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Creating A Friendly Environment For Cats · 11:18pm Jan 11th, 2017

Creating A Friendly Environment For Cats

Ever since adopting a little stray cat named Boots, I've been doing a lot of research about how to take care of both indoor and outdoor cats.

Here is some useful information I found that I thought I would pass along.

1. Always make sure that the cat water bowl is in a separate area from the food bowl. Cats naturally seek out fresh water that is free of contaminants and away from their food source. So replicate this in your own home by placing the food and water bowls in two separate places. Make sure to show the cat where each bowl is so they don't get confused.

2. Remember to put the cat litter tray in a different area from the food and water. Sometimes cats prefer to have the litter in a seperate room or the opposite wall of the same room. Whatever you decide, just make sure that it isn't anywhere near the food dish or water dish.

3. If the cat won't use the litter box, try placing the cat in the box and rubbing its paws over the litter. If it still refuses to use the box, try getting a larger size litter box or a litter box with a hood. If the cat still refuses to use it, try using a different brand of litter. Keep putting the cat in the box and giving it positive reinforcement such as petting it and giving it treats every time you place it in the box until it finally gets the idea to use it.

4. Place a few cat beds around the house for the cat to lay in. Cats like having a few different areas to rest without having to use the same bed over and over. This replicates their sleeping habits in the wild.

5. Make a safe area the cat can hide in like a hideaway place of some kind. An easy way to do this is to get an old t-shirt and stretch it over a cardboard box so that the shirt hole acts as a door for the cat to crawl into. You can also make hideaway places from laundry baskets, plastic tubs, and other household items. Be creative. And if In doubt, watch tutorials on YouTube on how to make simple hideaway boxes or areas for your cat.

6. Keep your cat stimulated with cat toys. A cat naturally hunts in the wild, sometimes multiple times a day. In order to keep a cat entertained, give cats balls, string, and other toys to exercise with throughout the day. Also keep your cat engaged with the toys by playing with them.

7. Have a few scratching posts so cat can sharpen its claws. It is important for a cat to have areas where it can stretch and sharpen its claws to ensure its overall health.

8. Have areas that encourage climbing. You can simply stack multiple levels of boxes so a cat has something to walk up and down on or buy cat platforms. You can also put cat platforms on the wall so the cat can jump platform to platform. In any case, make sure that the cat has many places to jump, climb, and interact with its surrounding environment.

9. Change the litter box daily. This is both for the health of the cat and to keep the house smelling clean. A good method is to place a trash can next to the cat box and put the cleaned waste in there daily. Then take out the litter box trash with the rest of the trash at the end of the week. After cleaning the litter box, but baking soda in the box and the litter trash can to maintain freshness. Just make sure to use pet grade baking soda to freshen litter box as it is the version that is safe for pets to be around and even consume (in small amounts) if they lick it off of their paws.

10. Consider getting a harness and leash for your cat and taking it on walks. First get the cat used to wearing the harness by putting it on and giving the cat positive reinforcement like petting and treats when it has it on. Then slowly transition into hooking the leash onto the harness. Again, give the cat positive reinforcement and treats as it gets used to having it on. Then finally take your cat outside and start walking with the cat with the harness and leash. Get the cat lead you around and give it positive reinforcement like treats and pets to make it feel comfortable with you following it around. Remember that a cat walks you. So let it do the walking.

11. Consider teaching your cat tricks. Believe it or not, cats are quite smart and are capable of learning many tricks! I taught my first cat to sit, stay, roll over, beg, and do all sorts of other things! Just have some treats ready and repeat commands and do gestures until the cat understands the commands. Give them treats and positive reinforcement when they follow through with the tricks.

12. Finally, if you don't want the trouble of cleaning a litter box, consider teaching your cat to use the toilet. There are many different kits on the market that help train cats to use the toilet and many instructional videos on YouTube. Most cats, despite the age, are usually receptive to learning how to use the toilet and adapt to doing so quite easily.

Comments ( 20 )

But I don't like cat's! :fluttershbad:

Oi! That joke was sad, I know. Anyways, how is your cat?

4379529 My cat is doing pretty good thank you. :) We are still trying to teach it to use the litter box though.

4380003 That's good to hear! I hope the cat will bring you more joy than frustration.

This might be helpful for my cat. She'll never use a leash I almost guarantee it. She usually goes and walks on her own.

4380538 Just try to slowly introduce her to wearing a harness and leash over time. Give her treats and positive reinforcement every time you put the harness and leash on. Then have the cat lead you when it goes outside. Cats always lead you when you walk them, not the other way around. Just as long as you remember this you should do fine. :)

4380961 Scratches what in particular?


Me, when I try and put on her flea medication especially. Mostly she's loving, except when I do anything she really doesn't like

4381566 Ah I see. Well I suppose you could just pet her, give her treats, and comfort her the best that you can when you are giving her medications. It usually helps with those kinds of things. :)


she always watches and bolts at the first sight of the medicine bottle.

4382142 Maybe you could distract her by petting her and giving her teats and slowly sneak the bottle around when she isn't looking?


Well while she ate tuna nothing short of picking her up could disturb her.

4382903 So does that mean you distracted her successfully? XD

4384564 Yay! That is excellent to hear.

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