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(POLITICAL) The ugly truth of an America where hate rules. · 5:13pm Nov 10th, 2016

So tell me...are those goddamn e-mails STILL that fucking important to you?

Report MythrilMoth · 1,292 views · #america
Comments ( 46 )

I know, right?

Oh god.

OH god.



Merula #3 · Nov 10th, 2016 · · 15 ·

We're not going to war with Russia, and thats a good thing

4295397 Yeah, it's better to let Russia control our government through propaganda and manipulation, right? :ajbemused: Shame about all those blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Muslims... oh well!

Also, fuck you in general for that comment.

I see the idiots are are out in force now that the election is over.

Zef #6 · Nov 10th, 2016 · · 1 ·

4295397 That was never going to happen. Russian oligarchs have too many vested interests to allow anything more than sabre-rattling. If anything, Putin's demagoguery was an exact match to Trump's --and from the looks of it, it worked wonderfully.

4295393 Merely that which we have done before, and, given the way the left's been gutted over the past 40 years, will likely do again.

Incidents like this have been popping up all over the country. Racists have been emboldened by Pizza the Hut's rhetoric (I've been going out of my way not to say his real name). I told people this was going to happen months ago on Know Your Meme, and I got downvoted to hell. Who's laughing now? Oh, that's right. Fucking no one. Because this is what we have to live with for four fucking years.

4295406 Oh, this is just the social media assholes acting up. It's much, much worse on the streets. My Twitter feed is full of horror stories of Muslims being attacked by Trump supporters, swastikas being spray painted on walls and cars, etc. etc...


Racists have been emboldened by Pizza the Hut's rhetoric

I personally prefer to call him Darth Sitrus.

Jesus Christ! It's worse than I expected! This division is going to destroy America, if it hasn't done so already!

4295401 Aren''t we trying to make peace with Russia? Putin said he was open to the prospect. Granted, I don''t trust him, but it could be worse. Pence could be president


It hasn't even been 48 hours since the election ended.
Give the dust time to settle.

4295422 Like I said, the idiots are out in force. They think because he said some things they can act on them.

Can't we just go back to writing and laughing about horse words?

You waste little time spotlighting the brainless trolls and fools who are currently reveling in Trump's win.

And yet, when the more rabid of Hillary's supporters were cheerfully tweeting their hatred when it looked like she would win the election, you were silent. Why? If the results were opposite, if Hillary were president, would you take the time to similarly spotlight all the wondeful little tweets calling for whites to be sent back to Europe now, for males to hand in their balls, and so on?

Because, and make no mistake, there would be Hillary supporters calling for such things.

Who said anything about controlling?

Please don't tell me you think Trump is Putin's puppet?

You could always secede. That's what happened the last time there was a hissy fit like this by the losers.

(I still would have preferred Cruz.)

4295475 Dividing America even further is the exact opposite of what we want and need right now.

GB: Hey America, see how we fucked up with Brexit? Don't do that.

US: Hold my beer and watch this.

4295487 Yep, that's EXACTLY what happened. :facehoof:

Great, we got Muslims being attacked by Trump supports, riots, Michael Pence, what''s next?

4295566 Thank you. And I'm sorry for the knee-jerk reaction in blocking you. Everyone's temper is running very high right now.


Dividing America even further is the exact opposite of what we want and need right now.

Call me a "virus" a few more times and I'm sure I'll be hugging and kissing my fellow countrymen in no time. [/sarcasm]

I have always said that mixing politics with a cartoon fandom made up of people of literally every political position in existence is a bad idea. I had thought you had agreed with me. It wasn't too long ago that you were praising Ted Cruz and Nancy Reagan to the skies. Oh well. I don't intend to ever comment on this topic again, but I'm going to do so this ONE time:

There are ultimately two possibilities: one is that all reality ultimately reduces to only matter in motion. If this is the case, objective right and wrong do not, will never, and can never exist. No human being, no group of human beings, no majority of human beings, and not even the human race united as a whole, can create an objective moral/ethical code. Any and all such hang-ups--be they against "sexism," "hatred," "discrimination," or even mass murder, or ANYTHING ELSE--would only be social constructs that exist only within the human mind and NO WHERE ELSE. You know...like "gender?" So in other words, you're being a fascist ninny imposing a morality that can't possibly exist.

The other possibility is that there is a G-d--in which case He is the sole arbiter of what is right and what is wrong and that's all there is to it. And the notion of "okay...which one?" is actually easily answered: the first one. Xianity introduced chaos to such a point that everyone now is convinced that even if there were a true G-d there would be no way to know which one, but this isn't so. It's a fact of history. Doesn't even require "religious faith." It's the one Who personally spoke to three million people at once with no human go-between--something that has only happened once and will never happen again. The only reason this is not universally recognize at this time is that for 2000 years people have been trying to add to it. And those horrible redneck Xians you think are such Theocrats? Believe me, they'll be the first to scream for "freedom of religion" if someone tells them all this. That's what happens when someone offers you a "gift of salvation" instead of giving you commandments.

Now...we can drop this or we can keep arguing or we can block each other. Personally, I've had enough of politics and want some ponis.

You can also write the Social Security Administration and tell them my crimethink has made me the equivalent of a Nazi war criminal and that I shouldn't be receiving SSI disability payments. Then I'll starve to death and the world will be rid of one more virus. Or you can do like the Albanians did under Hoxha--put me in a bag with a cat and beat it until it claws me to death. Or you can get the Warsaw Pact to invade and defeat the counterrevolution (though Stalinists are notoriously socially conservative so this might be counterproductive). Or perhaps we should just consider outlawing any opposition to the Wheel of History (as our friends in the Khmer Rouge called it) and declare a one party state. Otherwise, if I've ticked off the big bang and interfered with its plans for the inevitable utopia at the end of history...it can take care of me itself when it finds the time to get around to it.

Now this is only a suggestion, but I most sincerely suggest that political arguments be conducted at political forums and that bronies stop alienating each other and creating ill feelings. FCOL. We're fans of a cartoon show. Don't make it out to be more than it is.


So some assholes decided to post some shit on social media, so what? They are nobodies, not rulers, and to be honest, they even aren't original, social media already are full of hatred. Pick a group of people, any group of people, and somebody on internet hates it with passion.

What I'm trying to say, don't take this stuff so close to your heart, it's not worth it.

Worth nothing that the email thing the Republicans are trying to hang her with? Her Republican predecessors (Colin Powell) apparently set up their email the same way. The previous Republican president’s staff used a private server. This is literally “It’s OK If You’re A Republican” (IOKIYAR) in action.

4295608 It's not the social media trolls I'm worried about, though it doesn't take much to go from being a social media troll to being the guys that are attacking Muslims on the streets in broad daylight (yes, this is a thing that is happening.)

And contrary to popular belief, hate speech is still hate, and hate still hurts. Don't pretend this is something to be laughed off as nothing. This is hurtful, hateful, evil rhetoric that makes many people uneasy.

Looks like they're coming out from the shadows knowing they have someone in the highest office of the land who thinks like they do.

4295625 Pretty much. It's gonna take a while for things to stabilize. Right now it's just...this...everywhere... :fluttercry:


And it will only continue to get worse. My heart weeps for those whose lives will become more difficult come next year because of the change in power at the top. As for those who made it happen... may the consequences weigh on their minds.

Hopefully the healing will begin in the USA soon. We need to bridge this divide in our country. In my opinion, in order to build bridges, you must first find common ground.

4295502 Never say that, you are tempting fate.

Donald Trump is the right-hand man of the Dazzlings. This way, America has been reduced to a cesspit of hatred, cruelty, and racism.

The world is coming to an end, so let's all run away to space and leave this god-forsaken planet behind.

4295401 and women, Gays, trans people, disabled people, and more

Every candidate has his/her fair share of zealots.


Yeah, I do believe that some scum can and probably will try to "purge the unworthy", but I don't believe that they'll go unpunished or that the government would try to commend them. This isn't 1917 in Russia.

And yes, you can laugh it off as nothing. Fear will give those assholes power, but laughter will take it away.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows all the time, but it surely isn't the end of the world.

Yes, emails that proved corruption and cheating and that she was lying to her own supporters were that important to me that I felt safe voting for a third party in a Blue State. She still won Illinois and I voted in the one gained seat in the Senate.

I do have one honest question tho.

Does political correctness cause more problems for people than preventing problems?

4296184 That's a very difficult question and I honestly do not have an answer. I can, however, tell you that the most un-PC man EVER was just elected President and America is tearing itself apart on the streets and on social media. Take that as you will.

4296230 Truth be told, I only learned about PC culture from South Park.

4295456 Unfortunately, that is probably true. However, I don't think Hillary would act on those calls to action. Trump probably won't ether, but he just might. And that's the scary thing.

I could link to some messages calling for murder of Republicans. I've seen plenty. But that will hardly prove anything.

But as Hegel rightly pointed out, "The only thing history teaches us is that history doesn't teach us a thing." The situation is, as always, much more complicated than half the country simply being racist. Until we recognize it, there won't be any hope for peaceful solution.

I've mentioned before how, as a Brit, Trump winning would be fucking hilarious, but after watching the election with three friends, one of whom is an American trans woman, I went to sleep at 6am my time (roughly the time at which Pennsylvania was going to Trump but hadn't been officially called) feeling thoroughly depressed. All joking and memes aside, I feel truly sorry for your country. For it's outdated and archaic electoral system, the terrible choice of candidates you had, and your current President. Granted, it affects me in a minimalist way as to which side would have won, and I'm not going to argue over "the lesser of two evils" but I still fear what will happen to America in the next four years. And I probably would be fearing regardless of who won.

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