• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th

Twifight Sparkill

• I'm one book short of a trashy paperback trilogy, written entirely in crayon. "Dense and vague, yet unimaginably interesting." - Regidar.

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Swarm Problems - by Twifight I Ain't Got None. · 6:47am Dec 16th, 2016

Comments ( 21 )

Yay! :pinkiehappy:

And I only just found it recently, so it seems like just yesterday that I saw a new one. Oh, wait....


I'm still wondering about this project. Every time I hear that someone likes it, I just... I LOVE IT!

Thank you, iisaw! You = awesome!

The greatest ruler is she who does not rule


Let's make Equestria great again.

Just so yannow, it hasn't disappeared. SORRY!

Sorry? It took you two whole weeks to post an update to a webcomic that you don't get paid for and never had an update schedule to begin with. You were never under any conceivable obligation to post a new comic on time, especially because the lack of a schedule means that there was no such thing as "on time" to begin with.

Sparky, I will never forgive you for posting this strip late. :ajbemused:

Now that I am minding the throne, I find myself marveling at how effortless Twifight made it all appear.

To be fair, Twifight spent many a comic strip lamenting over the challenges of managing the swarm and wondering if she's was doing a good job. And if Twifight never actually did anything, then it would seem that the most important task of managing the swarm is complaining about how hard it is to manage the swarm. There has to be a real-life equivalent to that, but I just can't think of it at the moment...

Oh by the way, quick question. How much do you know about Arrow?



"It took you two whole weeks to post an update to a webcomic that you don't get paid for and never had an update schedule to begin with. You were never under any conceivable obligation to post a new comic on time, especially because the lack of a schedule means that there was no such thing as "on time" to begin with."

I... I know. I'm sorry!

"Sparky, I will never forgive you for posting this strip late. :ajbemused:"

NO-OOO! :raritydespair:

"To be fair, Twifight spent many a comic strip lamenting over the challenges of managing the swarm and wondering if she's was doing a good job. And if Twifight never actually did anything, then it would seem that the most important task of managing the swarm is complaining about how hard it is to manage the swarm. "

Leadership always appears easy to those who've never worn the label. Mind, having said that, complaining also has its merits. Or "bitching", as is the more updated term. IT GETS RESULTS!

"There has to be a real-life equivalent to that, but I just can't think of it at the moment... oh by the way, quick question: how much do you know about Arrow?"

He's HAWT.

... otherwise? Nothing. I spent thirteen hours at work today. Televised entertainment is a myth!


Complaining is a vital task. I fully expect Twifight to have an entire herd of jumpy and paranoid minions that hang on her every word and are sent in frenzied panic each time she says anything. After the ritual screams "WE ARE DOOMED", they jump into action and try to salvage the situation, which is what drives the administration.

Twifight is such a wise leader (and any hint at something different is heresy, which we certainly won't commit) who rules through a light touch a illuminated complaining. Truly we are lucky to have her at the head of the swarm.:raritystarry:

Oh, and I love the comic too...


You are uncommonly attuned, and therefore righteous.

I'll have to quote from your post when I get on the computer again - right now, any copypasta I make from my mobile shuts down the browser. Just... just know that YOU'RE RIGHT ON ALL ACCOUNTS, KETTLE!


:ajbemused: - ... Illuminati confirmed.

Yaaay, the crown is no longer embedded in my bleeding skull XD just my normal skull. And yes indeed, doing nothing is a high aspiration n_n


That... makes way more sense than it should. Also sounds like how a cartoon villain would run his/her day-to-day operations.


He's HAWT.

Eh, fair enough. I got a college friend of mine into the show a few years ago with a trade: She watches Arrow, I watch Sons of Anarchy. She thought that the actor was "super-hot" (her words, not mine :twilightsheepish:). And it may or may not having something to do with this scene:

Yeah, season one had a lot of shirtless scenes. At least once an episode (the actor's name is Stephen Amell, by the way).

Dolce far niente.


OKAY, so... let's start again. YES.

"Complaining is a vital task. I fully expect Twifight to have an entire herd of jumpy and paranoid minions that hang on her every word and are sent in frenzied panic each time she says anything. After the ritual screams "WE ARE DOOMED", they jump into action and try to salvage the situation, which is what drives the administration."

IT'S LIKE YOU KNOW MY HEADCANON! ... if you actually do, please don't spoiler. PLEASE! Either or, you get me. YOU GET ME! So, uh... I'm sorry. I hope you get better soon. Phazon never recovered.

"Twifight is such a wise leader (and any hint at something different is heresy, which we certainly won't commit) who rules through a light touch a illuminated complaining. Truly we are lucky to have her at the head of the swarm."

... you may have extra gruel. Please enjoy.


"Yaaay, the crown is no longer embedded in my bleeding skull XD just my normal skull."

Being a bonafide fast-healing superhero, the comic version of themaskedferret was only lodging a workplace complaint - she never felt a thing! BAH! Alicorn crowns lodged in bone?? SHE SCOFFS AT IT! YEAH!


"She watches Arrow, I watch Sons of Anarchy. She thought that the actor was "super-hot""

SEE?? Obviously she has good taste too.

"Yeah, season one had a lot of shirtless scenes. At least once an episode (the actor's name is Stephen Amell, by the way)."

... I saw your PM. Let's leave the rest of this conversation there. YEAH. REASONS.


So I have a bunch of characters to introduce in this story - I JUST squeezed in bookplayer for a second in strip #8, although there's nothing that actually INDICATES that it is bookplayer... and it isn't accurate at all, as book is a lovely articulate woman, and my version is ... a Celestia clone that apparently studies monster law - what do I make you?? Phazon is a Fluttershy zombie infected with alien eggs, themaskedferret is a SUPER FERRET (no spoilers), hunter263 is the reaper consultant (my favourite character so far) to the throne, theburningone is a changeling spy, bookplayer is an unintentional Discord clone of Celestia, created for a quick song and dance number that never actually disspelled, so ... she wandered off, and eventually went to law school?

... my point is I wanna make a Red character and throw him into the strip. I don't know where to begin! Should I just make you Dash eating meat?? Wait ... a cannibal pegasus pony amongst her monster friends, and ACTUALLY BEING THE REAL RAINBOW DASH!?

Oh crap. Your part may have just been cast. SORREH!


I hope you get better soon. Phazon never recovered.

And I never will! :pinkiehappy: Wait, never recovered from what now? :rainbowderp:

4342946 4342022

Reply fail. Also kind of dreading the possibility of Sparkill yanking the crown from ferret's bleeding skull on her return from vacation/prison.

>> Phazon

"Yaaay, the crown is no longer embedded in my bleeding skull XD just my normal skull."

Being a bonafide fast-healing superhero, the comic version of themaskedferret was only lodging a workplace complaint - she never felt a thing! BAH! Alicorn crowns lodged in bone?? SHE SCOFFS AT IT! YEAH!

>> Themaskedferret

"She watches Arrow, I watch Sons of Anarchy. She thought that the actor was "super-hot""

SEE?? Obviously she has good taste too.

"Yeah, season one had a lot of shirtless scenes. At least once an episode (the actor's name is Stephen Amell, by the way)."

... I saw your PM. Let's leave the rest of this conversation there. YEAH. REASONS.


:pinkiehappy: - Oh my MY my MY my! Twilight, did you see--


:pinkiegasp: - WOAH WOAH WOAH! Talk about using INNAPROPRIATE and HURTFUL WORDS, princess! !That was COMPLETELY uncalled for! Take a deep breath and THINK before you speak, GAWD! SO MUCH HATE UP IN DIS HA-AAAUSE!

:twilightoops: - OH! Oh, oh my. I am SO sorry, Pinkie! I don't know WHAT got into me! I just... I completely lost control! Something triggered me there, and I had NO CONTROL over my emotional outburst! I hope you can understand, and accept my apology!

:pinkiesmile: - Psycho tramp. LEL! Such a moron.

:facehoof: - ... I hate my life.


C'mon! That'd be HILARIOUS!


4342976 A cannibal Rainbow Dash... who's hair is dyed red with the blood of her victims? But like... poorly. Like you can see the rainbow at the roots or something. Like she's doing a piss poor job of pretending to be not-Rainbow Dash. Idk, you're better at this shit than I am.


"A cannibal Rainbow Dash... who's hair is dyed red with the blood of her victims? But like... poorly. Like you can see the rainbow at the roots or something. Like she's doing a piss poor job of pretending to be not-Rainbow Dash. Idk, you're better at this shit than I am."

You just made my dreams come true. THAT IS AMAZING! Beloved writer friend + the premise of his story that IS MY FAVOURITE = gosh-darn genius, GENIUS I SAY!

:rainbowderp: - ... I eat Pinkie first. Otherwise no deal.

:pinkiesmile: - Ain't the first time.


IT'S LIKE YOU KNOW MY HEADCANON! ... if you actually do, please don't spoiler. PLEASE! Either or, you get me. YOU GET ME! So, uh... I'm sorry. I hope you get better soon. Phazon never recovered.

I pride myself in being wonderful minion material. I may even dare to say that I could be a viable sycophant. Thanks to that I'm generally very resilient to the little side effects that derive from prolonged exposure to machinations, scheeming, ranting and soliloquies.:moustache:


"I pride myself in being wonderful minion material. I may even dare to say that I could be a viable sycophant. Thanks to that I'm generally very resilient to the little side effects that derive from prolonged exposure to machinations, scheeming, ranting and soliloquies.:moustache:"

Okay, so again - Illuminati confirmed.



The story of my life, my dear friend. OH, I mean uh... Twifight's life. In the comic. Yeah.


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