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Ultraman X Thoughts · 12:17am Nov 29th, 2016

Alright, finished Ultraman X and here are my thoughts:

First off, the plot: 15 years ago an even called the Ultra Flare occurred when a strange solar flare struck the Earth and began awaking Spark Dolls scattered all over the planet which went on the war path. As a result, Xio was founded to defeat and fend them off for humanity's protection.

A young man named Daichi lost his parents that night when the Ultra Flare caused the building they were in to vanish, leaving him with a Spark Doll of Gomora his father found. In the present as part of Xio, he uses that Spark Doll to help create a cybernetic version of Gomora called Cyber Gomora, but the project isn't going well and isn't ready when a powerful monster arrives. But Ultraman X, an Ultra who's body was turned to data by the Ultra Flare, is drawn to Daichi and unites with him to protect the world from the monsters, and possibly worse.

First off, I like Xio's tech. For one, they have a pretty funny alien scientist working on it, so they explain why they have all this futuristic tech. I also like how their main ship is a 'triple changer' so to speak that can combine with different vehicles in different ways to become unique configurations for the situation. They also have a gun that's basically a miniture hand held Ultra finishing beam.

I like Xio's members and all of them have a good moment at some point. I particularly like that the captain has something in his past that is kinda heartbreaking.

The lead Daichi is a cool character. Again, like Gaia, he's the team smart guy rather than the team ace or rookie, I like that change of formula. I also like how his ultimate goal is to find away for humanity to co-exist with monsters so it's not an endless war. The monsters are basically giant animals, so it does make sense that is possible. He doesn't take this to a naive degree either. He acknowledges SOME monsters and evil aliens just can't be reasoned with and need permanently dealt with, even if he doesn't like it. He also has a nice story arc with his relationship with his Gomora Spark Doll and trying to find his parents.

Unlike in Gaia, Ginga, and Ginga S were the Ultras and their hosts were basically the same, Ultraman X IS a separate character from Daichi. I like how unlike most Ultras he's not INSIDE Daichi but in his transformation trinket, allowing the two a lot of interaction. U like the guilt X has over his role in the Ultra Flare incident, and I also like how he clearly doesn't understand Earth culture that much, there's quite a bit of comedy coming from that.

He's also unique in that I think he's the only Ultra with an X shape finishing beam. Ultraman Zearth had one as a super charged version of his finishing beam, but X to my knowledge is the only one that actually has an X shape beam. It also turns monsters to Spark Dolls, which fits Daichi's pacifist nature.

That said, I DO admit that I'm not too fond of X's design. It just seems a bit too dull and would've maybe benefited from a brighter color scheme. His Exceed Form is better, and both of them DID grow on me, but I feel like his design is just a little dull. It like the BASE design, but feel the color scheme doesn't work very well is all.

That said, I DO enjoy his Mons Armors, which are the main gimmick of X. I love it. They're so cool and it's a unique feature. I like how all of them look, though I think the Bemstar Armor is my favorite.

I will also mention Gomora/Cyber Gomora. I love how much Daichi cares for him and that Gomora's a bit of a Gentle Giant. His Cyber form is also freaking AWESOME! And I'm glad it's not just Mecha Gomora with tron lines.

I can't really talk about the Big Bad, as he's major spoilers, but I DO find him LEAGUES more terrifying than Ginga's Big Bad was, and much better built up. Just it's very EXISTENCE was terrifying even before he did ANYTHING. Seriously, this thing scared me.

Also, random thing: I love that the Spark Dolls are called OOPArts (Out-Of-Place Artifacts). That's an actual thing in real life and perfectly fits what the Spark Dolls are.

I also liked the crossovers with other Ultra Series. Even though I haven't seen it yet, Nexus' episode was probably my favorite.

Overall, I think this one is probably my favorite series so far. It just worked for me in all the right ways and had a great villain I really liked.

Onwards to Orb!

Comments ( 1 )

This series sounds awesome, I should probably watch it sometime! What are some examples of Out-Of-Place-Artifacts in real life?

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