his strongest Pokémon. But it might as well have been for what it did. Looking through my team, I realized I had not prepared for him. I could have sent out Mercedes (Jolteon), but if she didn't kill him, it could kill Mercedes with one attack. I couldn't risk losing her. I had to keep her alive in case something went wrong.

Instead, I choose Miss Syza. Miss Syza had high defense. And intimidate so I would decrease it's attack by one stage. It seemed like a good deal. However, I didn't realize that Aerodayctl had Ancient Power. A rock move that increased his strengths, defenses, and speed by one stage. It hurt Miss Syza and was making Aerodayctl harder to kill in the process. I felt like my back was against the wall. I was going to lose. His strength had already gone up three times. His next attack was surely going to kill Miss Syza. Was it worth it to heal? There was no way I was going first against him. His speed was too high. And if I got hit, I'd just have to heal again. And if he critical strike...

The odds were against me. If I didn't kill this Aerodayctl, he could potentially wipe out my entire team. Everything was dependent on this next move. On Miss Syza and on me. I made the choice. I could only heal Miss Syza. Using a full restore and healed Miss Syza to full.

And then the impossible happened.

Aerodayctl used Hyper Beam. One of the most powerful attacks in all of Pokémon. And he had a boost of two attack. And it was coming straight for Miss Syza. Syza took the hit and her health began to drop like a stone in water. My heart stopped. I almost wept. Miss Syza was done. She was going to die. I couldn't save her. I closed my eyes, expecting her to cry out her last breath.

When I opened my eyes, I saw 47 HP. She had survived the impossible attack! Shocked, speechless, I could not believe what I saw. Miss Syza had taken a powered up Hyper Beam and lived. It could not have been more perfect! Aerodayctl would have to take a turn to recharge, meaning he couldn't move again. Miss Syza had an opportunity to kill Aerodayctl. An opportunity she did not waste.

With Aerodayctl dead, I sent in Bokiman to finish off his remaining dragons with ease.

The worst was over. I figured the battle was finally over. However, Lance looked me in the eye and told me that someone had become Champion before I could. And his name was... Assbutt!

Assbutt. My rival from childhood. He always tried to beat me in the past and yet never could. But now, he was my final opponent. And I had to be ready.

After checking my team and making sure they were as strong as they could be, I challenged Assbutt to our final battle.

It was all leading up to this moment. The final battle against my rival. Our Pokémon clashed. With each Pokémon, I had a strategy in place. His Pidgeot vs. my Mercedes (Jolteon). An easy win. Rhydon vs Bella (Venusaur). No challenge. And then, his Alakazam. I knew he would be trouble, but I had faith in my girl from the previous fight, Miss Syza (Gyarados).

She wouldn't let me down. I knew she wouldn't. And she didn't either. With a couple of her Earthquakes and having to take a Psychic or two, she finally bested Alakazam.

Exeggutor Vs Phoenix (Moltres). No problem. Gyarados vs Mercedes. Again, too easy. Then finally, his most powerful Pokémon. His Charizard. I knew he would be tough, but Bokiman (Lapras) wouldn't let me down. I had a feeling he wouldn't. His Charizard attacked with its Fire Blast. It took half of Bokiman's health away in one shot. If that had critical striked... What would I have done? I needed more time to heal Miss Syza.

Then... I remembered... Bokiman had a special ability. She could prevent all critical strikes. And as long as I could use a full restore, of which there were 30 in my inventory, Charizard would run out of Fire Blast. So, I decided to heal up Bokiman and just tank the hits. Once he ran out of Fire Blasts, Bokiman Surfed away the Charizard and defeated it.

The battle was over. I had won. And my team, while exhausted, stood standing. We had come far together. We were stronger than anything that stood in our way. Loss, hurt, grief was a constant part of our journey together. But through determination, courage and the strength of each other, we were able to conquer it and obtain our title as Pokémon League Champions.


Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the story of Flrace. I know I had a lot of fun doing this challenge. Though I will never do it again. Now that I've done it. It was hard. It was hard releasing the pokemon I lost. It was hard not wanting to give up. But ... we made it. We did. And you too can make it. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the next Pokémon Champion. I hope you took something from this and I hope you all have a great day.

Report spideremblembrony · 382 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Another entry in the story of our lives. I hope you guys have had a good week.

Personally, I've done alright, but my college has had a lot of ups and downs this week; yesterday was the memorial service for a junior who died in a plane crash a few days before classes started, and some other stuff happened this weekend that I won't regale here.
But, we've managed, I suppose.

For those of you who don't know what this is, its basically a set of rules that is entered into the game to make it intentionally harder for players. It's mostly for players who seek a challenge.

Neat. More games should be like that.

Bulbasaur is my favorite pokemon because he was also my first Pokémon.

He's also cute.

And that was quite the intense saga; certainly upped the stakes and made for a bit more micromanagement and the like. I'm a bit of a sloppy player when it comes to Pokemon, so I'd probably be out all my good ones before I even got to the last gym.

I know I wanted to do a similar challenge with my miniatures once; if major characters were defeated in a battle, I'd roll a d6 and see what happened. 1, they were fine, 2-3, they suffered minor wounds and had to sit out the next game, 4-5, they had major wounds and had to sit out the next two games, 6, they died. I realized it was not the greatest idea since A) I would have to spend a whole lot of money buying and replacing minis that got killed and B) I don't actually play all that often.
What you did, though, works much better.

Bulbasaur was always my favorite Pokemon.

Awesome read. My favorite Pokemon is Ivysaur, for similar reasons.

I started an Emerald Nuzlock a few years back. Which sadly I never got around to finishing. No real reason as to why, I just kind of went off to do something else, and I lost motivation for it. That kind of happens a lot with me.

I know I wanted to do a similar challenge with my miniatures once; if major characters were defeated in a battle, I'd roll a d6 and see what happened. 1, they were fine, 2-3, they suffered minor wounds and had to sit out the next game, 4-5, they had major wounds and had to sit out the next two games, 6, they died. I realized it was not the greatest idea since A) I would have to spend a whole lot of money buying and replacing minis that got killed and B) I don't actually play all that often.

That sounds like Necromunder. Or if your prefer, Mordhime.

It's okay to have just decent weeks where nothing bad happening.

Yes, I agree. Exciting days are better, but not when they are the kind of exciting like when you strap yourself in for a roller coaster ride, then next thing you know, you wake up in pain at the hospital, finding out that the ride collapse, and you are one of the few survivors. And the only good news is that you are alive to tell about it.

So, yes, rather uneventful days are good to.

But, it's been a decent week for me. And I'm okay with that.

Cool! I have many of them as well. :twilightsmile:

And I thought I would share my adventures with you guys. I hope you all enjoy it.

Again, cool!

That's another rule I wanted to mention. I could only catch the first pokemon I didn't have in any route, cave or forest that I encountered. And if I accidently killed it or it fled before I could catch it, I could not catch another pokemon in that area. So for example, if I got to a route and meet a Spearow, I have to catch that Spearow or I can't catch anything.

Can't say I know a whole lot about the main RPG Pokemon games, but that seems harsh. :duck:

QueenSting had just barely become a Beedrill and had barely had a chance to see the world. She would be missed.

I know the feeling.

I was well on my way to defeating the Elite Four, but it would still be a long road and I had a feeling that QueenSting would not be the only pokemon I would have to bury.

I know that feeling too.

And with Bella's help, I was able to catch Abra and name him the thing I expected him to do and his title became KogaKiller.

OK, I just found out who Koga is. Funny, I just recently saw a video stating that what most everyone, including many in Japan is mistaken as to what a ninja is.

The video stated that wile most everyone thinks that a ninja is a skilled fighter and assassin, that this is incorrect. The meaning according to the video is that the word ninja means, one who is a gatherer of information, and skilled in spreading misinformation. And that is it.

Apparently it has nothing to do with fighting at all. Though gathering info like a spy is dangerous, and a ninja who can fight may be more successful in getting away if caught, but fighting has nothing in particular with the name, nor what they do. Anyone who seeks hidden info from anyone else or passes out info, even the wrong info on purpose, is considered a ninja.

Also, any true ninjutsu would not be training in combat, but training in stealth, and finding out who is who, who knows what, and who gets told what, and why.

In short, a ninja correctly translates to being a spy, nothing more. That is if the one I got this info from is correct himself. :derpytongue2:

Thanks to the Vulpix I had caught earlier named Naruto.

How fitting. :rainbowlaugh:

Though Vulpix has a long way to go before being anything like the Ninetails from on that show (Not sure if It ever could). But not too long in becoming a ninetails from it's own world.

Sorry about that Elsa. Guess you didn't need to die.

That may be, but the same fate may have befallen on Kogakiller by the same attack. There my not have been a way to fully avoid a loss. As I said, I don't know pokemon all that well, so I would not know how well Kogakiller would have fared.

Naurto was able to hold on and keep standing after it exploded.

Well, in the cartoon Naurto, he was a tank. Seems this one is a bit of one as well.

Two pokemon in such a short time? I was beginning to fear what else lied in store for me.

And that of your pokemon.

I had put so much experience into him. How could he just ... suddenly be gone?

My Firefox had just recently died on me, and I spent a lot of time on text that I now lost.

I had to move on from my losses and and make do with what I was able to remember of it. Not the first time I had to do this either. You never know when something is just going to up and go. And It can be a bit of a surprise when it does.

Would I have enough to face the Elite Four and completely the challenge?

Word puzzles. Never been great at them. My frame of mind is not entirely made for it, as so it seems. It is always a challenge. And yet, I do find a thing or two that even I might be able to notice and correct.
To complete this visual anomaly I seem to see completely, I may have to remove something from the end of one part. And with that, perhaps I may be able to complete the challenge of being able to make a correction.

Fissure was strong, I figured. He was tank the Fireblast.

I would take a moment after looking at this and wonder if Fissuer would have been a tank to a Fireblast?

Fissure was killed by Arcanine's Fireblast and I was forced to use Bokimon to finish him off.

I guess not.

Honestly, I was surprised how easy that fight went. It was like after taking a first step after a long and hard road, I had finally reached the downhill slope and was on my way. I... felt ... good. It was like I had finally made some kind of progress. My team was confident. I was confident. We were on our way. And only Victory Road stood between us and our final battle against the Elite Four.

But is it ever truly that easy? I have a feeling that not all is as it may seem, and another tragedy may come again in time. It always does.

Too often when one is walking the high road, some fail to look out for any potholes that may trip anyone up, and disturb a good pace in life.

This game and story however does seem to be full of random and sometimes unavoidable events, kind of like those some may have in real life. Stay dogged though. This may turn out well.

What am I saying? These are of things that have already happened. Well, I will see how this ends. Perhaps this is a tail of victory against hardships after all. Or, perhaps just another sad story, full of loss. I will see.

It wouldn't be long before I discovered how ready I really was.

As I have said before, in some stories, it's the suspense that gets me. :derpytongue2:

No one brave enough to stand with me. Save for these six I had prepared.

Will six be the magic number among this circle of friends that fight for you? :trollestia:

After purchasing a Thunderbolt TM with my money

Still felt you needed at lest one extra? Not relaying on just your main six? :derpytongue2:

They were ready to die if necessary.

Is that not what all pawns are for anyways? :trollestia:

My heart stopped as Phoenix's hit points began to drop.

Far too many RPGs have given me that feeling meany times. It is so suspenseful. And it gets to me every time.

Finally, the toughest of the Elite Four. The strongest opponent out there and the one that worried me the most. Lance. The Dragon King.

Lance. I always loved that name. It always made me think of a relentless fighter that fought strait through his opponents. Sorry to see this guy is the last to go against.

And the name Dragon King as an apposition, dose not seem to bode well to me. Dragon Kings in many stories and games tend to be quite scary.

Dragons were already one of the strongest types of Pokémon out there and these were much higher leveled. I knew it wouldn't be easy.

I rest my case.

When I opened my eyes, I saw 47 HP. She had survived the impossible attack! Shocked, speechless, I could not believe what I saw.

This story is starting to look too good to be true. :pinkiegasp:

The worst was over. I figured the battle was finally over. However, Lance looked me in the eye and told me that someone had become Champion before I could. And his name was... Assbutt!

OK, now that about confirms that this story is bogus. :facehoof:

Assbutt. My rival from childhood. He always tried to beat me in the past and yet never could. But now, he was my final opponent.

Well, then that should make things easy.

With each Pokémon, I had a strategy in place. His Pidgeot vs. my Mercedes (Jolteon). An easy win.

Just as I thought.

Rhydon vs Bella (Venusaur). No challenge.

Of course.

And then, his Alakazam. I knew he would be trouble, but I had faith in my girl from the previous fight, Miss Syza (Gyarados).

She wouldn't let me down. I knew she wouldn't. And she didn't either. With a couple of her Earthquakes and having to take a Psychic or two, she finally bested Alakazam.

Where is a staples easy button when you need one?

Then finally, his most powerful Pokémon. His Charizard. I knew he would be tough, but Bokiman (Lapras) wouldn't let me down.

So, you are saying that even though that this is the full final fight that it's in the bag?

Then... I remembered... Bokiman had a special ability. She could prevent all critical strikes. And as long as I could use a full restore, of which there were 30 in my inventory, Charizard would run out of Fire Blast. So, I decided to heal up Bokiman and just tank the hits.

That seems like something that I might do in such a situation. I tend to stalk up on healing then fight like a tank, taking hits like they were nothing. It only scares me as such times if I receive a hit that drops me from full to near one quarter. Then I feel I maybe fucked.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the story of Flrace.

I do find myself scratching my head as to if this was indeed all just made up, or if you did go through all this in a game as you said. Though something does tell me that this really did happen. :unsuresweetie:

Is Assbutt Red?

Wow! I just saw how bad that question is. :facehoof:

What I mean to ask, is the last challenger go by the name Red? And is his Charizard that ultra powerful one that is dark (I'd say black) in color, with a blue underside? If so, I no longer think that this was just made up. Cool beans. :twilightsmile:

Though pars of it did fill me with haunting recent memories of my own. :pinkiesad2:

I hope you took something from this

Oh' I think I did.

and I hope you all have a great day.

And I think I will.

I myself had had a hard weekend last week as well. And death is not a fun thing to be around. I have seen so much of it myself in my life time to know. Sorry to hear bout your bad weekend. :fluttershysad:

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