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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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The Tragedy of DOOM 2016 · 9:12pm Nov 16th, 2016

I hold that DOOM 2016 is a tragedy.

I can already see many of you shaking your heads and moving to click away. No, no, don’t hit that back button yet. It’s not what you think! DOOM 2016 was a fantastic game. I loved every minute of it.

But it’s still a tragedy.

Right, quick addendum before I get into the meat of things here. First, I know I normally don’t talk about games on here, despite doing a lot of gaming in my limited spare time. Today is one of those “exception to the rule” days. Should be fun regardless.

Second, mandatory plug for Colony! It continues to rack up readers, and there’s a reason for it: The story is awesome! If you haven’t grabbed it yet, consider clicking the cover on the right there (or to the books page if you’re viewing this post some time from now and that cover isn’t Colony) and taking a quick look!

Those things aside, let’s get back to the topic at hand: The Tragedy of DOOM 2016. As I said earlier, DOOM 2016 is a fantastic game. It managed to not just perfectly catch the high-octane feel that the old, original Doom titles had when played by a pro, but translate them, not just into a modern era but to a modern audience as well.

The result is something incredible. Violent and insane (this is not a game to ignore the M-rating on; it earns it with showers of demon-blood), but incredible. You’d be hard-pressed to walk away from a session of play with DOOM without feeling your heart pound. The game is just that good.

But it’s also a tragedy.

You can read the rest of this post at Unusual Things

Report Viking ZX · 643 views · #DOOM 2016 #DOOM
Comments ( 11 )

Makes sense.

i heard that the Doom guy was some sort of knight who betrayed his other knights because his son died.
The demons made a deal to bring his son back. His son ended up coming back as the Icon of Sin which probably made family dinners rather awkward. The doom guy was less than pleased.

You might've mentioned that in the spoilers, I had to skip them.
One day I will afford a modern computer that doesn't require so much cranking and the
tireless running of small furry animals. Seriously, once the lube dries up on the wheels, the squeaking is just ear piercing. I will definitely get Doom 2016.

Doom guy seems a bit better than Kratos.


i heard that the Doom guy was some sort of knight who betrayed his other knights because his son died.
The demons made a deal to bring his son back. His son ended up coming back as the Icon of Sin which probably made family dinners rather awkward. The doom guy was less than pleased.

I've not heard of that one before, but I can confirm it is not at all canon or related to the current DOOM or the older titles. Might have been one of the cash-in books or a fanfic somewhere.

Maybe not.
It seems that they decided to redo the doom guy's backstory for Doom 2016.

It's kinda chatty but if you keep going the guy explains more about Doom guy's backstory.

More stuff on the doom guy's background.

It seems that this stuff is in the codex in the game.

I can't verify, I don't have the game.
If this stuff is canon, this might still support your thesis.

Yeah, that guy's stretching and overlooking a few things, though. He's postulating his theory based on the idea that the Doomguy is the member of the Argent D'Nur race that betrayed the race for their son, even though Doomguy is not from Argent D'Nur. Argent D'Nur is some other alien place. The records in the artifacts indicate that the Doomguy's armor was made awesome by someone from Argent D'Nur, most likely the same betrayer that caused it to fall based on the description, and looked like the Night Sentinels of Argent D'Nur ... but wasn't one of them.

It can be interpreted various ways, I'm sure, but the common consensus I've heard most often is that the DoomGuy from DOOM is the original, who was left wandering through dimensions after the original Doom series was over, and ran across the remnants of the Argent D'Nur, who gave him the very best they could offer as a final blow against hell.


Before I forget, I want to say congrats on your story, Colony.

That's an interesting take on Doom 2016. I really need to pick it up, when I get an actual computer that is. Maybe Dishonored as well...

Also I finally managed to pick up a copy of Colony. I'm only a few chapters in but I'm hooked.

A fun, and very interesting read. I've read the older comics, so really, while he did talk, he just was not a happy individual long before. A broken being long before, and one that really, endures. And yet, every knife, every stab, may slow him, it doesn't stop him. He endures, in such a horrific way, that perhaps the best thing to stop him is actually giving him what he wants, it would be so alien, so out of the blue, that it might be an end to him.

Thanks! Have you read it yet?

Dishonored was quite fantastic, and the morality of it was excellently executed. I look forward to the sequel when I get around to it.

Also: :pinkiehappy:

I don't even know what you could give the new Doomguy anymore. He's just rage incarnate.

4305947 Its strange, but really, by this point, he is the one to close pandora's box, no matter its form. He's seen it, lived it, endured it. He is the final latch, the ultimate juggernaut. Feared by all who come to know him. Because he is a juggernaut as much of spirit, flesh, and experience, but of his unrelenting purpose. And all the worse for it, as you aptly apply. Just, as you say, rage and purpose. The closest to him that showed even the smallest lick of compassion was The AI itself they used to create the rift. And that just boggles the mind for a second.

I rather liked how well you spoke of his situation, there were a few points i hadn't looked at it that way, and was very intrigued to consider them so.

Cool- Theory time- The one I've heard and subscribe to is that Doomguy Not-4 was actually the same Doomguy from DOOM1, DOOM 2, and then DOOM 64, as Doom 64 kicks off right after the events of DOOM 2 and in the end of D 64 Doomguy is trapped in the Hell-Dimension forever. This fits in with what's known about 2016, with the knowledge that 2016's world was previously destroyed (Hell invasion of Earth in D2) and he became trapped in hell before they drop a mountain on him.

I've been a fan of the idea that DooM 2016 is a sequel to DooM 1993 and Doom II. There's nothing in either game's plots (what little there is of the original) that contradicts the idea that the Doomslayer was the same bunny loving nutcase who tore ass across Mars, Hell and Earth.

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