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Question re S6 finale · 5:20am Oct 12th, 2016

I still have not seen the leaked S6 finale, and don't plan to until it officially airs. However, I read a spoiler by accident (:raritydespair:) which has me rather concerned about it, so I want to ask a question of folks who have watched it.


Cut-tagging the rest.

I'm assuming at this point that my remaining audience is: 1) people who have pre-watched the finale; 2) people who are immune to spoilage; and 3) me, for whom it is too late. So, for comments on this post, please feel free to reveal anything about the finale relevant to my question, in any level of detail necessary for discussion. (Please don't ruin the parts of the episode for me which I'm not directly asking about.)

So what I heard is that the changelings return, and something about them actually being like warped flutterponies or something?

1) Is this even slightly true? If so,

2) Hypothetically, if I were a changeling, is this presented in such a way that is likely to make me flip a table? I.e., does it ruin changelings forever by making them mere victims of a magical curse and they can be "healed" back to normal non-shapeshifting ponies, or something?

3) What other awesome changeling headcanon is now about to become shattered beyond recognition?

Report horizon · 984 views · #spoilers #s6e25 #s6e26
Comments ( 38 )

Horizon, this all sounds an awful lot like something a changeling would say. Is there something you'd like to share with the class?

A transformation happens, but it isn't explained whether the transformation is a return to some pure, original form, or merely a metamorphosis into a new state. It's also unexplained whether they can still shapeshift (though I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to anymore). And, as far as we know, it's only for the particular group of changelings in question. One could assume there might be other groups of changelings out there, and that they are uneffected.

Basically, based on what has been revealed, most changeling headcanons should be able to survive, or at least adapt without too much trouble.

1) Yes.
2) Possibly. If you like looking like what a bear would vomit up after eating a clown, it isn't so bad. (Actually, the parallels to what I did to some of them in The Celestia Code are scarily similar, but at least I left quite a lot of the changelings in their "natural" state. The episode does not.)
3) Pretty much anything involving changelings remaining changelings.

With that said, the above is just about everything I don't like about the finale. Everything else is actually pretty good.


The episode went too far, it would have been awesome if ONE changeling had morphed, it made just about enough sense within the context of the episodes, kind of like a rare metamorphosis stage thing, but then they just had to over do it. :facehoof:

You should probably just watch the episode, mate. Trying to answer these questions without further spoiling thing or inserting our own salty reactions would be hard. I will say nothing is mentioned or even implied about the changelings being cursed in any fashion or them being corrupted from a previous "pure" form. They do change, but only ones who willingly choose to make a spiritual choice that's somewhat implied to be culturally and psychologically hard for them. I for one like the designs and I will say there is ONE fic out there who's canon was sort of confirmed by this - but if you had some sort of weird rules for how changelings should work based on how the giving and taking love effects them then, yeah, chances are there's gonna be some conflict. Given the specificity of what a changeling has to do to transform like this, and how unlikely it would be to happen on it's own given how they're characterized in this two-parter I think you can, with a little wriggling, keep most fics as is unless they involve changeling related stuff happening post season 6 or Chrysalis directly.

I felt the execution was super rushed and spoils the value of it a bit, but I don't inherently hate the thing they were going for.

That said I am harvesting all the salt this has generated in hopes of one day funding my own Roman Legion.

The changelings are not suffering from a curse. They are, however, being held back by Chrysalis from achieving their true potential. The key is intentionally giving all your love to another, which makes them transform into a FAAAAAAABULOUS colorful form.

I was actually twitching in rage for hours over how bad the ending was.

Try rum... it worked for me.


Maybe black to gray, signaling an alignment shift, or some change in eye color or something, not THAT!!!!

4252466 is the most factually correct – that’s more or less exactly what the writers wanted to say, as far as I can tell. If you wish to avoid being spoiled, that’s where you should stop reading these comments, and that by itself does not spoil much, because it’s performed in a perfect left field ass pull fashion.

The FAAAAbleagh form is so toyetic, and the mechanics of the process so unexplained (I got a decent explanation now, and it took me hours to get there) that it severely damages the good impression the earlier parts of the second episode managed to build up. The first half of the two-parter has its own, separate problems.

I've basically written off everything past season 4 episode 25 as being a massive drug trip. Cult leaders, giant crystal castles, the changelings returning... it's all like they've been digging into our fanfictions for episode concepts.

They never utter "flutterpony," and there is still a decidedly insectoid aspect to the changelings' character design. The way it's presented, it isn't removing corruption but alleviating starvation.

Less "curse removed" and more "ascended to the next level." It's basically the equivalent of Rainbow Power except they seem to wear it all the time. Episode is mum on whether they can still shapeshift but there's no immediate reason to presume that they can't (I.e. no gag-with-spoon monologues about how they don't need to assume new forms now, thank goodness).

I suspect the fan fix comics are shortly incoming where two ascended changelings look at each others' colorful insect fairy deer forms, say "naah" and warp back to being bugponies again.

Author Interviewer

Everyone's been screaming "FLUTTERPONIES" but I honestly can't see it. It's just leftover changeling headcanon rearing its ugly head in the face uglier changeling canon. :V

Im waiting till its actual air date.
And again you dont have to follow show cannon. If it doesnt fit the fic your writing/have been writing then ignore it.
It's painful to watch authors take a great fic and torture it to fit the latest episodes world building.


I think some changeling is just trying to find out how to become a bee-yoo-ti-ful butterfly.

4252608 I wonder if Hasbro still holds the copyright/patent/lease on the word "Flutterponies"

If not, it would explain not using the word and the different design. Plus they may not have actually *had* a name for the new Technicolor insects when the voice work and animation was being done. (That decision can actually be delayed until the toys are coming off the lines, as all they need to do is print it on the labels and get a copyright on it.)

4252621 Of course there's nothing keeping them from shapeshifting into a previously known pony form, such as an orange pegasus, just to name a random example. Hasbro can re-use the Flash objects that way, and Horizon doesn't have to get a new wardrobe.


You should probably just watch the episode, mate.

I probably should, but the point of this post was to figure out how many filthy cheaters I share this website wi

… how hard I'm going to need to brace for impact when I do.

Goofed on my pronunciation, there.


The key is intentionally giving all your love to another

Okay. I can … like … almost work with this. Draining your reserves entirely makes you more powerful/fulfilled/whole/whatever. That makes sense like a funhouse mirror reflects you, but at least it tries.


It's basically the equivalent of Rainbow Power except they seem to wear it all the time.

Okay, this, THIS right here, makes me feel better than anything else I've heard.

I remember Rainbow Power. And I've seen exactly how seriously the fandom took it. I am perfectly okay with bad changeling canon vanishing down the same memory hole.


… just trying to find out how to become a bee-yoo-ti-ful butterfly

Asking for a hivemate.

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To add to the above, I do appreciate all of the responses. They answer a question I wanted answered but didn't actually ask: what the full spectrum of reactions looks like.

If everyone's fine with it, then I can stop worrying. If everyone loathes it, I have to prepare for the worst. It looks like we're in the middle somewhere, in "this is bad but survivable" territory — and let's face it, that's still better than looking outside your window at #2016.





I have a sneaking suspicion that in the wake of the finale I'm going to have to write a story titled "Conversion Therapy." :applejackunsure:


It was all a ruse because they know from experience that they can't take Cadance down head on!

I'd read the heck out of that! :rainbowlaugh:


Thay would be funny "yeah, we're all colourful and shinny now, we'll still siphon your emotions though".

Chrysalis just kept them down because she can't stand how gaudy a mature changeling looks.


He didn't even say anything, Celestia was just like

"Yeah, you're in charge now, I'm not about to start tolerating democracies".

"But I wanted freedom for my.."

"Yup, it's all on you, by my devine decree"

I rather like:

The new bugpony designs, but, well, you've seen my comics. You know the horror that is my personal sense of design. :twilightsheepish:


The design isn't abominable but it's definitely a bit...crowded.

But pah, the finale has one other giant glaring problem I won't say that fills me with SEETHING FURY that has nothing to do with the fact I might be a magical pastel horse princess

Colorful Bug Ponies: Wait... he's our new king?

Celestia: He is if you know what's good for you.

Colorful Bug Ponies: Is that a threat?

Celestia: Do you have any SPF 90,000 sunscreen handy?

Colorful Bug Ponies: LONG LIVE THE KING!

It's not often pointed out, but Princess Sunbutt is all about that status quo. Different style of changelings? Minor in the long run. Different governance system? Whoa there, bub, EVERY COUNTRY IS RULED BY THE TALLEST MEMBER OF THE RESIDENT SPECIE. That how you do government in Equestria. Period.

most of the knee-jerk reactions I witnessed were less about the writing and more about them looking ugly.
and after getting a closer look at it, the designs aren't all that bad. the scene was just directed badly, giving the impression of a garish rainbow mess. they look more tolerable individually than in their crowd shot. somewhat.

that was pretty much my reaction.
".... less cool now."

The real question you need to ask yourself is what slightly eye-watering color scheme you would like your final form to me. There's room for options.

Okay. I can … like … almost work with this. Draining your reserves entirely makes you more powerful/fulfilled/whole/whatever. That makes sense like a funhouse mirror reflects you, but at least it tries.

The justification is about love rather than energy reserves. By always taking and never giving, the changelings are left forever craving more. Only through the sharing of love can they experience its full power.


It's survivable in that I think a lot of people are banking on the changelings being shown very, very seldom from now on.



That was definitely a thing. :rainbowderp:

One thing that I don't see people really mentioning is the "Changeling Kingdom," which apparently amounts to a castle with shifting holes. I've personally always been a fan of the hive/anthill structures, so I found that a little disappointing.

Also, thank you very much for doing some proper spoiler warnings!

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Still haven't seen it myself -- didn't realize the finale was this last weekend, and I've been at a work conference since Saturday morning :raritydespair: -- otherwise I'd probably have more to say ...

Take your time! That's why I was very vague about it. :pinkiehappy:

Though I'd think you could just take shifts at the conference, right? :pinkiecrazy:

(I'll just show myself out)

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