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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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666—The number of the beast · 8:06pm Feb 13th, 2017

Congratulations, Thunderblast, you're a Hell of a follower.

How should we celebrate this phenomenal occasion? I want to say human sacrifice, but Christians already did that and got high on it for over 2 thousand years. I don't want to be late to the party.

Any other suggestions?

Comments ( 34 )

Hehe..... Yeah........ :rainbowderp:

I wanted to evil emote... but one doesn't exist... :fluttercry:

Yes, demons cry too!

Christians already did that and got high on it for over 2 thousand years. I don't want to be late to a party.

lol! :rainbowlaugh:

Sing iron maiden for us. 5\7 would watch

4420696 Im with Thunder on this one. :rainbowhuh:

4420697 Welcome, party spawner. Everything that happens from here forth is thanks to you. :trixieshiftright: (how's this for an evil emote?)

4420696 Orgy sounds fantastic. I volunteer 4420697 to be on the bottom.

4420695 This will sound really weird, but I'm actually making 2 original metal videos with music and singing. And yes, I'll post them on Youtube. It's a long-term project, though, so don't expect anything just yet.


not that I really care~

4420724 *jumps on the pile of naked bodies*





S%M is sex with pain. One person is the Dominant, and one person is the Submissive. There's a whole bunch of nuanced and complicated relationship and trust stuff that goes along with that. But basically: One person enjoys the pain, and the other enjoys delivering the pain. Also sex.


But I wanna ba Bottom Bitch!

4420718 link meh please! :D

(But keep me outa the orgy part... I quit that a long time ago XP)

I just got here and I'm like wtf is even happening?

4420743 I'm sure we can arrange it.

*shoves you through the pile of wiggling bodies*

4420752 My songs are still in beta phase. I wanna do better. Just need to find the time, and the talent.

4421027 We're gonna party like it's 1999.

4421518 I've sent the beta songs to you via PM. Feel free to provide any feedback.

4421998 thank you :D
I'll listen to it tomorrow. I've been super busy today, and I'm tired

You could always mentally and emotionally torture someone until all trace of the original psyche was completely and totally gone. You could then proceed to rewrite who and what they are to serve your own wants and needs.

4874686 I already did that. Unfortunately, my past-self was the only one available at the time, so he got the brunt of it. One can never destroy the core of oneself, of course. What I could do is bury him deep below into the depths of oblivion. You can still hear desperate screams out of the darkness when reading my stories. They're like seasoning that you put on your creation. My past-self serves my wants and needs just fine.

4874694 There is a monumental difference between doing that to yourself, versus doing it to someone else, or having it done to you by another person. Further, the core can be destroyed. Its not an easy thing to do per se, and I would not recommend it, but it can be done.

Another factor is the individual doing the breaking. Not all sadists are created or stand equal.

4874697 what is that monumental difference you speak of? Is one broken soul not equal to another?

You say that the core of oneself can be destroyed, yet emotional subconscious is hard to interact with. It cannot be reasoned with or made to obey. How can the core be shattered?

And if a soul breaks, it matters not who broke it. It's just broken.

4874706 Follow me here. If someone you dont give a shit about trys to hurt you, nothing happens. However, if someone you love and value trys to hurt you, the effect is substantially more severe and intense.

Further, I know anything worth knowing about the workings of the human mind. The breaking of a mind is not a straight line.

And the subconscious can be interacted with, if you know what youre doing.

4874711 Yes, it's not just the breakage of will, 'tis also the end of trust when a love one betrays you.

Why can one not simply shed one's past self entirely and be born anew as designed? Why must there always be a discrepancy between what we want to be and what we are?

You hint at knowledge and methods for dealing with the core. I would like to hear more about them and how they could be employed.

4874714 What would you use said knowledge to do?

4874851 I might be able to better myself if I possessed such knowledge. I could shape myself into a creature I wish to be. There's no sense in clinging onto something from the past if it can be improved upon and made better for the future. I wish I could be more than I am.

4874900 Well, first things first. Meditation and lots of it. Youve got to learn how to actively explore your own mind. This process is made easier with a little green.

I have BPD. Ive spent the last year and a half delving into my mind, both my conscious and sub conscious. In doing I have slowly but surely learned about the distinct other personality in my mind. We are able to converse with each other, though that took some doing.

Also, dreams. This goes along with the exploring your mind thing. My dreams is one way I explore my mind, especially considering how often the sub conscious comes out to play in dreams.

Thirdly, learn your own quirks and oddities, even the ones you dont like. They all tie together in your head and are parts of who you are. The more you understand what makes you, you, the better you will understand how to deconstruct it.

4875022 I'm not sure I get the concept of meditation. I'm not even sure if meditation even exists. Maybe it's just another fancy word for chilling out. I know all about focusing and directing your breath and stuff, but I haven't gotten past that. I'm not sure if there even is a level past that.

When I want to think about myself, I just create a copy of the universe in my mind and observe myself in the third person or log my thought processes.

If I understand you correctly, you managed to induce a multi-personality disorder in yourself?

As for dreams, they don't tell me much. In my dreams, I'm a god and can make the dream be anything I want. It's hard to deduce a nature of something if that something can be anything you want it to be.

And for quirks and oddities, I have an explanation for every action I perform. None of them is really an oddity. It's just a logical conclusion of the cognitive process that deals with the given situation. Though, I may start logging the behavior of others that differ from my own and defies logic. Like, why do all people use just one toothbrush at a time? They have two hands, don't they? Why do they just employ one at a time? Humans are so weird.

4875062 Think of meditation as a sort of self induced trance. Its kind of like a dream state.

There is so much that the language cannot effectively convey.

Not induce, no. Truama does all sorts of things to the mind. When I was molested, that did things to my mind that I still dont understand. That was when this other personality was forced into existence.

4875062 Your dreams tell me one thing about your nature, as does just conversing with you. You are a many, multi faceted person, one that has much untapped potential.

4875062 Rule 1. Humans are dumb.


Think of meditation as a sort of self induced trance. Its kind of like a dream state.

How's that different from a regular daydreaming?

When I was molested, that did things to my mind that I still dont understand.

I like experiences and knowledge of all sorts. I'm a curious person by nature. Sexual abuse is not among the ones I've undergone, and I likely never will. Right now, you are the only window into that world. I'd like to hear more about the abuse you went through if it doesn't inconvenience you to talk about it, of course.

That was when this other personality was forced into existence.

Do you consider this other personality to be a good or a bad thing? If you had a pill that would permanently delete it, would you take said pill?

You are a many, multi faceted person, one that has much untapped potential.

What makes you say that?

I am not human.

What are you, creature?

4875494 It's more focused, more precise, more controlled.

The pain of being violated at that age was and is the catalyst for how twisted my mind is. There is so much I don't understand myself.

This other, if you will, is the manisfestation of my pain and trauma. It isn't good or bad, it's more just what is. It's weird as fuck, even by my standards. And no, I wouldn't take said pill.

My instincts tell me. Plus, what ive seen of you on the site. I'm a lucky motherfucker.

Well, I'm not a creature, for one. For two, I do not know. I just know I'm not human. I don't think, act, or feel like anyone else, and I can control people with my eyes.


It's more focused, more precise, more controlled.

How is it different from just thinking about stuff?

The pain of being violated at that age was and is the catalyst for how twisted my mind is. There is so much I don't understand myself.

What are some of the things you don't understand?

And no, I wouldn't take said pill.

If you had another pill that would create another personality in your mind, would you take it?

My instincts tell me. Plus, what ive seen of you on the site. I'm a lucky motherfucker.

Why do you see yourself as fortunate?

I don't think, act, or feel like anyone else

How do you differ from other people?

, and I can control people with my eyes.

How does that work? Is it 100% reliable?

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