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Episode Discussion » S6E25-26 - To Where and Back Again · 2:25pm Oct 22nd, 2016

It's hard to choose an image without spoilers when you already know what happens.

Anyway, season finale time!


Comments ( 271 )

Candy bugs.

I created this survey to see how many people watched it already.

That is the probably cutest fan art I've ever seen ^_^

Unicorn club is best club.

Awesome two episodes and I think that we're gonna be seeing quite a bit more of thorax next season, which is awesome because IMO he's one of the best males on the show. The way they approached these episodes was fantastic and it kinda makes up for some of the less likeable parts of season 6, but then again they've never really done a bad finale.

Can't wait until next season. (best finale so far) :yay:

Aurum #9 · Oct 22nd, 2016 · · 3 ·

I hope there'd be more ThoraxSpike after this.

Already spoiled myself but I have no problem watching it again.

And I want to watch the inevitable drama.

The episodr has already aired mate

This finale was AMAZING! :yay:

Twilight Denied. Best eye twitch.

Trixie's reaction to everything is really just the best.

Oh, apparently changelings can mimic ponies magic aura colors.

Clumsy _____________.

Comment posted by Vex Ether deleted Oct 22nd, 2016

I freaking loved the season finale. It was so amazing! :rainbowkiss:

The changelings evolution looks so beautiful!

Can't wait for season 7!

It feels so weird to me that this episode is airing today. I saw it earlies. :twilightsmile:

I really liked part 1. It was a set up episode, but it was a really good set up episode. It started off as a small scale story with Starlight dealing with her personal issues, and ended with Starlight, Trixie, and Discord preparing to break into a Changeling empire, and the transition between the two was well written and paced. I'm sure it took a lot of work fitting all this in 20 minutes and not having it be rushed, and I appreciate that.

Didn't like part 2. I haven't enjoyed Discord much in seasons 5 and 6, and this was no exception, they kind of make him the butt monkey here and I'm not a fan. And the resolution felt very rushed, I swear what appears to be the entire Changeling empire (or at least a good chunk of it) minus its queen was reformed in the blink of an eye. I have to wonder, if it was this easy to reform the Changelings, then why hasn't it ever happened before? I'm starting to wonder why this world has baddies at all! I did enjoy seeing the characters getting picked off one by one though, that was neat.

Overall, I liked the finale okay, like the season 5 premiere and finale. I don't expect a whole lot these days, just a watchable cartoon. I found season 6 to be decent, but the pony show feels like it's winding down, at least for me. The series from the beginning up through Crusaders of the Lost Mark is one of my favorite things of all time, but since then it's kind of just been an okay cartoon to throw on. I'm not disappointed though since I got everything I wanted out of the first five seasons, and season 6 had enough episodes I liked that I can say I'm happy I saw it. When season 7 rolls around though I might not watch it week after week, waiting seven days for each episode. I might instead watch it in chunks on Netflix.

My favorite season 6 episodes were 28 Pranks Later, The Cart Before the Ponies, Flutter Brutter, and To Where and Back Again Part 1. My least favorites were The Gift of Maud Pie, Pony Point of View, and Viva Las Pegasus.

4266256 But why Chrysalis' aura remain green when she impersonated Cadance?

Quick. Someone hit the "NOPE" button after that entrance.

Wrong episode mate.

I'm not going to lie here. I am not a fan of the new Changeling designs. I mean, good grief, what happened here? What exactly are they supposed to be anyway? A cross between a deer and a butterfly? I get they wanted to go for a more friendly looking Changeling, but was this really the best they could think of? The worst part of all is that the coloring is just ugly. Everything looks so horribly mashed together and nothing seems to blend at all. It's like they chose random colors and went along with it for each Changeling. Look, I get they wanted a friendly looking Changeling, but this is ridiculous. It's a eyesore that's gaudy and overblown. I don't know what went wrong, but the designs just don't feel right.

Loved the concept for the Changeling hive. Always changing.

Also, looks like they pushed the violence envelope a bit. :twilightoops:


We wiww be weweasing... Fwuttershy!

I'm Fluttershy!

I'm Fluttershy!

I'm Fluttershy, and so's my wife!

This pretty much explains everything I dislike about this episode's ending.


A great ending to a great season! There's going to be inevitable bitching about the new changeling design and the fact that Starlight is in the episode (seriously, this hate for her is getting really old now.), but I loved it. The writing and character interaction was fun, and I really felt for Starlight's anxiety throughout the episode.

Overall, a really awesome finale, and I can't wait to see what they have in store for Season 7.

Raugos #32 · Oct 22nd, 2016 · · 3 ·

Well, that was quite an enjoyable finale. The interactions between Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Thorax were pretty entertaining, and we got a few golden moments light Twilight's eye twitch at being lumped aside and Trixie's epic freakout at Thorax's appearance. :rainbowlaugh:

On the other hoof, I'm not a huge fan of how easily the changelings shrugged off their parasitic nature. It feels like the changeling equivalent of "Did you try turning it off and on again?" Rather than feeling like a hard-earned struggle to overcome their worst instincts or an epiphany that allows them to cope with their hunger, it feels almost like an author hand-waving it off and saying it doesn't matter anymore. I can't help but feel that it makes them less interesting as a species. :fluttercry:

Also, it's a bit hard for me to take ascended Thorax seriously. That colour scheme makes it look like he's wearing a swimsuit. :rainbowhuh:

I have mixed feelings about all of what just happened

I don't think Thorax is meant to be based on a deer. I think the design comes from stag beetles:

4266322 I think MLP has a white savior complex problem, or in this case a pony savior.

Pause #37 · Oct 22nd, 2016 · · 9 ·

The entire design concept of changelings is based on beetles with the old changelings being based on black beetles combined into a quadrupedal equine shape.

The "new" ones are just jewel beetles while Thorax is a combination of the Jewel Beetle and the Stag Beetle which justifies their color scheme.

Of course considering the hypocrisy of the fandom I except people to complain about the writers imposing real life things onto the show when they (the fans) tend to do it all the time.

The thing is, it being based off of a real thing doesn't make the design good.

I have three big questions for this episode.

1) How were the Changelings replace Celestia and Luna?
I mean they were both thousand-year-old alicorns who can control the sun and the moon, for crying out loud! I do not think they are so helpless against dozens (or even a hundred) of bugs. And definitely not without leaving any struggle marks whatsoever! Not to mention all the noises that guarantee to heppen. (unless the Changelings are very good at large-scale silence spell)

2) Who raised the sun and the moon in the Royal Sisters' place?
If Celestia and Luna were replaced the day Starlight returned to Ponyville, that means there was no one to raise the moon that night and the sun in the morning on the day Starlight left town with Trixie. If we assume that Luna was captured and replaced on that night during her visit in Starlight's dream, we still had no pony to lower the moon at dawn (not to mention raised the sun afterward). Because from Luna's message, it seemed Celestia was replaced before her (or together with her).

And even there are explanation on how those two alicorns were captured after the moon's and the sun's routines were already taken care of, they is still one really, really big question after that.

3) How are the Changelings going to do with the sun and the moon?
Unless they have somepony to take control of the sun and the moon (which is extremely unlikely), everypony (especially the Guards) will quickly notice something is wrong. And without the cycle of the sun and the moon, life on the planet will gradually die out. That means ponies will inevitably die out due to the lack of food. And with the decrease in ponies population, the Changelings will undoubtly suffer as well - both from fewer food sources and even lower in love emotion (I don't think anyone would be happy or love when they know there might starve tomorrow). Did the Changeling plan for their own doom as well?

I may take it too serious (need to remind myself this is a kid show), but these details really bug me.

Did I say it was good?

Though while I think the "old" design was badass, I also like the new design because it allows for much more individual designs for changelings compared to the old designs which were just uniform black and blue eyes.

It had some parts that I really liked but changelings being able to talk still bugs the hell out of me. Plus I really didn't like thorax so having him now play a bigger part is just the worst. And again, we have a big situation where we don't let Celestia or Luna (or right, she warned someone in a dream) do anything and make them seem incompetent for getting captured... again.

It also begs the question of how thorax is going to spawn the new generation of changelings since hes apparently a he now. Ugh, I really don't like that the drones can talk or think outside of a hivemind.

4266339 I actually had no idea about that to be honest. Though it doesn't really explain why Thorax has antlers like a deer though.

Raugos #43 · Oct 22nd, 2016 · · 1 ·

Regarding the appearance of the ascended changelings...

I suspect that many find it on the over-colourful, garish or gaudy side of things, but it's pretty clear that they're designed to appeal to conventional ideas of beauty, which leads to my point: It's hard for me not to feel that the show's leaning too much on the idea that only good people are beautiful, or vice versa. Not letting reformed changelings keep their fangs, leg holes and dark colours feels like a missed opportunity to teach children that unattractive or intimidating people can be good, too.

Heck, if they really had to make the good changelings look more appealing, they could've just stopped at giving them pupils. Maybe like this handsome bugger.

I liked it a lot, but the same message was conveyed as usual. I also don't get how the changelings magically went poof so quickly and became... er... magical rainbow colored deer. If they only had to open their hearts to love, why wasn't it done before?

Are you ready for the message? 1.. 2... 3... : Friendship is MAAAAGIC.

Pause #45 · Oct 22nd, 2016 · · 1 ·

To answer one: Indirect methods. Catching them while they're asleep, or poisoning their food. Brute forcing everything isn't the only way to go. They are a race of deception.

To answer two and three: Unicorns and powerful magic users.

4266359 That's a good point, however, I'd argue Discord isn't exactly the epitome of beauty.

Cute picture is cute :twilightsmile:

4266336 But remember; Spike saved the crystal Empire twice. :moustache:

4266353 It's more like Bettles fangs

4266359 Hey, I know that guy.

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