• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 27th, 2013


More Blog Posts8

  • 591 weeks
    Updates and Touchy-Feely-Shit

    Hey, all.

    I decided to write this blog to sort of inform you of a few things, and to share my feelings.

    Don’t judge me!

    Firstly, about Saccharine Arcadia: So, I’m sure you’re all very well acquainted with my chapter release schedule by now!

    … … … … …

    What’s that?

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    21 comments · 886 views
  • 596 weeks
    Well, Well, Well...

    Well, it seems as though I've been sidetracked again. Again, again.

    Personally, I blame Winter, and all the damn festivities that come with it!

    I cannot deny that I have been having fun though. You know, aside from the metaphorical fuck-ton of work that I have to complete by the end of the holidays. That part is not so fun...

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    13 comments · 482 views
  • 601 weeks
    Updates #2: Update Harder!

    First off; sorry about the wait. I KNOW this has taken ages.

    Want the truth? I did two stupid things at the same time!

    - I started uni!
    - I decided to try my hand at a 'large' chapter.

    So, yeah, uni began, and so that throws a ton of work my way; assignments and work placements... So that's absorbed a large amount of my time. (Ask my Skype crew!)

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    9 comments · 348 views
  • 612 weeks
    Updates and Questions!

    Ok! A blog post then… seeing as I actually have a new chapter out.

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    9 comments · 599 views
  • 614 weeks
    News and... Stuff!

    So then, I am just writing this to let anyone who is reading Saccharine Arcadia know that I have now posted everything I have written - it is up to date.

    This, coupled with the fact that I am one SLOW-ASS writer means that there will be no chapters for a while.

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    3 comments · 361 views

Updates and Questions! · 11:25pm Sep 16th, 2012

Ok! A blog post then… seeing as I actually have a new chapter out.

Well, let’s see… Once again, apologies for the wait. Despite being a basement-dwelling, pony loving, anti-social nerd; I do get out! So, that, combined with the start of college in a few days, plus the fact that I am slow as hell anyway, equals all-time-low levels of productivity! Woop!

So, moving on from that: I had a few people in one of my Skype chats express the idea of writing ‘What If?’ chapters for my story. I can see them being mainly clop, but hey, who doesn’t like that kinda stuff!?

Forget I asked…

So yeah, this coupled with a few comments I got on the story itself got me thinking. Why not write things that won’t or can’t be canon in my story as a whole separate thing.

For example, I can never see Arc sleeping with Twi or Celly, and therefore, they’d make perfect candidates to write a ‘What If?’ chapter for. Make sense!? And yeah, it doesn’t have to be clop, I will write whatever really.

So, I’d like any of you to tell me if that’s in anyway a good idea. Cuz like, I won’t write it if not!

If it helps any of you to decide, the majority of the ideas I get come from the questions in the comments of my story, so, if there is something there that takes my fancy, and you think this is a good idea, then I might write that!

Moving swiftly on!

Next thing I wanna ask is sort of similar to that which I just mentioned above… That being; that I, (for some reason,) wish to write more one-shots. I know, terrible, right?

But that’s the truth. This is more of a plea than a request, but if anyone has any ideas they wanna throw at me, please do! I’d appreciate that a lot! Just to get my creative juices flowing, ya know? Any ideas are welcome!

Anything else…?

Yeah, a quick question. How do you people go about rating fics? I mean, I read one, and if I stick around until the end and like it, I give it a green thumb. If I didn’t stick around to the end, I leave things be, and if I was forced to stop by it being purely god-awful, then I’ll thumb it down. My curiosity comes as a new writer and poster to this site. So many stories, (mine included) have people ‘favourite’ them, and yet, not have as many thumbs up as favourites. This confuses me; surely if you liked something enough to favourite it, then you like it enough to thumb it?

So yeah, just thoughts running through my head!


Time for a picture! More of my favourite princess; this time, in her younger years! (Don't tell her I said that!)


One big-ass thank you to all of you once again, a shout out to my Skype people - you’re awesome, you know who you are, and yeah;

One more thing; please comment and chat with me, I really enjoy hearing from you all! There must be something in this hellish blog post that you can answer me or give feedback on! Come one people!

Thanks again, for reading this pretty long blog! Hope I didn't bore you too much!


Report DevilsMessiah · 599 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Rob, you are my favorite princess.

I'm always confused by favourites too. I would expect thumbs up to be at least equal to favourites.

Basically the way I do it, if I think the story is good, I upvote it. If I want to continue reading it, I upvote and favourite it. If I want to continue reading updates AND I think that the author is probably great and I want to read more of their work, I'll upvote favourite and watch.

The only other circumstance (which admittedly sounds very unlikely) is if I like the author's writing style but dislike their story idea, in which case I would probably leave the story alone and just watch them.

By the way, that is an absolutely gorgeous princess.


I dunno if that's a good thing...

I mean, thank you! But, I'm pretty damn sure Celly is TONS better than me!


See, to me, that makes a lot of sense. I mean, I watch people I know to be friendly, and those who seem to keep in touch with the readers and ask questions and such, but yeah, it just baffles me.

As you say, you'd think favourites and likes would be equal. It's very rare that I favourite something and don't upvote it - in fact; I don't ever think I have. The two seem to go in tandem.

And yes, that is one pretty princess. I love that picture.

You should just write what you're comfortable with, don't stray too far from that place. If you don't want to write about something then you have all the right not too.

You know, is it just me or are there only a few HiE's stories that focus on restoration of worlds? Like, from what I have learned from watching the show and would vaguely expect to be implemented, is that more than like the ponies would try and help restore certain areas in our world. Naturally our world is riddled with problems and I doubt many ponies would stand for it. The Princesses and Twilight Sparkle especially. Like, instead of using Chernobyl as part of a 'Stalker' crossover, what about if the ponies actually visited the place and wanted to help restore the location? It would be subject to controversy and many difficulties, not to mention that the ponies have no knowledge about nuclear power. (Twilight would rectify that.) It would make for an interesting project. The mood would be dark and sad considering the devastation caused by the catastrophe. Though the bigger question is...how do ponies react to radiation? Especially the magical ones. However, not just that. The diseases and illnesses people suffer through. How would the ponies react to seeing such unbelievable illnesses destroying people in such horrific ways?

The second idea I have is this, what if Twilight unintentionally committed a awful crime with her magic? What if the penalty was 1000 years as an Alicorn to rule over a fake world? 1000 years in the fake world is equivalent to 1 month in Equestria so she won't miss much when she comes back. However, in the fake world she must take proper care of her subjects and stop all disasters in the best way possible. If she does a poor job, she must serve out another 1000 years starting from scratch. The crime she committed would be up to debate and her friends would try to convince the higher ups, (Celestia and Luna) that it was all a mistake and she shouldn't be punished.

That's all I have for now. :eeyup:


Haha, like I said, I will only write what I want to, don't get me wrong. But I would like inspiration! And that's why I'm being mean and asking you guys!

And as for the other thing, to be honest, I like straying from my comfort zone a little bit. It makes me feel like I'm progressing. I only have 2 stories up, but I have written maybe... 5? And they all represent different styles.

So yeah, thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it a hell of a lot!


See? See! SEE! You blow my mind with all the ideas!

Although, I have no idea now I'd write that, I don't know anything about the subject matter! But, you did give me a good thought, which was the element of restoration. This could lead down some fun avenues. And secondly, the part about ponies in our world? That can also be used to great effect. My main thoughts on the latter revolve around different time periods. I have no idea why though... But congrats! You have made my brain work!

Let's see. Restoration. Adventure. Short chapters. Fixing problems; Equestrian style! Sorta like side quests in RPG games... Sorry, mind went off track there...

Ponies in our dimension. I can't see our current generation dealing with that very well, and so... medieval? Maybe they'd be curious, but not overly 'must dissect' on the pony front... Ancient past? I reckon revered would be more accurate... Future? Better or worse; it may lead to scientific study or maybe just acceptance... Why would the ponies go there? Something about a dying world and a kingdom falling...

Right. Do excuse my ramblings! I'm simply putting all the sporadic thoughts down, that have been induced by your comment. If you can fathom this comment then... well done!

Onto the second paragraph! I really like this idea. As in - REALLY like! Once again, I'm going to separate the thoughts.

First off. Twilight committing a crime, by accident or otherwise. And how she deals with this... I'm thinking 'mental anguish' and potential insanity.

Secondly! The fake world! This in itself can lead down SO many roads. It could focus on the world while Twi is gone, or focus on Twi during those years... It could also focus on her return, and how such an experience changed her, or it could show character change; mentality or otherwise, of the ones who forced her to go through such an ordeal: Celestia, namely.

Third idea I got! Some sort of 'dark' fic based on trials and fortitude. (This reminds me of what we were talking about last night!) Magical realms… god knows...

Fourth. How far can friendship go? Will the mane 6 stick together through one pony’s hardships? What could one pony do to lose her friends?

Well, Griffon. Congratulations! Although I doubt you could decipher that which I have written above, that was a wonderful read and also highly inspirational. I cannot thank you enough!

[3:15:48 PM] Satin: Trixie vs Luna in a magical duel
[3:16:17 PM] Satin: Pinkie shatters 4th wall and tries to put it back together
[3:16:42 PM] Satin: AJ discovers she likes oranges more than apples
Derpy, the bravest mailmare ever, braves the most extremes to do her job.
Pinkie as a supervillian vs the Cake children.
A new element of Harmony perhaps? Maybe replacing an old one?
Satin vs the world!


That last idea amuses me the most!

Let’s see! How can I dissect these into raw components!

Number one is pretty straight forward!

Number two can involve SO many shenanigans! I'd have to look into so many layers of the fourth wall and shatter them all!

Reckon Pinkie is any good at doing jigsaw puzzles? What would happen if she remade the fourth wall all wrong!?

Number three! Haha, It can be an addiction story! How one pony hides the truth and overcomes all odds to survive in a world of ORANGES!

Hmm... Addiction, or maybe something to do with apples being bought less and orange economy rising! God knows... Haha, shunned by her family for liking a literal 'forbidden' fruit!

Number four! This can either be a great adventure, or one EPIC mind game. As you said on Skype, it could all just be in her imagination. It could also be something based around how others perceive her! ... I could make it sad and have her create fantasies to live out a life happier than her real one, where she is dejected, rejected and... Damn there are no more words to rhyme that with.

Number five! This one seems to me like something Pinkie would get up to during one of her foalsitting jobs. But it could be written with epic splendour and therefore be made EPIC! With all the epicness of an epic, epic!

Number six - Well, I already think that 2 elements of harmony are redundant, so I could easily replace them... I love Rarity and all, but she is NOT generous. AJ fills that role much better. And Dash, she is SO egotistical and hardly loyal unless in a sticky situation - where all the others are loyal too. She seems pretty useless. Once again, AJ fills the loyal role best! I am noticing a trend.

This to me could either be something where new elements replace the old ones and things go awry, something where new elements replace the old ones and things go well, but just aren’t the same, or something where AJ takes on ALL responsibility for being such a lovely pony pone!

And lastly, number seven! Satin VS the world! To be honest, this is a totally OP battle... how the hell is the world meant to compete with that?

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