• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 3rd, 2018

The Grey Pegasus

Pony stuff author since 2012. Writes supposedly good stuff. Still haven't made a break. Still persistent. Probably highly unlucky. Or hated by the universe. Either determined or insane. Or both.

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To Anyone Still Listening... It's been half a decade · 3:27am Feb 3rd, 2017

... since my time here on FiMFic.

Wew. Five years.

I don't know what this random blog post may seem to anyone that reads it, but I can tell you this:

It ain't goodbye. Not in the slightest bit.

After a year of mostly hanging back and sorting out life stuff and staying away from the fandom because of it, I'm slowly trying to get back in. There's nothing like the feeling of being here and doing my stuff, but unfortunately for the past months, other things had to take priority.

Staying away has left this strange emptiness in my life, something that wasn't really noticeable day-to-day all that much, but it was still something that's been constantly picking away at me.

I wanted to do something special for today, but life stuff is still being sorted out. Thankfully, I think I've gotten to a point where it's going to be sorted out enough to get back into pony stuff in a nice stride again.

2012 was the best damn year of my young life so far, and so five years later in 2017 doesn't seem like a bad time to try to get my life to a high point again. Except maybe this time I can keep it up there .

Especially after the train wreck of 2016 that's still crashing through to today. God/Celestia knows some happiness is needed.

To anyone still listening, this is The Grey Pegasus, and I'm trying to get back in, if life will just hold open the door into ponies and not keep kicking me out over and over again.

See you guys in a new story or a new chapter of some story.

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Comments ( 2 )

Glad you are getting back in stride. Good luck juggling it all.

On a personal note, I love your flying stories: "1,000 Years, 7,000 Meters Per Second", "Stratosphere", and "30,000 Feet". While looking up those the titles, I noticed "Mineshaft Run" and added it to my Read It Later pile.

I would love to see more. Some suggestions:

- A story about Luna flying (perhaps trying or succeeding to go light speed in space, with a title like "299,792,458 m/s"). The descriptions of what happens to your view of the stars as you approach the speed of light could be glorious. See "The Gold At Starbows End", dated, but very cool.

- One about Cadence flying (she started out as a pegasus). Maybe she could use the wing spell on Shining Armor and the two of them could fly as a couple. Or put the cloud walking spell on him, and the two of them could end their flying cuddling on a cloud.

- A story about Celestia teaching Twilight to fly like an alicorn, rather than like a hopped up pegasus.

Whatever you do, enjoy!

Luna's Flight-series story has been 'in the works' since early-mid-2016. So... yeah. I had originally intended a Summer 2016 release, but... life.

The way the series is set up, I call it the Altitude-sub-series, which is 30,000 Feet, Stratosphere, and 7,000 Meters Per Second, in which the theme is getting higher and higher; not faster, as it may seem (though it pretty much is also part of the stories). Luna is next, and then maybe one more story after that.

There was also a planned story that would bridge Celestia's story with Luna's story, and I can see that one being written once I've gotten Luna's story done.

Mineshaft Run is a bit of an outlier, written directly following 30,000 Feet, before I had fully established a good idea for a series I was going to write. It might be part of another series about going fast, but that's less definite. Not to say I don't have ideas for such a series; I certainly do have content that's more than just concepts.

Interestingly, the original point of the Flight-series was to have a relatively-easy-to-write series that was fun, sensual, and created a little universe for itself that could be somewhat canon-compatible. Celestia's story went far beyond what I intended, but it came out pretty great.

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