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My friend's house is going to be condemned. You can donate AND get a story commission by me! · 7:55pm Oct 14th, 2016

A good friend of mine has a house that's about to be condemned tomorrow. They've been trying very hard to get $1687 to prevent their grandparents house (where they live) from being condemned. in 3 weeks, they've managed to get over $1100 and has included money from selling some of their own possessions as well as donations from others. This leaves them with about $560 left they need to earn by the end of today.

Here's what is happening in their own words:

Here's their tumblr: http://jwhoof.tumblr.com/
Here's their paypal: https://paypal.me/jwhoof

(note: some far later posts of theirs are NSFW so heads up)

Please spread the word if you know anyone that can help.


And I'll tell you what. I'm going to offer something for your donations.

The amount of donation you give will get you a story of your choice!

Here's what you do.

(1) Donate through paypal: https://paypal.me/jwhoof
(2) Screenshot that the donation went through and let me see it by PMing me the screenshot on fimfiction or PMing me that you need to send me an email about it and then send me the email (boardgamebrony@gmail.com)
(3) I'll confirm with my friend Jwhoof that the payment went through
(4) Donating before the end date of tonight will still get you that commission (End time is midnight Central Standard Time on October 15th, 2016 That is about 9 hours later than when this was posted and is the hour when Oct 14th rolls over and becomes Oct 15th.)
(5) I will then discuss with you the specifics of your story commission. Here are the details.

Every $5 gets you 1000 words of story
Likewise, every $1 between $5 increments is 200 words of story.
You pay $20 = 4000-word story
You pay $22 = 4400-word story
You pay $2 = 400-word story

Note: If you pay less than $5, the story will be below the 1000 word limit to post as a single story on fimfiction. Therefore, stories under $5 will be posted in a group post single-story upload where each chapter is a different story in its own (and I reserve the right to choose the order in which they go). The story upload will be named after my friend as an anthology charity post dedicated to him, which each story's donation contributor mentioned in the description.

Story donations of $5 or more get their own story upload. :P

Story Commissions by Boardgamebrony

Note: There are many genres of storywriting I absolutely adore and you can expect to order longer commissions from me within those genres with a more complex result (like sci-fi or horror). Genres which I'm not used to I will still write for you, but it may take longer to do so as I need to practice to make sure you get a product of quality.

Fimfiction Genres I'm skilled in and would love to write:
-2nd Person
-Alternate Universe
-Crossover (but it depends on what the crossover is. Games and movies are best)
-Science Fiction
-Slice of Life

Fimfiction Genres I haven't done as much but would love to do so:
-Equestria Girls

Specific storyline themes I have written and would love to write again:
-Transformation (Human to Pony, but others can be done)
-Action and Combat
-Unique Personal Relationships
-Surreal Works
-Humans in Equestria
-Ponies Outside Equestria
-Videogame/Pony crossovers (especially if sci-fi or fantasy)
-crackfics (Sweetie Derelle: BWAAAaAAAAAAAA!)
-Future tales
-Ponies appearing through psychological creation
-Psychological Horror
-Survival Horror
-Pony Shipping (especially well-known OTPs, but I love to consider unique ships)
-Film Noir
-First-Person Exploration and Survival (especially humans)
-Ponies and Humans in Ships (Platonic/Romantic)
-Ponies and Humans experiencing family life together

Specific storyline themes I would like to write but have not written a lot or at all yet:
-Transgender experiences
-Gender Identity
-Ponified movies, stories or video games
-Poly-Pony Ships/Herd Ships/Cargo ships (Shipping 3 or more ponies together at once. CHALLENGE ME!)

Story themes I do not feel comfortable writing:
-Sex (but romance is wonderful! Ask me about romance! Even puppylove type attraction <3 )
-Extreme gore (but moderate gore is okay. Nothing sadistic. Will write things like combat gore and wounds characters might sustain in battle. If monsters are getting killed, then extreme gore it is! Not a fan of gore happening to ponies or humans.)
-Torture (Now, I can have a scene where a character is being interrogated, threatened and hurt, but straight-up torture is just...too much)

You: "So how would I tell you my story?"

Well, you and I would talk through private messaging here on fimfiction and iron-out the details. You would give me
--key concepts I need to write about,
--certain events you want to happen,
--and the characters you want involved.
--Tell me the ending you want as a result.

We will talk back and forth to create an outline of what the story is.

Then I write the story and send it to you for checking. If there's something you don't like or would like changed or elaborated upon, let me know and I'll work on it. Please be reasonable. I understand if maybe you want 2 or 3 revisions on key parts in the story, but if you keep asking me to revise it and I tell you "I've done everything you've asked. Could we come to a compromise here?" then I reserve my right to settle on a work after I've made a few attempts to work on changes you've requested. You will be informed of the one final chance for revisions before posting.

You: "How long will you take before you can start working on my story?"

Good question, hypothetical person!

The sooner you donate, the higher up on the queue you get.

Unless I get an INSANE amount of commissions (and that would be absolutely WONDERFUL for my friend <3), I predict I can finish all of these commission by December 31st, 2016. If this changes because I get so many, I'll let you know. But again: you donate earlier, you get higher priority.

In the event that my friend doesn't raise enough money, but you've still donated, you will still get your commission. The money will be needed when my friend moves to another place, wherever that may be.

If you have ANY Questions, please ask me ASAP! I'll be happy to answer them.

Comments ( 11 )

Holy shit, that sucks. They have to raise that much in one day?!

I wish I had money to donate to the guy. If I did, he'd get all of it.

I'd also need a PayPal account, which I don't think I can get at my age...

I hope he's able to, though. Best wishes and best of luck to him.


Thank you for your well-wishes! If you could let others know about this, you might find the one person who helps at the right time :)

AGH if you gave me a week I could donate!

Gonna reshare on here and FB


Thank you! I know, but this was an idea that I decided to enact recently. It's difficult to move forward with plans to help when life keeps putting pressure on me >.<


If you could let others know about this, you might find the one person who helps at the right time :)

Consider it done. Just made a blog post on it, and I'm about to go and share this over on google+, and whatever else I can.


Thank you! <3 *hugs*

4255823 No problem, pal. I hope they raise enough!

Has your friend looked into section 8 housing?

That is very distressing!
I'm thinking of your friend and family.
Hoping you got a good response

Absolutely awful.
If it wasn't for the time zones I would have been able to contribute. :applejackunsure:
Will crossing my fingers they've raised enough.

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