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Deities of AssassinationVerse: Grandus, God of Griffins · 11:41am Dec 30th, 2016

Hey guys. Another Deity update. Since I'm making the NegotiationsVerse's final story a multi-chapter, I'm going to now focus on finishing Aftermath since the first chapter is in editing. Hopefully I'll get it done sometime next week.

Meanwhile, please give me your thoughts on the gods and goddess. Wanna make sure they are doing well.

2. Grandus, God of Griffins

When Grandus was born, he was a violent fellow who enjoyed the glory of combat and saw it as a game. One of the younger born Race Gods, Grandus focused on creating a race that were warriors not just in the lands, but in the heavens as well. His griffins were barbarians, but they were loyal to their god who praised those who fought with honor and won with strength. For a while, the barbarian tribes of the griffins fought against each other, seeking dominance in their endless game of war until they were united by the Sky Barbarian King, Hewitt. With a great leader, and a grand army of beserkers, Grandus took pride in his creation as they sent out to test their strength against the other races.

For over two hundred years, the Griffins invaded and ravaged various lands such as the Minotaur Islands, Equestria, Zebrica, Sirus, the Changeling Kingdom, and so forth. Many feared the barbarians who came and took what they wanted without care of others, sometimes ruling over lands while other times just leaving them via scorched earth policy. The other gods complained to Grandus, but he simply stated they were weak. Soon they had built the second biggest Empire in the Ancient Era, with only one standing stronger and better: Septem Cain’s Dragons. Grandus believed his creation could topple the strongest of the races, but to his despair his people were utter decimated. Their lands burned, the tribes divided, and the bloodline of Hewitt ending in eradication. With their great defeat, the other lands began to fight back and push away the Griffins until they were left alone in their mountain homeland of Griffinstone. Grandus himself, in one last desperate attempt to save face, challenged Septem Cain to a duel and lost before the fight even began.

Humiliated and in shame, Grandus waited for Cain to end his people completely, but to his shock Septem Cain showed mercy and spared them. Stunned by this, Grandus spent the next fifty years pondering his defeat and how he lost until he finally asked Septem what was it that costed him and his people their glory. Septem Cain, seeing potential within Grandus, took the other god under his wings and began to teach him the seven principles each of his heads believed in: Wisdom, Justice, Compassion, Honor, Loyalty, Valor, and Faith. For many years, Grandus learned from Septem and soon began to turn away from his barbarian ways into that of a true and noble god. He was enlightened and decided that the griffins must be taught the same way if they were to rise greater than before. He choose the seventh son of a seventh son named Joshua who became his prophet and chosen one. Blessed with wisdom and strength, Joshua united the thirteen remaining tribes into one. They grew towns, castles, armies, and libraries. Churches dedicated to their god and the virtues he spoke of. They established their famous Code of Honor which was a hundred rules of acting virtuous to one self, one’s country and one’s god. Soon, the Holy Griffin Empire was born.

It spread its knights and armies around the world, to regain its old territory which had been mostly taken over by the Diamond Dogs and Yaks at this point in time. When they succeeded, they did not seek out to bring war to others, but to defend them with justice. When the Centaurs attacked Equestria, they rushed to their aid despite their long hatred against each other. The Minotaur’s tried to invade the Zebra and they too rushed to their aid. The Gods were amazed by how much the Griffins had changed as well as Grandus who they once despised and now welcomed with open arms. Only the Yaks continued to wage their war against the griffins, but this was normal at this point in time as they had long stopped listening to their god, Uthur.

During the Era of Discord, Grandus’s people fell into Civil War over disagreements on who should control the nation: the Pope of the Faith or the Emperor himself, the latter of which was descendant of Joshua. This was done by the work of Discord, whose whispers and lies spread discourse across the nation, forcing it unable to help others as the Civil War went on even after his defeat. Grandus did his best to heal the wounds of his people, but was too much in loss and shock over the saddened fate of his friend and mentor, Septem Cain. In the end, the Empire was disbanded and a new government, one designed by philosophers, was made and so the Griffin Republic was born. Things became tense even after the Civil War as many griffins were enraged that Celestia and Luna kept Discord alive in his prison rather than end him. Despite this, they did not risk war after such a horrible era, but relations between the two nations haven’t been the same since. Even after his ‘redemption’, Discord is still seen with hatred in the eyes of the griffins with Grandus claiming he would never forgive Discord for what he had done to his people or to Septum Cain.

Today, Grandus guides his people still and has developed into one of the more powerful and respectful gods. His people have advance in technology and science (although not as advance as the Minotaurs) and his church has become one of the more solid foundations with many allies, even the Equestrians despite their disapproval of Discord.

Standing With Other Gods: Once despised and seen as a brat and child for his actions, Grandus is one of the more respectful gods since his enlightenment. His tale from barbarian to noble god is one that is looked at with respect and teaching. While he holds all his fellow gods with fellow brotherhood and sisterhood, he mourns for the fate of Septem Cain who is forever divided until the Dragon Empire returns.

Looks: Think the armor of the God Emperor of Mankind, but griffin instead of human

Religious Structure: His order's structure, church design, and symbolism is similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church as well as beliefs in various social issues.

Afterlife: Griffins who follow the teachings of Joshua and Grandus, who accept his valor in his heart, are welcomed into Heaven, a great endless mountain that is paradise for all. Grandus allows priests of his religion to forgive sins in his name and blesses every newborn with holy water so they are under his protection. He is also one of the few gods to allow other races to join his religion should they be blessed as well and welcomes them into his afterlife. Those who sin without repentance or reject his teachings for the opposite qualities (greed, lust, injustice, ignorance, etc) are condemned to Hell, a cold and bitter winter land with no sun or light.

Comments ( 4 )

Man, if you think about it the griffons coming to help you in a war means they must think that you can't protect yourselfs.

What a gigantic insult that is, if they come around thery're basically saying "we're here to protect you because we know you can't protect yourself's, you pussys."

That is so damn brutal, whoever they save by the time the griffons are done saving them must have absolutely no ego left afterwards.

Interesting, I can kinda see how he would have reacted to Twilight's death. However have you given thought to what would have been Twilight's destiny and how all the other gods would have seen it? I think Grandus is going to have a major bone to be chewed when it is all said and done.

Looking forward to seeing this final story.

Comment posted by Bear_Paladin deleted Apr 8th, 2021
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