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normally i don't like bringing light to bad shit · 10:58pm Nov 12th, 2016

But well this:

So 1) This thread is kind of pointless and because OP specifically placed the spotlight on Christianity, 90% of the commenters discussed nothing else but Christianity and how they perceived the religion to perceive their non-straight sexualities. This is biased being brewed right thanks to OP.

2) At the sheer of mention of Muslim extremists (THE KEYWORD IS EXTREMISTS), suddenly some people said that Christians are comparable to Muslims and just as bad. Oh like as bad as thousands being hunted across the middle east, being tracked via phone contacts (because you do realize that every time somebody from ISIS catches a non-straight person they take their phone and go through their personal contacts to start a chain hunt reaction right?), and also beheadings. Seriously I will repeat what I've said in the thread that was apparently flat out ignored:

In recent memory and time, when was the last time you've seen a religious fanatic extremist other than a Muslim holding a severed head?

For context I did mean severed heads of non-straight people. There is ignorance, and then there is denial. I feel that there was plenty of denial against the earlier mentioned quote.

Also just minutes after Muslims were brought up, admins the original poster deleted the thread. This thread was 2 DAYS OLD and got shut down MINUTES after Muslims were mentioned. EXTREMIST Muslims! I wasn't saying that their average muslim friend who supports their sexuality is about to cut their head off, but an EXTREMIST from the Middle East would probably like to! Why silence this opinion? Why deny it?

Comments ( 6 )

Because many people would much prefer that they be right in all cases, and like to think themselves in the moral right, and will do the exact opposite of their preachings in order to maintain them, and will then attempt to hide any and all evidence that they did what they spoke against.

4299629 Being political correct means shit in countries outside of the West.

Because they are Americans. they have never dealt with mass lower class Muslims. They have friends even acquaintances that are Muslims and to their knowledge most of them are fine and civil. What they have not dealt with is what Europe and Britain are dealing with. Mass immigration of violent, uneducated Muslims who their whole live revolves around the Quaran and to go against it is punishable by nothing short of death. These people do not come to embrace new ideas and bring positive things from their culture they come with the message off respect and convert or die. This is why rapes are up, this is why murder is up, it is why currently each year countless thousands of LGBT people are tracked down tortured, raped and murdered in Middle eastern areas.

The worse America deals with are Illegal immigrants trying to get a better life. They have not dealt with the danger of a race that will not submit until their will has been branded on others. Now as I always say not all. There are many kind and smart Muslims desperately trying to change. The problem is that they themselves are being attacked and called islamophobias when they point out the grievances in their own culture. SJW's attack them verbally on one hand and Extremists physically attack them on the other.

So really these educated and civil Muslims are ignored or dismissed because they speak ill of a frankly dangerous and savage religion.

Fuck everybody.

Except Buddhists.

Buddhists are cool.

Kay, I only was informed of this blog just now from a person on FIMFic staff, but let's talk about that thread.

Your open to an opinion that Muslim Extremists exist, because they do, obviously. What we don't like is the attacking of religions (Example: Saying "Fuck Muslims, Fuck Christians", etc.) We do however allow the criticism of religions in a respectful manner, I even posted an article from AP recently regarding how LGBT people in Afghanistan commonly faced violence and were killed.

Honestly I wouldn't mind keeping the thread open if it was just a minor criticism of Muslims, there were some statements however that went a bit too far, and honestly would of locked it due to people arguing with one another in an unpleasant manner. Maybe you are use to other groups where no real rules exist about respecting another person, we do.

I also just checked our chat history and talked to other Admins, it was actually OP that deleted the thread, and not the Admins. The most we do is lock threads, the only time we delete them is if they break site rules like porn being posted.

Last thing, If you had a problem with how the thread was handled you could of messaged me or any of the other Admins rather than post it on your personal blog and tagging it '#fimfiction drama.' We have a rule regarding drama and we want none of it.

4304487 Well I never targeted the entirety of Muslims with my comments in the thread, only the extremists. Also I was made aware that OP was the one the deleted the thread a couple days ago and not the groups' admins, but I forgot to change the blog post to reflect on that reveal and I'm sorry for that.

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