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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.

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So, what was that about? · 12:19am Nov 10th, 2016

Some of my readers may have noticed a little thing I posted yesterday.

To be honest, it all started with a joke. I remember when Suicide Squad came out, I went to watch it with a very close friend of mine, David. As the credits passed, we started to talk about Amanda Waller and how realistic a character like that really was. Of course it became political, first with local figures (Bachelet, Piñera y Lagos para los que cachan) and then with that fvckery happening at the north. At that time we still thought that a con artist of the highest caliber leading the world's most dangerous country was too ridiculous to be true.

I actually miss that time.

So, bottom line, it ended with both of us making and taking bets. If something as stupid as that happened, he would pay the next movie's popcorn (this weekend, at Doctor Strange) while I would publish in two of my logs an essay composed of the word fuck written eight thousand times. Then, the US had to eat that sandwich (you know which one) and I had to write the damn thing (you can check my Tumblr for the other log involved).

But now I want to talk from the heart.

After that last one is out of the way, here are the facts as I understand them. First of all, the United States of America are the single most dangerous country in the world. They have the capability of single-handedly kill the world in so many ways that you could actually make a top 11 list and not even mention the nuclear option. The US even have a history of countries that have been screwed by their governments. I would mention the ones that I know from heart (like my own country to begin with), but I think it's more respectful to post a link leading to the entire list, in case someone wants to say I'm making this up.

However, the United States of America is also one of the greatest nations too. When most of we, the people of the American continent, measure our quality of living, the US is on the go-to standards. It not only has already reached limits beyond what most of other countries can only dream of, but it still has so much potential. Hell, even I, with all my anger at a country that has done so much damage at mines, admit that if I could, I would pack my stuff and find my luck there, and this is where all my frustration comes from.

I once had the dream of going to the land of the free. Now I face the reality that someone like me isn't welcome there.

Now, cards on the table. I know some of you are celebrating right now and, as far as my respect for people I actually know, I'm happy for you. But being completely honest, I'm more afraid than anything. Not only a person, but an entire nation, has stated that economy is more important than society. The man who speaks higher of financial gain rather than human values is now the ruler and the norm. No more we're going to hear about healing the sick and helping the needed. If anyone needs something, he has to pay for it, and if they can't, tough luck. No more looking for the common benefit and working together for everyone. Now it's about to become about who can be blamed and what punishment do they deserve. Being different, strange, is now a crime that must be persecuted.

Now all of us, the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, are going to be silenced.

What else is left to say?

Comments ( 12 )

What else is left to say?

Transmetropolitan is actually a comic I have read, beginning to end. I still have most of it lying around here somewhere.

Also, we spend SO much on our military, that if we took out 90%, we´re still have a lot

Warren Ellis is probably the reason I write half of the things I write (the good half) and Transmetropolitan is one of my favorite comics from him, next to Planetary.

Also, i remember an interview where Ellis said how scary was that things he put in Transmet., like mass media becoming the social norm for interaction or the growing dependency on technology for the walking man. I wonder how he's feeling now that The Beast got elected. I bet he's seriously considering moving to a mountain for the next four years.

Dude, you outgun Russia and China so much that they aren't even trying to force anything.

Both the USA and Russia has screwed up countries equally (with Russia making more murders than the USA). I know you're afraid, but unless Chile has a legit reason to harm the USA or its citizens. Nobody will happen to you, trust me.

We never meant to or could hurt the USA. A country that's geographically isolated from the rest of it's already remote subcontinent and with an economy still based on primary product, is not, in any capability, a threat to the guys with enough nukes to glass the earth multiple times.

That didn't stop Nixon.


That was the cold war, Chile was a communist country that was being supported by Cuba and Russia, threatening to his opposition didn't help. The USA supported (not backed, supported) Pinochet because he was the one general that wanted to get rid of Allende. Was Chile a danger for the USA? Considering the food shortages, the anger on the streets and other things. No.

Did the USA knew it? No.

Is the same story now? No, Chile is open and free market. Chile is a democratic country, it has corruption from its leaders (like Bachelet) but nothing that could threaten the USA citizens. Chile's current conditions are extremely different, ask anyone.

Heck, even political and economist here in Venezuela (that has more than enough reasons to be invaded or attacked by the USA) are saying that Trump means nothing to us because nothing that happens down here affects him or the USA (although, if they think he will do the wall, then he will do something about the Castro and Maduro).

The Republican party (not Trump or Obama, the Republican Party along Democrat Senators) has made sanctions against the high directives of the current dictatorial government here in Venezuela and will freeze the money of the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua (search the NICA ACT.), so the only way the USA (or Trump) could even think of going to Chile is if the government were violating Human Rights (which I'm pretty sure they're not doing).

So don't worry, nothing will happen to Chile, best case scenario, its economy will rise back again in 5 years.

P.D.: The documents you gave a few months ago didn't blamed Nixon, they blamed his Secretary of State who was full Anti-Communism.


I wonder how he's feeling now that The Beast got elected. I bet he's seriously considering moving to a mountain for the next four years.

Honestly, if I didn't already live half a world away, I'd consider it myself. Sometimes, I really wish I could do that regardless. With the way the world is doing its best to go actively to shit, it just doesn't feel worth it to put in an effort or invest in long-term plans some days. I'm genuinely not too optimistic that we'll make it through the decade without some madman causing World War 3. Just hiding away somewhere and letting everyone else deal with their own goddamn problems is a very attractive option some days... If I had anywhere to actually go.

Same here, mate. Same here.

Also, is that pic of the newspaper an actual thing? Cause I want a copy, even if my Spanish is a bit rusty. I´m saving it as my screensaver

4310601 If the Great Fence of Trump gets made, Mexicans will still be allowed in California, cause we don´t like Trump

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