• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Hello Fluttercord Fans and shipper fans alike! My name is MissKoiFishPony, but you can call me Miss Koi or Missy:) I love My Little Pony, I love to write, I love Fluttercord.

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Miss Koi's Season 6 Over View and Season 7 Wishlist · 11:35pm Oct 30th, 2016

Overall Season 6 Review: Like Season 5, it was kinda hard to decide how I felt about this feeling. It wasn't a horrible season, but it wasn't amazing even though it had standout episodes to make it an amazing season, just like Season 5. Though, I have to say, this season had more ties in top tier of my episode list than any other season:D This season wasn't what I entirely expected, both good and bad, but like Season 5, something about it didn't wow me as much as others have in the past. It isn't enough for me that a season that stand out episodes to make up for the season. Especially when it comes to Fluttercord defining a season. For example, Season 3 has Keep Calm and Flutter On, one of my top episodes of MLP ever and yet Season 3 is low on my list. Season 5 and Season 6 have amazing Fluttercord, but yet Season 5 and 6 aren't my favorite seasons ever like Season 4 or Season 2. I guess the best way to describe this season and season 5 is that they're both transition seasons. Meaning, I feel like they're transitioning/building to a bigger story that will be easier to see and will pay off in the next season. Which is, hopefully, season 7. Something like this has happened in the past, in my opinion, through Season 3 into Season 4. To get a better understanding of where I'm getting at with my impressions of season 6, here's my ranking of the MLP seasons:
1. Season 4
2. Season 2
3. Season 1
4. Season 5 + Season 6
5. Season 3
Plus, down below in my wishlist, I have a wish that touches more into what this big story could be for Season 7.

Episode Ranking:
1. The Gift of Maud Pie,

1.Dungeons & Discords,

1. Top Bolt,

1. Times Are A Changeling

2. To Where and Back Again Part 1 & 2
3.Flutter Brutter, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
4. The Gauntlet of Fire
5. Stranger than Fan Fiction
6. Newbie Dash
7. A Hearth's Warming Tale
8. Saddle Row & Rec
9. No Second Prances
10. Viva Las Pegasus
11. Buckball Season
12.Every Little Thing She Does
13. Where the Apple Lies
14. The Crystalling Part 1 & 2
15. 28 Pranks Later
16. On Your Marks
17. Spice Up Your Life
18. The Cart Before The Ponies
19. Pony Point of View
20. Applejack's Day Off

Song Ranking:
1.A Changeling Can Change

2. Can I Do It On My Own
3. Say Goodbye To the Holiday
4. Luna's Future
5. Pinkie's Present
6. The Seeds of the Past (1 & 2)
7. Find the Purpose in Your Life
8. Derby Racers
9 + 10. Hearth's Warming is Here Once Again + Reprise
11. It's Gonna Work
12. Out On My Own

Season 7 Wishlist: Warning: Unlike my previous wishlist for Season 6 from awhile back, this list will be mixed with not only my realistic expectations for Season 7 but also my unrealistic expectations for Season 7 as wellXD Just because, well...I can;) Lol! But yeah, I didn't have enough realistic expectations to make it a full looking list, so I included some of my silly self indulgent wishes on here because I had more of those than the realistic onesXD Honestly! Lol;) Don't worry folks, I'll let you know which ones are realistic and which ones are not. But keep in mind, some might even be a mix of both;)

1. (Realistic Expectation): Chrysallis's Revenge on Starlight Glimmer as the Premise of Season 7 premier AKA the return of the action packed/suspense building premier with awesome villians:D

There's no doubt that Chrysallis's story will continue in Season 7. It all comes down the question of when. But we know our MLP writers, they love to use their big baddies for the season premiers and finales. So yeah, 90% possibility says that Chrysallis will returns in the Season 7 premier in order to properly follow through what was established in the S6 Finale. It would be silly of the writers not to follow this route, seriously!:0 But I digress, the real big question is: What kind of story will we have with the return of Chrysallis? My prediction/answer/hope: I have a feeling that this episode would give the same tone and vibe of The Canterlot Wedding mixed a little with Twilight's kingdom. A tone and vibe of darkness/drama building slowly in the background until the big conflict and all magic is set loose. The reason why I say this is because with Chrysallis as a villain, or just a changeling overall as a villain (not including our friendly little changeling Thorax), the key to attacking is deception and deceit and working in the shadows. And I can see this being especially true to Chrysallis, who is now on her own and has to rely on her wicked wit to survive. Now there's three routes for Chrysallis's villainy to go: either she goes completely solo, or she creates/gives birth to a new army of changelings due to her being queen and all, or she teams up with another villain:3 I'm more for the routes of her going solo or teaming up with another villain. Especially the villain collab part:3 And I know the perfect villian for her to team up with: Tirek:D

Think about it: this would be the best option for Chrysallis to go with:) Not only is Tirek the most powerful MLP villian to date, but Tirek and Chrysallis have powers and strageties that are very similar to one another. They both have powers relating to sucking the love/magic out of ponies, they both work in the shadows and deceit and deception first in order to build enough strength to take on their enemies head on. So, I can imagine them having a sort of temporary deal to work together in order to get both what they want. Plus, who wouldn't want to see a super mega Dragon Ball Z battle with our heroes against the combined powers of Tirek and Chrysallis?:D That's got awesome written all over it! Plus, with the return of Tirek, hopefully with hooves crossed, we finally get to see Scorpan and have our favorite gargoyle help the Mane Six:D Please Hasbro Please! I want to see Scorpan!X0
However, most likely, the writers will go with the route of Chrysallis being solo villian OR Chrysallis rebuilding her army. I'm hoping that in this Premier expand on my headcanon for Chrysallis in terms of what happened in the finale: I have a feeling that Chrysallis didn't honestly know that Changelings can give love and live on without feeding on love. I got this vibe during the finale that Chrysallis probably went through her entire existence believing that her and her changelings could only feed on love. However, I'm not against the idea going around that Chrysallis always knew that Changelings could not feed on love in order to have control over her army and gain power from the ponies of Equestria. But my little headcanon and theory would make the premier or finale really interesting because it would give some backstory and unexpected characterization to Chrysallis.
I have a feeling/hoping that Chrysallis's Revenge Arc continues from the Season 7 premier to it's finale. Most likely, this is a good possibility and plus, Chrysallis's determination to hate and seek revenge can never be condensed to one episode;) I mean, Chrysallis is back after Season 2 so what's that tell ya?;) My only fear for Chrysallis's story: please Hasbro, for all that is good, don't redeem Chrysallis:( Don't do it in the Season 7 finale:( It would be such a good lesson for Starlight and the rest of the gang to learn that there are creatures, no matter how much you want to help, can't be redeemed unless they want to be and they want to genuinely change through this help. And I can't see Chrysallis going down this path due to her stubborness and her ego. She's no Starlight and Discord and Sunset Shimmer in my opinion.
A fun little thing to add to this episode I'm conjuring up and probably won't happen realistically: Maybe we can get a bit of Discord vendetta against Chrysallis?:3 And if Tirek gets involved, double the Discord vendetta?;) :3 And then, we can have Discord helping Starlight in order to get revenge on Chrysallis (and Tirek) for what they did to Fluttershy and him. But once Fluttershy and Starlight discover this vendetta, they try to convince Discord to not do it and be the better pony, despite his angry. And Discord will comply, do it for Fluttershy mostly (c'mon folks, let's get real here;)), and get some character development:) But most likely, this story will be focused on Starlight and Chrysallis and not with Discord and Fluttershy.

Speaking of Discord and Fluttershy:3...
2. *sing song voice* Fluttercord!:D

It wouldn't be a Missy List without it. This is a realistic expectation mixed with unrealistic, let me explain why: Now, it's realistic to expect some Fluttercord moments in Season 7:) But the big question is: How will this Fluttercordness be expressed? Best option but maybe less likely (you never know though ,it's always possible in my mind because we haven't had one since Season 5): We have another Fluttercord centered episode like "Make New Friends But Keep Discord":D But most likely we get Fluttercordness in episodes like "Dungeons & Discords" where it's sprinkled in oh so sweetly on a Discord episode, like sugary colored sprinkles on top of an ice cream sundae:3 Yum! Another fun ideal option that we can get some awesome Fluttercord moments in the season premier and/or finale, Fluttercord moments during the premier or finale are even sweeter than sprinkles on top of an ice cream sundae:3 X3 Lol;)
Anyway, here's where the unrealistic comes in(but then it can be realistic, we shall see from the unpredictable realm that is called Hasbro): I want to see an episode or some Fluttercord moments focused on Fluttershy's perspective on her relationship with Discord. Thanks to Make New Friends but Keep Discord and the S6 Finale, we have a very clear picture on how Discord views the relationship. All we need is Fluttershy's point of view. If we think about this in terms of almost continuing and completing Make New Friends But Keep Discord, we are completing the cycle of point of view on a single relationship by including Fluttershy's point of view. We all know that she cares about him, but how much? Discord just treasures her above all else, but how much does Fluttershy treasure Discord? This might be a possiblity due to the fact that we had that little Fluttershy blush at the end of S6 when Discord was hugging her:3 Maybe this is the start of something new?(Sorry, I have to play thisXD It's corny, but I'm corny and this could perfectly summarize Fluttershy's growing feelings towards Discord:3)

I would love to see an episode focused on Fluttershy having to save Discord or make some sort of sacrifice, and through this, she states or expresses how much Discord means to her. Preferably, in front of Discord:3 This would be great character development for Fluttershy and show to the audience that Discord has an influence and effect on her character development, just as much as the Mane Six did. Please Hasbro, please Hasbro pleaseXo I ask so little (even though I ask too much on a daily basisXD Especially when it comes to FluttercordXD) What do you guys think? What kind of episode should Hasbro to convey how Fluttershy should express her feelings/point of view on her relationship with Discord? Let me know in the comments below cause I'm kinda stuck myself on that:/

3. (Realistic) We learn more about our new "Changelings"

Specifically within the Season 7 premier since we need to check on our new favorite buggies to see how their new kingdom is going?;) <3 Are they still on the lands of their old castle? What is the name of their land anyway and their kingdom? Are they still changelings or something new? Are they immortal or mortal? What do they feed on to survive? Will there be a confrontation between them and Chrysallis (please say yes cause that would be sooooo cool!:D Especially between Thorax and Chrissie:3)? Is Thorax king of these Changelings (like really and truly)? Does he have a new voice now and with new powers? Do they all have new powers? AGAIN, SO MANY FREAKIN QUESTIONS!Xo We just need to establish their species Hasbro, that's all -_- It's no big deal, just sayin-_- On a lighter note, I hope we get some cute friendship shipping moments between Thorax and Spike:3

4. (Unrealistic) Some Backstory on the Tree of Harmony [Finally!], or some sort of Equestrian history backstory or any kind of backstory on something big

As I touched in my Season 6 overview, I feel like Season 5 and Season 6 are building to something. The last time we had a season touching on backstory it was in Season 4. I feel like now is the perfect time to touch on some significant backstory like Season 4 did, in order to give light into the journey of MLP's story as a whole and change the MLP formula in the best possible way. And in my opinion, backstory/historical light affecting the present is the best way to change formula. For example, the journey/quest presented by the Tree of Harmony, the Tree of Harmoney taking the elements away but giving our heroes the rainbow powers, and the castle/map given to Twilight by the Tree of Harmony. Say what you want about these changes, but these changes do present great stories and help make the series feel ever fresh and new:) Always changing, always growing and giving us something interesting to look forward to despite the rainbow powers and the design of Twilight's castle not being the biggest favorite for any of the fans:P Lol!
And I feel like all our questions about the past can be solved through the Tree of Harmony. The Tree of Harmony seems to be the origins of harmony in Equestria, older than the princesses and twice as powerful. I mean, it was the Tree that gave the princesses the power to defeat Discord. And the princesses are considered the most powerful beings in Equestria so... what's that tell ya about this old tree? I don't know, I always found it so gaucking that Twilight never wanted to investigate this whole business with the Tree of Harmony like she did with friendship. She did when the Tree presented the whole quest and such, but what about the map? How about solving the mystery with the map and why the Tree keeps sending you guys on missions? We the audience may know why, but it's nice to investigate and explore the mythical reason why the Tree is acting mysteriously through this map and getting involved with the Mane Six like this. Versus it's previous encounter with the Princesses in the past.
I have a feeling that the writers are saving the whole Tree of Harmony story till the last season of MLP when the story is wrapping up and true destinities are revealed:/ So, that' why this possibility feels unrealistic. Plus, with the whole Chrysallis story, I feel like the writers will be focusing on that rather than backstory. BUT, that doesn't mean that can't build and hint on this backstory and save the big reveal for Season 8 perhaps;)

5. (Unrealistic) SkyVapor AKA Sky Stinger x Vapor Trail shipping!XD

This is unrealistic, UNLESS my dear and wonderful followers, if we make this into reality>:D Mwhaha! Make these two characters popular my friends! Make fan art! Make shipping stories! Arts, crafts, anything! Anything to grab the writers attention in order to give these two love birds a silent cameo in the background of a Season 7 episode!XD LOLXD Sorry but that's as good as it gets for these two;) LolXD!

6. (Unrealistic plus Realistic) The return of Zephyr Breeze and Fluttershy's Family

I can so totally imagine the writers doing a comic episode, like Make New Friends But Keep Discord, where Discord and the rest of the Mane Six meeting Fluttershy's family. Especially Discord:3 The writers can do a big Meet the Parents parody with ease with a premise like this, how can they refuse?

It has comedy gold written on it:D It will be the perfect way to bring this quirky family back, check up on their development(especially for Zephyr's part), and we can have the Robert De Niro part be played by Zephyr while Discord be the Ben Stiller character and have the two character clash in a way Discord and Trixie clashed in the Season 6 finale. When you have two condense hot air egos clash, what could possibly go wrong?;) Lol!
However, this is only possibly if we show our love for our quirky shy family. So please, do some more fan art and stories and arts and crafts, and just anything to show the writers "Please bring this guys back, in the name of Celestia herself!:0" If we do this, we might get some Fluttercord in that episode:3 LOL!XD

Anyway, what do you guys think? What did everyone think of Season 6? What was your favorite episode? What was your favorite song? What are your hopes and dreams for Season 7? Let me know in the comments below:)
Next to review: The Legend of Everfree movie and Daughter of Discord episode 5

Report misskoifishpony · 1,136 views · #season6 #season7
Comments ( 2 )

I need to get to reviewing the rest of the season, but this was really good. But on that note.

Legends of Everfree: *Grabs Misskoifishpony* COME WITH ME!

First, I just want to ask: How is Tirek the most powerful villain?

Yes, he has the ability to suck magic out of others. But that's pretty much it. The only way for him to get more power and strength is stealing it from others. In other words, by himself, he really can't do anything.

I think Discord is the most powerful being in the show. He can create alternate dimensions with a snap, make objects appear with a thought, and move the sun and moon, which is something only alicorns can do.

Anyway, my thoughts on the season:
It wasn't bad. Not my favorite, but still good. Favorite episodes would probly be premiere, finale, Discord's ep, Hearth's Warming Tail, and Saddle Row and Rec. There's others but I can't think much at the moment. Favorite song was Luna's, we've only heard her sing once and it was beautiful. Season 7? I don't care much what they do, because ponies= awesome. I just want a full season (26 eps, not like season 3) more Luna, Derpy, Discord, and of course, Fluttercord!

(and speaking of the meet the parents ep, my friend Snowy Song is planning a fic like that) :pinkiesmile:

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