• Member Since 30th Aug, 2015
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Lighttone GryphonStar

I write stories because I enjoy them. I want to do better and am willing to take any advice to improve.

More Blog Posts378

  • Saturday
    June Schedule - Hoodwinked Returns - SWWC Season Finale - Three New Clops - Where Is Everypony?

    Hello, everypony. Enjoying Pride Month! I did plan to have a gay fic come out this month but after the utter chaos that was May I've decided to trim back on some clops. Not to say its over, but outside of finishing Sleeping Dragon and posting a holiday piece, the only other clop you are getting is another side story of SWWC.

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  • Friday
    Sleeping Dragon Sequel

    Yes, as revealed at the start of this month, at the end of this month, I've brought back Sleeping Dragon for another story. This time, Coco and Sassy how to watch Spike... and not sscrew him. Sorry if I can't say anymore. I currently have a massive headache.

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  • 1 week
    Where is Everypony has a new chapter

    Yeah, this is a slow burn, especailly at the rate I'm posting them, but trust me. The pacing is on purpose. I don't want Spike to be just thrown at the monster instantly. For now, the added mystery around each disappearance is growing with this chapter as Spike has no idea how close he is to the truth.

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  • 1 week
    Loving a Drake

    After a bad break up, Spike and SMolder enjoy a blissful moment alone

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  • 2 weeks
    Stuck In Place is back for Mother's Day

    The sex zombie series is back with a new chapter. Yes, I will be keeping the flow of this series wloy, but this next chapter adds a lot of weight to the story going forward. I can confirm that I am near the halfway point in this story

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War Anthologies Part 6 - The First Chaos War - The Reveal Of The Corrupted One · 6:57am Jan 4th, 2017

After the time of King Helios’s death, there wasn't much on wars. In fact, it seemed like everything was moving so slow. The Princesses tried taking more things on slowly. Their uncle always keeping a close eye on them. He was always watching, for what seemed like the safety. However as time went on, it seemed he was more concerned about the princesses life outside of royal duties.

Outside of royal duties, Princess Luna had become really close to her personal knight. He was the one that had saved her from Tirek. And it seemed like their relationship was more than just being friends.

This worried King Emerald Teal greater especially on the day Princess Luna arrived with her knight for visit in the Crystal Empire. On that day, the Crystal Heart shine the brightest it ever had in a long time. It almost seemed to be blessing what they had.

At the same time, Celestia had heard of strange things happening near the still forming Equestria. Arriving there she encountered a creature called Discord. He was a strange creature, to say the least. She was quite curious about him. More so on the idea that he lived in Starswirl’s old home. She wondered if he knew what happened to her old teacher. He however always seemed to dodge the question.


As time passed for all, rather slow. Things began to rise. Equestria was getting bigger and taking up new lands. Among those lands, forgotten lands were found, and ancient temples rediscovered.

As time went on King Emerald Teal became increasing concerned about the growing Equestria. He feared his own Crystal Empire would be overtaken by it. He contacted the princesses. Yet he became angered with his nieces when he found out that they had made Shangri-La part of Equestria. He became convinced that they were being blinded by these mortal ponies and their ways.

Seeking the help of his old ally Redsting, they made a move to try and take Shangri-La by force and trickery. Redsting drugged Princess Luna and her knight. Making it look like her knight had raped her. This led to a court hearing. And since the knight was believed to be a mortal pony, this would push a void between the Princesses and the mortal ponies.

However, things backfired as Luna believed her knight would never do such a thing. That in truth she had fallen in love with the knight. King Emerald Teal became furious at this and decided, no more playing games. He prepared to launch a full attack on Equestria.

However, he was stopped as Discord attacked Equestria. Discord had somehow been turned against Celestia. But why? None could figure out. None except for one. In his jail cell, Luna’s knight began to have flashbacks to the day that Helios died. He saw that King Helios had been cut down on the day Tirek's defeat…… by Redsting.

Breaking free from his prison during Discord’s invasion of Shangri-La, the knight contacted Luna and they both went after Redsting. As Celestia fought Discord in the skies, Luna, and her knight fought Redsting on the ground.

They demanded answers on why Redsting would kill King Helios. King Helios had been the one who had saved Redsting from the rubble of Tambelon. Why would he turn against somepony that had been his friend for several millennia?

But the truth was Redsting was never friends with Helios. That in truth he had been playing everypony. He had been setting everything into place. Sparking every war and every tragedy. The final truth was that Redsting was the Corrupted One. He was the Spirit of Corruption.

Upon revealing himself, he fought Luna and her knight. The battle was long and hard. Soon though Luna went down. And yet her knight kept fighting. How was he so strong? Redsting tried everything to make this stallion fall. Yet he wouldn’t.

However Redsting being the twisted one he was, he turned his attention to Luna. Striking at her, Luna’s knight jumped in the way and was stabbed right through. Redsting laughed in his victory. Yet his victory was short lived as the knight used the last of his magic to cast a great spell. Using all the magic within and somehow using magic from the Crystal Heart, despite it being hundreds of miles away. Combining both the powers together, he summoned a black rainbow that imprisoned Redsting in stone.

Afterward, the knight fell and died. Luna cried for her knight. For her love. But as she did, an ancient darkness woke within her. Nightmare Moon rose forth and laid destruction to the kingdom. The combined attack of Discord and Nightmare Moon, cause the kingdom of Shangri-La to collapse.

Celestia left Discord be and went to go save her sister. She was able to silence Nightmare Moon and get her sister back, but the kingdom was still collapsing around them. They were forced to leave the kingdom that had been their home for so long.

As Discord went around uncheck so came the time of Discord's Reign over the land. Yet among the ruins of Shangri-La dark magic began to grow and a seemly dead stallion rose forth……..


Author notes: So yeah the mysterious stallion is not completely gone. Of course, he will return in a later War Anthology. And before you say it, NO he is not 'F' from Endless Time Or Forever End. Though by now you probably have a better idea of who he is. The mystious stallion will be playing a key role in the later stories, much like how Redsting did in the other stories.

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