• Member Since 1st Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2023

AATC Fanboy

An Aspie who does not write fanfics.

More Blog Posts98

  • 48 weeks
    Know that I am still alive..

    ..That is all.

    2 comments · 95 views
  • 147 weeks
    An Honest Question...

    Nothing I wrote had anything to do with ponies whatever.
    Therefore, why would some random bystanders who somehow found my silly writings by chance want me to submit them for approval knowing there is no way it’ll happen?

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    0 comments · 152 views
  • 155 weeks
    Need a title.

    Alexandra finds a what looks like an old diary and begins flipping through it. Along with William, Monica, and Val went to an empty city though a sparsely populated country. Following train routes for maximum probability of encounters, they found themselves in Philly.

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    0 comments · 141 views
  • 167 weeks

    The whole wide world has been a mess. Speed on back to work in soul crushing environments when working at home has never been more practical than it is right now, especially for white collar. So much illness could be avoided by simply not going anywhere, as could pollution. The last two years have been an eye opener, yet I fear nothing will have been learned by the masses when it is all over, and

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  • 178 weeks
    Useless commentaries.

    I really ought to break this unnerving habit of commenting. It never does anything useful unless annoying people is somehow useful. And I think I have made it abundantly clear I have no imagination whatever never mind creativity. Perhaps more importantly, resisting the urge to make more comments when my absence is appreciated and adds nothing, and trying Not to break this streak is

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    1 comments · 196 views

Blatant LOPE Ripoff seventeen (Where is Everybody?) · 1:15am Jan 30th, 2017

This morning of June tenth, Thursday was the most unpleasant yet, where Sweet and I are concerned. Something strange had happened. Two things actually. She woke up well before I did, and apparently heard nature's call. I'd have a bad surprise when I came outside to the pit.

She had turned over in the bed, which, again, I kept out of like a good gentle clot. I got into it once before, and felt uncomfortable with her laying there so close to me. I had heard the static of an old radio, indicating Monica was also awake. He could be heard pacing the floor from where I was. I love my magnified sense of hearing. I can hear so much I would never have heard before even if my hearing was "Perfect". And with such clarity my friends and neighbors would never have known. Anyway, I could feel my own nature call beckoning me outside to the garden.

When I came out, I could feel her aura before I even saw her. Her ears perked up and her head turned in my direction. She gave me a sheepish grin and bolted back into the house so quickly, I could see beneath her dress. In that glance, I could see something that would have gone over me head had I had my old eyes. There was a mark on her hip that looked like a drawing of a sun with a visual representation of a ray of sun beaming down on a seed. A seed shaped like a Red Delicious apple's.

I would ask her later about this weird mark. Had she had it all this time? I had never seen her without a dress on before. I took me funnel and strapped it on, right beneath my thing again per usual, and this time I had little trouble tying the fishing line on alone. It was only immediately after I had done me business that I had noticed a stain on the inner surface. What was peculiar about it was that the mark was not only on the interior, but also that it was loose soil stains, but a tacky red goop. I wiped it away only to realise that the stuff would come away, but the redness wouldn't. It was permanently stained with this crimson red mark. It didn't take much imagination to guess how it got there.

With a sigh and a huff, I marched back in to find Sweet asking Monica about something. From what I could hear, she was asking if he expected to find anybody, and any responses. He gave out a sigh and said no. He'd have made haste to tell us all if someone had answered.

I cleared me throat and said: "Pardon me, Mr Hadley. I need Sweet for a second. (or Minute). Will you come up for a minute or two, Sweet Stuff?" I could see her pupils shrink as I said this, and Monica seemed glad I got her off his back. She most reluctantly hopped off of the sofa and followed me back to the bedroom. When I picked up the funnel and flashed it in front of her eyes, I could have sworn she went white. I could see the sweat beads form beneath her eyes, jaw and nose.

"Did you do this?" She nodded slowly. "I did. I should have told you."

"This funnel was a gift from me father, something he gave me as a child to pee through into water bottles when on road trips. I only used it once, but I always kept it with me whenever in the cars for hours on end. Now you have permanently stained it."

I could see tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whimpered this with a whisper.

"I'm not angry with you. I just thought you ought to know. I only used it once before the world was decimated."

"You never said a word about your father. What was he like?"

"Never you mind that. I also want to know something about you personal. I caught a peek at your exposed hip beneath your dress when you ran into the house. May I ask what that mark is, and why it appears to be an illustration or a tattoo?"

She lifted her dress up in front of me eyes for the first time, which is the first I ever saw the bare hip of one of us horse creatures. The first of many ponies I had seen this part of, save me, and there'd be an odd mark. As I thought, a ray of sun on a seed was printed on her hip. It seemed not to care about the hair on it, and was branded on her skin.

She then said:"When I woke up two weeks ago and wandered around the house hours before you found me, I had a delayed reaction. I hadn't observed I'd been walking about the house naked. When I did, I had caught a glance of this strange mark. It came with the body, I guess, a package deal. It's kind of cute, I guess. I have never been particularly into organics or anything. I just took what I needed, and no more no less. I always followed Harry and Herbert's advice when I thought it wise. This mark was spontaneously there from day one, but it wasn't odd enough I thought to make a note of it, especially with the dresses always hiding it. Do the other's have them?"

"I wouldn't know. I never tried to look at their hips without their loose fitting suits and/or dresses on them. They may or may not. I don't."

She paused as if to think. She tapped her chin and grinned. "I guess this is a unique identifier, then. I shall bear it with pride." She puffed out her chest as she did this. I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes. "Sure, Sweets. You sure are cute in any case."

"Why, thanks."

We shared a moment of silence, before I then piped up: "Look, I know you didn't mean to," I gestured to the funnel. "But we can't have this. You need to find some way to control that..." I didn't dare say the word or name of the situation in front of her, but she got the picture. And nodded. "Good, we've come to an understanding." As I said this, dawn was breaking, and I felt a presence in the background.

As I turned around, the beetle horse was standing there watching our display. "Good morning, Val De Lump. Did you get a good look?"

"Yes I did. You two have filled me up for the rest of the day (or Three!) I think. Your affections have warded off my hunger more than anything else this house has offered, seconded by your scorn for Will."

I glared. "Mention his name again, you'll further dampen my mood." We left it at that.

Speaking of which, I decided to humor him and talk. He was in his notebook again, and I told him I know he feels left out, but I had good reason to be. He seemed glad enough I had spoken to him, but then he gave a seemingly snarky laugh at me.

The mares had left to find somebody and browse for hardwares that may catch their eyes. The dog lady, lizard lady, and gryphon had all gone downtown in hopes the place would be populated by some small quantities. Monica hadn't said anything as he surely would have if they contacted him.

I had asked him:"When you materialised in the crosswalk on the street, did you find any unusual markings anywhere on your body?"

He raised a brow. "No. Did you?"

"I did not. But stranger things have happened. It's nice to talk. Let's do it more often, but in small doses, okay?"

His eyes went dark. "Alright"

I turned tail and trotted out of the den where he was resting after he finished his entry. Since he hid his book, I thought he was hiding something. Something all of us ought to know about. I'll find out.

It's now the evening, and the continued search was fruitless. Till then, Alex Chance Torrez is going to bed.


I'd get a talk in, even the smallest amount. I wouldn't be stopped by any irrational fear of me. They aren't afraid, I'm sure, but they still clearly don't like me very much. Sweet Stuff and Val De Lump, the latter especially seem to want to give me a chance. The bug likes me, and doesn't go a day without setting at least a minute a day aside for me. I intend to fully reap the rewards he'll offer me, and get noticed by it. I don't mind being alone, but being shunned is different. Being alone when no one else is physically around is different than being alone and they still have ready access to you.

The first thing I did was step into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and picked a razor out of the drawer. I thought about drawing it across my face as I had my entire adult life. Then I decided it's not worth it. No one else seems to shave. Why should I?

Val told me he wants to be my friend, my companion, and I agreed. I guess he knows how I feel, either because he's been there too or he knows due to his power to sense feelings. We made plans for tomorrow, and I had agreed wholeheartedly with his scheme. Something to lighten up the mood.

At one moment he asked about the chopper, and I told him I only knew what Alex and Anthony told me. He then asked what made me think digging up graves was a good idea. He undoubtedly noticed my subtle tensing. I tried to change it. He saw through my "Change the subject ploy" and pursued. I told him about my odd dreams. I omitted the bit about where I saw the futuristic vehicle with the hazmat crew in it.

The former owner and still current resident of the house asked me about some spontaneous tattoo that hadn't really appeared, but hypothetically did. Where did this come out of the blue?

I told Torrez I didn't have one. Nor did s/he, apparently. Odd.

Onto something lighter, it was cooler today than usual. A coastal breeze had blown from the coastline and brought cold air to our midst. It was all we could do not to smother ourselves in jackets when we stepped outside. I think tomorrow will be a blast considering what we're going to do. As I stepped in, I had noticed the funnel Sweet Stuff and Alex Torrez use and hang by the door was tainted with a red stain. One of them obviously left that, and it's not hard to guess which one.

Vinnie, Samantha, Joanna, Pickering, Angela and Sweet went to the coast and downtown respectively today. No one was there as we could have told them.

Here's to hoping those humans in the car will show up and give us answers. And maybe when they do, they will abandon their silly spacesuits and airtight car. Both at once.

Comments ( 2 )

Ponies don't have periods. :fluttershysad:

4406522 Or tattoos on their hips for that matter defining their character.

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