• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen February 20th


Late-blooming fan with way too many story ideas in his head. Have written before, but this is my first serious foray into the world of fan-fiction.

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Deleted some scenes from Chapter 9 + update delayed · 1:47pm Jan 30th, 2017

Hello, all. First off, I'd like to expression my appreciation for all those who have been reading Pandemic. As with the previous story, it's proving to be more popular than I had expected.

I had initially intended to take the Earth side of the story in a particular direction, but after posting chapter 9 where that direction was made more clear, it met with some criticism that, after some reflection, I realized had some very good points to make, and forced me to reconsider my approach.

So what I have done thus far is to delete two scenes from chapter 9. If you've already read the chapter, these are the scenes with the secret government organization. You don't need to go back and reread the chapter, just pretend those scenes never existed. This leaves the chapter a bit short, and I could fill some of that space with scenes from the next chapter, but I'd rather leave it short rather than force the reader to backtrack and read the chapter again.

Fortunately, I already have ideas on how to move forward in a different manner, but I will need time to hammer out the details and get more future chapters done in draft form with the new approach (it also doesn't help that I'm still recovering from a bad head cold). Thus I will likely need to skip one update cycle.
So there will be no update on Feb 4th as I normally would. Instead, the next update will be Feb 11th.

Thank you, all, for your continued support and feedback.

Report ASGeek2012 · 516 views · Story: Pandemic ·
Comments ( 5 )

Well that sucks. Now I wonder just who the human obstacles will be as they all become ponies?

I wasn't really bothered by there being government coverup. Heck the way things were going it was fairly clear things were being covered up and news of what was going on was being suppressed. Just really didn't need to see them at this point. Would have made more sense when this went full panic instead of the embarassed "trying not to show it" that is going on now.

I wasn't too bothered by the government cover-up thing, but it was the kind of thing I would've expected when the pony epidemy would be full-blown and only to cover a blunder. Otherwise any politician worth his salt would be all like "Hey population! Weird shit going on there! No worry, we are working on it like champs! We are obviously very competent leader. Vote for us all the next time plz?"

I was thinking more among the line of someone that detected whatever happened 20 years ago. Is investigating it and is either a nutjub like old man Turner or is so obsessed with being the one who will make THE Big Discovery that they got scarred of Sarah snooping around and are simply trying to scare her into giving up and leaving. The fact that Sarah's discoveries are linked to the situation is coincidental. So is the chemical truck's accident.
That felt more fitting your universe. Or at least how I perceived it.
I would've also had no problem with you hinting that the governement is involved, having them being a bid ol' red herring. That would've been awesome.

That side of the story was good for how paranoïd it made us feel. The GUARDIAN thing kinda put an hold on that. Suddenly we knew everything or almost everything. So yeah. All in all I think you made the rigth choice here. Good luck with re-working all that.

Ps, I hope your cold don't end-up trnasforming you into a pony, I heard that typping with hooves is not easy.


I heard that typping with hooves is not easy.

Dictation programs, holding a pen in your mouth, or using unicorn magic are all viable options. :scootangel:

I'm not quite sure what your change means. No government coverup at all? What exactly prompted this change?

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