• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 27th, 2022

Storm Rival

I may not make the best, but I try the best. I may not be a completionist, but if I like the story I'll read it through to the end. I'll help edit if needed. feel free to pm me if you do need help.

More Blog Posts21

  • 387 weeks
    Life and stuff here...

    I apologize for giving you all a false plan here. I had hoped to be working more on my fan fictions here though as of late another story has got my attention that story being Hero story of which I will paste on the end of this (I hope this isn't against the rules as this is unfortunately not pony related.) Along with that I have been very busy finding a job and not getting kicked out of the

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    2 comments · 365 views
  • 396 weeks
    Back to it.

    Well, back to it. This hiatus was good and now that I have taken this small break I feel As though I should address a couple things:

    First: as far as primary oc goes I will take a look back at Sweet Symphonies And Clarinet cloud as well.

    Second: my next goal is to complete one of my crossovers and considering a few things, fan and other things aside the undertale one will take priority.

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  • 404 weeks
    well… where did I leave off now?

    You know that meme about leaving a video game for months then having no idea where you were at… That's happened to me… now. where to continue from here? I've gotta get my bearings then once I do I'll continue writing again. though for now, I'm in a temporary hiatus.

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  • 413 weeks
    new situations new inspiration.

    welp, those of you wanting more undertale, Its on the way.

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  • 424 weeks
    Just a random question to my followers and those who've read my earlier fics...

    I got to ask: do i have good fanfiction ideas but just back out on them based on stats and whatnot? Its been a good year since i've kept tabs on Sweet Symphonies, however i can tell- even though i sort of abandoned it- that it has grown somewhat in numbers. Same said with my mario crossover. Undertale is undertale which is why its so popular... (Yes i plan to continue it.) i would absolutely

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Life and stuff here... · 6:32am Dec 31st, 2016

I apologize for giving you all a false plan here. I had hoped to be working more on my fan fictions here though as of late another story has got my attention that story being Hero story of which I will paste on the end of this (I hope this isn't against the rules as this is unfortunately not pony related.) Along with that I have been very busy finding a job and not getting kicked out of the current place I'm staying at, which requires more hours at my job. As far as the last bit of things go here I'd gotten into a car wreck about a month ago… I don't want to cause alarm to anyone, however I am currently fine (aside from some things regarding stuff goes).
As of late I'd gotten into Rooster Teeth's hit series RWBY and well I'm not doing much more in that area than I am here. I am as well watching DragonBall Super as it slowly releases where I'm watching it. As far as other things I've gotten into Pokemon yet again as their stunning Pokemon Sun and Moon have been really awesome. (I will keep Rarity's policy of No Spoilers) I will give out my my current friend code if anyone would like.
This has been a tough end to 2016 and I only hope that things get better from here on. I hope your guys' 2016 ends on a brighter note than mine and also hope that 2017 will give some good things in return. as always have a good one.

Storm Rival.

Hero Story...

Chapter 1:The City

The sun's shining, shimmering even, in the forest I call home. There is a two way fork in the path I live on. The fork leads three directions, the least traveled trail, the trail I live on, leads to a magma filled cavern that could burn any soul. The fork cuts to both the north and south; in the south a city far more polluted and corrupt than one could imagine. In the north a thriving village making its peace with nature up keeping the land and still in every way productive.
I find the city in the south tainted; the way those there just do nothing to upkeep the land or help anyone else but themselves.
Imagine my reaction when I heard news from my sister:
“We’re moving to the city”
“Wha… why?! I love the forest. It’s not fair Joy!” I complain not wanting to leave my home in the foliage.
“I’ve told you why about ten times now… Ugh, I’ll explain it once more for you brother. I can’t afford this house there are other farmers who want it and they can actually afford the upkeep. The small amount of Persim I'm making selling the produce in the village just isn’t enough for rent and you not having a job is really bringing things end to end.” She said. "the city will provide for us
“But I hate the city,” I said sticking my tongue out for a gagging motion. "it's too dirty and grimy."
“What, I grew up in the city,” Joy said “it wasn’t as bad as you’re making it sound.”
“Try growing up here, and then tell me that.” I said as a final smack down to her last statement. There was a pause then my sister proposed another Idea.
“You can learn sword arts or magic from the two schools. It’s what I did.” I could see that she didn't want to leave me to fend for myself, especially on account of how curious I am. That would also hurt her I could tell that by her look.
I looked up to my sister asking, “Can I use a staff at the sword school or am I stuck with a sword?”
“You don’t need to use a sword; it’s just the primary weapon of choice there, so it became the school’s symbol. Besides, you don't have to go to that school you could go to the magic school.
“I’ll try the sword school” I said. “Though, with the forest I can feel the magic and use it to help the trees grow stronger than they normally do. I guess if to go to the magic school it could help me get the trees better than they already are maybe help you grow produce.”
“Support magic- that’s the best kind, however, you have to hone defensive magic and fighting magic if you want to get anywhere with the mages…”
“Fine, I’ll go.” I said, stubbornly still not convinced that the city would be better.
“Now, Jace, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be anywhere close to the magic school when we move.” My sister finally said.
I ignored her warning.
I had about a month until the move and I was dreading it. Saying goodbye to the animals of the forest that would crawl on my belly whenever I napped was enough for me to start crying, but I had held back those tears knowing there would be perhaps another time for them in my life. I did my best for the trees of the forest knowing I’ll be gone for the longest time. I couldn't really leave them to rot.
I’d lived in the forest for as long as I can remember always just playing with the critters there or just having a carefree time chasing away predators that would interrupt our fun. I loved the forest and how nothing really happened here. It’s like the days years even pass by saying 'hi' then move on to the past.
Eventually, a farmer from the city came. He was plump I could tell that the city got to him by his over indulgence. He didn’t really care much for the animals of my home, perhaps it was his smell that warded them off. In the time it took for us to grab our belongings, I had decided not to trust the man; he was so selfish and city-minded and didn't like it when the animals were near. I couldn't trust him if the critters couldn't. I was about to join his former world and would be transformed into that fat plump guy. I just couldn't allow it, didn't want to allow it.
The journey to the city now was about 300 miles to the south Joy said so we’d be on the trail a few days. Through the darkness, I could see many predators. Perhaps it was my keen senses from being brought up in the forest; On the third day I had managed to get the best thing to happen to me, a hawk perched on my arm; it was a sign of a hard working future with good results. Something I had wanted since, well… forever. On the fourth day I had managed to make that hawk my pet by feeding it grub. Animals just loved to be near me. I kept him close as a reminder to stay determined through my coming strife. The hawk and I now could sense our new home, the city. At the sight of such huge walls, the hawk that so warmly nestled my shoulder flew off knowing that this place would break any creature wanting to enter.
It was now in sight. The gate massive with sentries as to prevent either creatures from entering or, in theory, to keep the volcano out and away from those that didn’t need the panic.
Nevertheless, that huge wall sent shivers down my spine. As I entered the city it felt like I was being judged from the very beginning; that was the city. My attire that of the forest and largely frowned upon here. My sister handed me pants and a shirt for perhaps the first time in my life. “Put these on, you look ridiculous without it.” Joy said as we headed through the gate.
I quickly followed my sister's instruction and did so feeling the awkward stares from every direction. The clothes were baggy -not something I was used to- and something I wanted to get out of immediately. How is it that city folk wear this on a regular occasion? It gets hot real quick. No way I’ll get used to it I told myself silently.
Eventually we come across a park there were people chanting “Fight! Fight!” Low and behold, I see that there are four people my age engaged in a brawl.
“Oh, these stupid Events, I hate em’.” Joy said rolling her eyes as we pass by
“What are they?” I ask my sister “can we stop and see?”
“Every week or so there’s always a fight breaking out at either of these schools. They have a deep hatred of one another. And since you're going to one you might as well get to know how deep it goes."
“Why do the schools hate each other?” I asked. Looking at the action, i hear the "oohs" as someone with a deep red mask and nothing but red steps towards his supposed adversaries "I told you, if we were a team you're on your own Aaron!"
The action then kicks off as the one in red steps to the back right making a triangle with his 'foes'. In the front there was a chubby guy much like that city farmer who'd taken my home, I didn't trust anyone looking like him. To the back left at scrawny guy. The chubby charged and the lone one ‘Aaron’ a staff was revealed and quickly thrust in such a manner that the chubby quickly rung out with a face-plant.
“Damn you, Aaron.” That guy said spitting on the ground. “Have fun with that trap.” The guy said walking away from where he fell.
“Well, that was interesting," Joy said “the deep hatred comes from the 'legend of the Hero'.”
“That story you told me as a kid? I thought the Hero was a fake.
“Many do, but many more consider the legend true and have accounts that can prove the Hero wasn’t that much of his name sake.”
"He saved the planet from a meteor and died. That's how you told it sis."
"Some say he was mystically encased in his statue out in the middle of nowhere, but either way he's as good as gone. that's not how the two schools hate each other though, they hate each other based on his methods; was he more akin to the sword or the magics was the question that brought the schools to a massive rivalry then hatred."
I was interested in finding out more about the Hero, but the fight over in the courtyard demanded attention as the other two in the brawl began to ambush the 'Aaron' in the ring. Soon enough, Scrawny and Mr. Red began charging, 'Aaron' tossed them both back with his staff. Within a second, there was a small internal explosion from the circle; many from the audience awed because the smoke cloud wouldn't let them see the coming action. "So, that was his trap…" My sister said.
The one who had face-planted and walked away in shame maniacally laughed from the far distance he'd traveled in such short time.
The smoke cleared and all of 'Aaron's' exploits were a Knocked out scrawny guy in the center of the ring. Mr. Red took the guy and placed him gently in the care of one of the people watching in the inner ring. Two remained, both from the sword school.
"I told you, Aaron that your fight isn't over. You have me to contend with Mittens.” He pulling his two katanas; Aaron swiftly twirled his staff to defense and egged his opponent.
Mr. Red charged and it was now a pretty even fight staff and sword trading blows expertly with staff. If this were the skill learned at the sword school, then I would like to hone my meager skills.
My sister was deep in thought. "Mittens…" being the only word she said until: "Somehow I know that guy."
There is a break from the action as Mr. Red disarmed the Aaron. The staff Aaron had flying over to where my sister and I were observing the action from afar. It was now glued right in front of us. The audience was now on edge as to what was going to happen next; was the one who had been winning loose or would he somehow pull back from this disarmament and still beat his worthy foe? It was the latter that happened and in a flash.
There was a break in the circle as Aaron swiftly and nimbly approached where his staff was glued to the cement, he pulled it out and with the same speed returned to the ring leaving movement ready for the counter lifting him up and slamming him onto his back; so much force that the impact was heard from our far gaze; Aaron now planted his staff holding his knee to his opponent and asked clearly "Are you done yet?"
If the impact wasn't a clear telltale sign that Mr. Red was beat, the red guy's nod and the to help his adversary merely walking away from the fight. The ring of people dissipated leaving Aaron's adversary on the ground still slowly recovering from what his defeat.
"So, how was that fight?" My sister asked
I was amazed and didn't really hide how much the winner had astounded me.
She just laughed. "That was an amateur fight, you should see what lies at The Hero's domain if you liked that."
"The Hero's Domain," I asked "What's that?"
"It’s where the strongest of mages and sword fighters go to face the 'Hero of legend'" she said quoting the air as she said the last words. "It’s all a hoax as me and my friends found out years back."
"How so," I ask.
"By a way I can't tell you out here. It’s too open for eavesdroppers and snoops." My sister crowd's disappointed chatter was enough to sell who was. The winner, Aaron, had done nothing said looking at the shady corners of where we walked.
We continued on until we hit a set of apartments. They were small and confining and at best nothing like where I used to live. The city was now preparing for its down time; frankly it never seems to end with the endless amount of traffic and such here. My sister now finally decided to divulge the information to me now.
"You asked how the Hero's Domain is a hoax earlier; now that we're inside and safe I can tell you what I've come across."
"Alright," I said eagerly listening to one of my sister's tales from the past. As one of her bedtime stories she told me how she'd beaten her way through the Hero's domain but I'd forgotten because she rarely ever talks about why she had to leave the city in the first place.
"I'd gotten to the hero and well I've always told you that I lost to save you the trouble of adventuring here yourself and getting beaten to a pulp," she said.
With that detail I was pretty curious when I was younger perhaps a little too curious. "I didn't want you getting yourself into too much trouble here in the big city." she said.
"Well what actually happened?" I ask
"I had actually beaten the hero and astonished the crowd with that…" she paused reliving her glory days perhaps. “But soon after beating the 'hero' there I won my chance to see the backstage and I saw this cult so hell bent on impersonating the hero that they train to the extreme. Their next strongest came and then beat me to a pulp." she said anger looming in her voice. "That was my first and only public match and I lost by 'Technical Difficulties' after that none have been able to win a match at the Hero's domain. I think they've found a way to measure how strong you are now and are pitting the winners against those whom they can't defeat."
I was speechless. My sister saved me a definite world of hurt saving me those details until now. “I’ll avenge you sis.” I said
“Didn’t you hear what I said? It’s practically impossible,” She said “They’ll know you’re coming and they’ll prepare for you. With every match, they analyze the fights and find the weak points in your strategy then pin a fighter to you based on your weak points.”
"I'll beat the odds sis," I replied back
"Something the city taught me the hard way was: beat the house the house beats you."
"How's the house supposed to beat you it doesn't even move?" I questioned
"You never did get just simple expressions," My sister Retorted.

Report Storm Rival · 365 views · Story: My little undertale ·
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Take your time. Real life always comes first. As for the friend code, I'm always looking for someone to trade/battle with.

For anyone wanting my friend code it is 1650-5711-3591 Pm me your friend codes.

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