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Data-Scientist-in-Training and voracious fic reader. Occasionally edits/proofreads for people he likes, and even publishes story chapters once-in-a-blue-moon. Thinks he's a reneighssance pone.

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New MH:E Chapter Feature-Complete. Also, Tropes? · 9:40am Dec 31st, 2016

(Image courtesy of MyLittleBrony)

Happy New Year's Eve, everybrony! I hope that y'all appreciate the pic. Saw it on My Little Brony this morning, and it's been helping me smile ever since. Does anybody know who drew it? I couldn't find a credit link on MLB.

I continue to do fine, probably thanks in large part to the vitamin B2 regimen my doctor put me on. I've been put through plenty of situations that by all rights should have given me a migraine, and haven't had a single one since the big one went away. I'm typing this right now from my parents' house in sunny California, where I'm staying for winter break. It's been a nice break so far: I've spent time with my parents, gotten a sweet Christmas gift, and even got to take a road trip to Vegas for my cousin's wedding. (We plan to never let her hear the end of it for technically having a Vegas wedding. :rainbowwild:)

I also had to catch up on half a year's worth of bookkeeping for the family business, but I managed to get that all squared away over the course of a few days. Being incapacitated for a semester does nasty things to your schedule, turns out. And speaking of being incapacitated, I got word back from my school on the subject of my trying to get this past semester forgotten-about for medical reasons. There were a lot of words, but their message can be nicely condensed down to these two: Screw You. :twilightangry2:

Yeah, I'll have to deal with some Fs on my report card that I really don't deserve. I made sure not to vent my frustrations on the person on the other end of the phone line. She was just doing her job, after all. On the bright side, I was already planning to retake all of the classes I got Fs in in the fall during the upcoming winter semester, and the new grades will completely overwrite the old ones once I have them. And I loved what little of those classes I got to attend, anyhow, so I'm looking forward to next semester.

Anyway, now that I've done an excellent job of burying the lede beneath an update on my personal life, it's time to get to the points. I come before you tonight for reasons twofold:

First, I've gone and done a thing that I set out to do. Namely, I managed to "complete" a chapter of Monster Hunter: Equestria before 2016 ended. I say "completed" in quotes because while the story contained in the chapter is complete, it is not yet, in my paranoid opinion, fit for public consumption. In other words, it still needs editing. Thankfully, I have a person or two that I can call in to make me fix it. I should be able to get it entered into Fimfiction at some point before I head home to college on January 7th, 2017.


At this point in time, the chapter weighs in at approximately 3700 words. It contains new characters, a new location, and it moves the plot forward.

Second, Tastes Like Heresy now technically has a tropes page! I say technically, because I created the page myself and it has not yet been populated with any actual tropes. I became a troper long before I started writing horse words of my own, and having a work of mine with its own tropes page has been a dream of mine for years, but I was exceedingly loathe to try to put one together myself. I didn't trust myself to take an objective look at my works and pick apart which tropes I used in creating the story. A friend of mine suggested that I just ask someone to make one for me, so I decided that I'd ask you all around the time that I had another chapter of horse words completed.

And here I am, with a freshly completed chapter of horse words. I figured it was worth a shot. :twilightsheepish:

If anybody does decide to help fill out the tropes page, I'll find it fascinating to see what people find to put there. I actually love seeing someone else pick apart my work and figuring out what it's made up of.

Just remember that TVTropes Will Ruin Your Life, TVTropes Will Enhance Your Life, and that Tropes Are Tools. (I intentionally avoided linking the Schmuck Bait directly to the trap. If you decide to take a wiki walk and fall down the TVTropes rabbit hole, it's your own dang fault now. :pinkiecrazy:)


Comments ( 4 )

Ah, I'm quite pleased to hear that you got the migraines sorted out. :)

Glad to hear you've got your health situation sorted out. I wish I could say I was surprised by the college's refusal to consider your health reasons, but I've been burned there before myself.

As for the horseword progress, very happy to hear it. I'll be sure to give the article a look. I look forward to the update once it's ready. :twilightsmile:

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I, too, am quite glad that my health has improved. Not being mostly dead feels pretty great. :pinkiehappy:

It also feels pretty great to have some horse words on-deck.

Thanks, guys, and happy New Year!

Ah, yes, that's today, isn't it? A happy new year to you too. :)

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