• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen February 21st

Tundric Spirit

welcome my fellow brony, prepare your self for combat!, acts of valor!, and CAKE!!! I'm going to have to science the shit out of this.....

More Blog Posts60

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updated the OC submission · 11:36pm Nov 13th, 2016

so after a few oc's that just couldn't make the cut I made some adjustments to the OC Submission blog, simply put take one of the bases, make your characters background story, personality, weaknesses and strengths, how they react in certain situations, make them a useable character. this'll just help me see where they are and keep you from making them to crazy/overpowered to use.

Comments ( 5 )

Since I've said my ocs BG to u more then enough I'll just go to strengths and weaknesses: Shadow Light is fast, quick on his hooves and has a large knowledge on plant life and certain animals of the everfree as well as tracking/trapping. However on the flip side he can get a bit impatient or a bit too cocky with his abilities thus making him prone to injury at times, though these are not common occurrences as he tries to keep level headed. He also can't use most of his abilities in direct sunlight except for maybe making a shadow dagger if he really needs to defend himself in the sun.
How he reacts in a situation depends on wether he is alone or with someone he thinks of as a friend. If it's just him he will keep calm and collected if not be a bit cocky, if he's with someone else he will try to protect them from harm as best he can, he doesn't believe in taking a life unless ABSOLUTELY necessary and only in self defense. He is kind spirited but can be a savage if his friends and family are put in danger or are hurt, if pushed too far he will break and his inner demons from his time being experimented on will come out, something he fights with daily to control and is genuinely afraid of hurting an innocent should he lose it. If he is confronted about something he will try to solve it as peacefully as he can but he won't back down easily and if they push the issue he may lash out or just leave. He also keeps to himself until he is sure he can trust someone but even then is reluctant to talk about his past.

Can I just re-enter my previous one?

He's a one-tail kitsune.
His name is Kenzin, and is just shy of three hundred years old.
He's a wanderer, and when asked why, he says he simply hasn't found a reason to stop yet.
While openly kind and personable, sometimes even childish, to those he likes and considers friends, he comes across as apathetic or indifferent to those that don't know him, but he's fairly quick to open up to travelling companions.

He favours the use of chi (or ki, whichever you prefer to call it) over magic.
He carries a zanbato, but never uses it, saying he's holding it for a friend and would rather not get it dirty.
His fighting style is varied, as he switches between Karate, Jujitsu and Gentle Fist techniques at random. He also can use the Drunken Fist at an advanced level, but won't drink unless someone else is supplying the alcohol.

His hobbies are meditation and building/fixing pocket-watches.
If he's ever not occupying his time with work, training, travel or one of his hobbies, he can get... strange.
The most common examples of this are attempting to lick his own forehead and making tea for anyone he's near before insisting they drink it and tell him how it is.
While still considered fairly young among his own kind his comparatively advanced age can show itself to other races in serious moments.

Unfortunately he's not good at keeping aware of his surroundings, preferring to focus only on what's in front of him, leaving his back and sides vulnerable during fighting and missions.

His stats:
Strength: 3
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 6
Magic: 3
Speed: 4
Bonus: Affinity with Darkness (He prefers to call it Shadows)

4301502 I like it, stays to the guidelines, i'll be sure to use him for sure. what's his combat skill though?

4301541 His combat skill sits at three or four, depending on blood-alcohol content, with his drunken fist making four. Normally, he's three.

Just re-entering from the previous post:

Name: Cairn Song
Race: Kirin
Sex: Male

He's precise, kind, quiet, moderately patient, as well as prefers the company of close friends. Unfortunately has difficulty making new ones. But when you're there, you're there for life.

Willing to be an ear to your troubles but is unwilling to let someone waste his time.
(Oh yeah? Your fifteenth girlfriend dumped you? Oh that's horrible. Yeah sorry to hear that. I’m sorry, but I have to wash my hair. I'm closing my door now.)

Suffering painfully due to childhood internal injury.
This has left him lethargic, but many who do not know see it as him being lazy.
Self medicated, taking some of his stronger medicines for himself.
Is sterile, but has normal function besides. Hates children.

Enjoys cooking, from braised salmon with lemon hollandaise, to caramelized vegetable kebab.
but recently cannot eat much, or taste things very well. Dislikes salt.

Is trained in sewing, (Foodamancy), medicine and surgery, has a fascination with Necromancy.
More for the study of a life that was well-lived, rather than anything creepy.
(Like living in tombs or crypts and raising the dead while wearing a black cloak.) Despite his interest in Necromancy, he looks decently healthy rather than gaunt and pale.

Can contact (recently) deceased to give closure to family and give last rites.
Can heal minor flesh wounds.(cuts, hematoma's, sprain's).
Can improve healing of larger wounds (stop infection, slow blood-flow).
Of course the opposite is also true. He can cause wounds to swell, fester, infect, and bleed profusely.

He works as an Apothecary, but is frequently called out to give last rites to either the soon-to-be
Or recently deceased. Sometimes asked to help with those that die under questionable circumstances.
He prefers to live on the outskirts of towns and cities, as he enjoys the quiet much more than the
fast-paced hustle of inner-city life.

Dislikes arguing, but if it's about something he feels passionate about, someone is being overly stubborn/stupid (Just lost a fight but refuses to seek aid or rest), or gets dragged into something. He isn't afraid to yell your ears deaf.

Prefers to “Discourage” fights rather than outright brawling, tipping the scales out of an enemies favor with his magic. Hopefully allowing his opponent to escape alive (if not a little harmed), sees early deaths as a waste.

(A “Bandit turning over a new leaf” story is a lot more palatable than “Bandit dies slowly, cold, and alone in the woods, with no-one to hear his cries, as opportunistic creatures eat him alive”.)

Is willing to be swayed on this if the reason is appropriate. (Cradle-Robbing Baby-Stranglers and the like.)

S= 2
P= 5
E= 3
C= 4
I= 6
A= 3
M= 8
SP= 3
Combat Skill = 1

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