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Scipio Smith

More Blog Posts96

  • 66 weeks
    SAPR Rewrite Volume 3 Cover by MRK50

    In another sign of how overly optimistic I once was about how long it would take me to get through this rewrite, back in January 2021 I had a cover for Volume 3 done by MRK50, whose absence from the fandom since then is much lamented. With the new phase of the story due to start on Monday, I can finally share it with you all:

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  • 71 weeks
    Shameless shilling of my non-MLP fics

    Those of you who enjoy SAPR, but who possibly find it a bit too big, a bit too slow, or those of who you don't have any problems with it at all but would like to read more RWBY fics from me may be interested in a couple of new fics that I've started fairly recently without any MLP elements.

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  • 85 weeks
    Team SAPR and Fluffy by Tianshiko

    A little over a year ago I commissioned this artwork of Team SAPR, the stuffed beowolf and mascot of Benni Havens'; the artist, the very talented Tianshiko, had some health issues and wasn't able to work on it for a long time, but now they've finished it and I hope you'll all agree that it was worth the wait.

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  • 113 weeks
    On the future of SAPR

    So... when I first started rewriting SAPR I told everyone that it would not impede the forward movement of the story. I never kept that promise exactly as I intended it at the time that I made it, but I never exactly broke it either.

    Until now.

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  • 117 weeks
    Signal Boost for Clockwork2003 - Urgent Help needed

    So, I was contacted by another author today, Clockwork2003, who find himself in a position that we, unfortunately, may all find ourselves in at some point in our lives: getting the dreaded cancer diagnosis.

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Non-Pony Self Promotion and reviews requested · 9:19pm Feb 13th, 2017

The biggest reason why updates to my sole remaining fanfic here come so slowly is that I don't spend a lot of time working on it, and the biggest reason for that is that I actually spend most of my time writing original work, and fanfic has become a bit of a palate cleanser for me in between.

Now, while the Albinocorn told me once that he aspires to a traditional publishing contract, I will confess that I am too vain to submit my work to the judgement of a gatekeeper, still less am I willing to sell the rights to my creations to someone who might decide to bring down the guillotine on them at any time. And so a couple of years ago I joined the tsunami of crud in self-publishing, happily participating in burying the gems of all those worthy authors who toil in obscurity and whose brighter sun my sullen clouds obscure.

I've refrained from banging the drum about my own work previously, but I've decided to do so now because...because I feel like it really. Ideally I would like a few more sales, but more than that I would like a couple more reviews for my work on Amazon. So I'm going to talk a little bit about my available books below, and if you would like a review copy (pretty please) then PM me and we'll sort something out; I can supply mobi or PDF formats.

If you do decide to buy then I'm afraid I cannot in all good conscience advise you to buy the paper copies. Bluntly put they are massively over-priced. It's the big weakness of Print On Demand services that the prices they charge per print are so high for large books, especially considering the average size of genres of fantasy and science fiction.

Before we go any further I would really like to thank this fandom for helping me write women. When I first started writing when I was about 13 the only girl in the entire story was the lead's girlfriend. I'd like to think I've got a lot better since, and I think that writing in this fandom was an aid to that.

On with the books:

Spirit of the Sword: Pride and Fury (The First Sword Chronicles Book 1)

The Divine Empire teeters on the brink of collapse, riven by division and ravaged by a lack of purpose in its soul. Miranda Callistus, the first Aurelian mage born in five hundred years, may have the power to save the Empire from itself...if she decides that the proud and vainglorious nation is worth saving.

Meanwhile, believing that Miranda's life is in danger, her estranged brother Michael sets forth to her rescue, hoping to prove himself a true hero on the battlefield. But the allies he gathers to his side may be as dangerous to Miranda as any of her enemies.

While Michael fights against his foes, Miranda banters with them in the parlours of the Empire’s great families. Princes, princesses and patricians all claim to have the cure for the Empire’s sickness, and all seek to bend Miranda to their will – or break her, for if they cannot make her their friend then none in the capital will hesitate to make her a corpse.

This is the first book in the series and as such it's probably the best place to start. Those of you who stuck with Comes the Sunset may remember Sunset's henchman Virtuous Fury, who was heavily based upon the main character of Michael here, as I wanted to see how people would react to the character type. Almost everyone reacted badly to him, but I think that Michael is a lot more likeable simply because he isn't serving a megalomaniac.

A little tidbit from the one review up presently:

As I paged through the introductory chapter to Frances Smith’s debut novel I initially felt that this was a historic fantasy set in ancient Rome and was drawn immediately into the tense action of a gladiator battle in an arena. However, as the chapters unfolded I forwent my initial assumptions and dove into a unique and deeply crafted world that Smith has meticulously fleshed out on a multitude of levels. Though drawing inspiration from Ancient Roman and Greek history, Spirit of the Sword creates its own mythos that bolsters an enjoyable fantasy escapade.

And a bit from the book itself:

"Miranda," Michael said, letting reproach slip into his tone. "That family did right by us after mother died. The least you could do is look in on her."

"When I want to be lectured on my behaviour, I'll go to someone who didn't sell his moral authority along with his freedom," Miranda said coldly. "And on you, self-righteousness is a cloak even more tatty than that red rag you wear. Now get up, I'm getting you out of here."

Michael's brow furrowed. Seven years ago he had sold himself into slavery to Jonathon Dolabella, and the proceeds had gone to keep a roof over Miranda's head and food upon her table. But though she probably now had the money to buy him back - last year she'd moved into a new house, which was large enough to have a garden, of all luxuries - Master Dolabella would not sell a gladiator with a record of victories and years of fight left in him, would he?

Or would he, after what he'd seen today?

Michael hoped not. He did not particularly want to go back to the real world. All he knew how to do was fight and kill, what was he supposed to do in the real world? When he was growing up, he had only ever considered doing two things: joining the priesthood of Turo, or serving his younger brother and sister as their protector like the Firstborn of old had done. But he had failed to protect Felix, Miranda had rejected him as a warrior guardian, and his hands were now too stained with blood for him to ever be thought fit to serve God.
The world outside the arena held nothing for him. He preferred the certainties of slavery and these confining halls.

"What are you talking about, Miranda?" Michael asked. "You never wanted me before."

"I said I didn't want you 'protecting me' following me around, hitting anyone who looked at me wrong the way you used to trail after Felix and Amy," Miranda snapped. "I never said I didn't want a brother."

"That is what a brother is-"

"Oh bollocks," Miranda spat. "And if you say one word about the damn Firstborn I swear I'm going to slap you. You aren't an ancient hero, I'm not your damned princess and you need to grow up and start to live in the real world."

"Why should I if I don't want to? It's not like I'm hurting anyone," Michael snapped.

Miranda swallowed, and her voice was quiet as she said, "Yes you are."

Michael was silent for a moment, his eyes wide and mouth open. At last he spoke, "I regret, Miranda, that this is who I am, for all that you do not approve. And if you have bought me then I would prefer you treated me as your slave, rather than granting me my liberty. I would not know how to begin being free in such a world as this."

Spirit of the Sword: Faith and Virtue (The First Sword Chronicles Book 2)

Michael has survived his battle with the Voice of Corona, and is determined to walk the path of service to the immortal Empress Aegea. But opposing him is none other than his own beloved brother, Felix, who was thought dead but is the chief servant to Michael’s enemy, Quirian.

Meanwhile, the quarrels between the Empire's feuding factions continue as Miranda finds herself increasingly entangled in the treacherous currents of Imperial politics. As plots multiply, Miranda finds herself increasingly unsure of her loyalties to anyone but her lover Octavia and her dear friend, Empress Portia. But as the Empire hurtles towards civil war the day approaches when she will have to choose a side once and for all.

The roads of Michael, Felix and Miranda entwine in Eternal Pantheia, the Empire’s capital, where betrayals and revelations try their resolve. As the city burns around them the three divided siblings must reunite and put their faith in one another, for only together can they save the Empire, or let the fires of its hubris consume the nation.

As the second book in the series, this probably won't make a lot of sense if you haven't read the first one, but don't let me stop you from trying.

Short Swords: Tales of the Divine Empire (The First Sword Chronicles Book 3)

In the wake of the night of madness caused by Quirian's machinations, Miranda Callistus is content to dwell in comfortable confinement in one of the Imperial estates. But as people around her begin to die at an alarming rate it becomes clear that someone - or something - is stalking Miranda, someone who does not beleive that she has been punished proportionately to her crimes.

Meanwhile, Michael assembles swords to support him as First Sword of the Empire, Princess Romana ascends to the rule of the Divine Empire, and a girl named Summer Phoenix leaves her home in a distant world in search of the glory and acclaim that is her due.

And in the mountains to the north a sinister plot is being hatched that could unleash war upon the world and shake the Empire to its foundations.

I just want to say first of all that people have told me that this is their favourite cover in the series; personally I can barely look at it, it scares the living daylights out of me.

In contrast to the two meaty novels that came before it, this is a collection of short stories. Ideally I would have called it book 2.5 instead of book 3, but Amazon will only let you use whole integers. This is also where the fanfic influences start to show up in a big way through the character of Summer Phoenix and her story, which many of you who have read my fanfics may find familiar:

Summer snorted disdainfully. “So if her mother was a wolf-shifter and mine could trace descent to one of the Five Heroes then you’d still be throwing me over for her?”


“Don’t you ‘Summer’ me in that damn tone!” Summer snarled. “You’re not my mother! And I was a fool to ever forget that.”

And then a little later:

“Why are you doing this, Dawn?” Summer asked. “Why are you making up this story when you know full well it isn’t true?”
“It could be,” Dawn said.

“But it’s not,” Summer said. “And you know it’s not and I know you know. It’s not a castle, it’s a table with a cloth on it; and that’s a stick, not a sword. And this is a rejection, not a test.”

“You’re wrong!” Dawn shouted, her whole body trembling like a tree being buffeted this way and that by strong winds. “You’re...you’re wrong. Lady Aurora loves us...loves me. She wouldn’t...she hasn’t...there’s no way that she’d just turn her back on us like this for some one like this, this Eve. Have you seen her, she’s insipid! She can say what she likes, she can swan around with a new girl at her side, but I know where Aurora’s heart is: it’s with me.” Her voice quavered as she said it, sounding half defiant, half false, and all childlike. Her green eyes were watery, as if she was about to crying. “And one day she’ll remember that, and she’ll come back to me.”

Summer frowned. “Dawn-“

“Don’t ‘Dawn’ me like that, I’m not stupid just because I have faith,” Dawn shrieked.

Summer chuckled. “I suppose I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

Yeah, Summer Phoenix and her story owe a lot to Equestria Girls, and to my two fics Vengeance of Dawn and Comes the Sunset, with Summer as a vague Sunset Shimmer analogue, althought a lot nicer than she was in the latter fic; Summer remains open and receptive to the idea of heroism, although at this point she sees it primarily as a way to gain admiration and acclaim rather than to help those in need.

I suppose I should also credit Jordan179 for the idea of the mentioned but unseen Twilight-analogue being of noble blood, while Summer and Dawn are common born.

Which brings us on to:

The Dragon and the Sword (The First Sword Chronicles Book 4)

Lonely and friendless, Irithelie has lived her whole life in the hall from which her exalted mother rules the armies and the peoples of the alvenkind. She yearns to show that she is more than a helpless child, and when she and her sisters are despatched across the dark between the worlds on a mission to return the alven people to their homeland it seems her chance may have finally arrived.

But Iri has a secret power, dangerous and unique, and when it is revealed the love and concern of those closest to her may swiftly turn to fear or even hatred.

Meanwhile, the ambitious Summer Phoenix makes her way to Eternal Pantheia just in time to foil an attempt on the life of Princess Romana. Eager for glory and recognition, Summer swiftly joins the new First Sword of the Empire, Michael Callistus, to investigate a series of disappearances on the Imperial frontier, disappearances that may be connected to the assassination attempt...and involve creatures not scene in Pelarius for thousands of years.

The World Serpent comes to claim all crowns, and the army of dragons will devour all worlds that stand before him.

Now personally, that is my favourite cover in the series. I should say now that I didn't do any of those covers, three out of four are the work of a woman called Nicole Cadet, while the cover for Short Sword was done by a man named Travis Miles.

This is the fourth book in the series (and I would never have dared indulge in such blatant fantasy portentousness in the synopsis to book 1, but it is also a good starting point for beginners, as it commences a new arc in the story and the focus shifts from the protagonists of the first two volumes, Michael and Miranda, onto Summer and Irithelie and their stories:

Events here are proceeding slowly. The city appears to be paralysed by the recent attack and the loss of life incurred in same. It is not an attitude that I can say I understand, all of this moping about over people that you didn’t know. Lady Aurora would doubtless say that that is why I wasn’t fit to be the Champion of the League, but I say that it makes me the only wise person in a city full of fools.

Summer paused for a moment, staring down at that last paragraph, wondering how it would make her look to future generations. After a moment she rubbed the whole thing out, smearing the page and her thumb alike a nasty, dirty dark grey.

She was supremely conscious of Lord Callistus’ eyes upon her. Saving the life of Princess Romana had given her a way in, but it was this display that was her real chance to prove what she could do, to show that she had more going for her than a modicum of courage, to show that she could be valuable, useful, or even indispensable.

If she got this right then she’d be well in. If she got it wrong then she’d be out in the cold for the foreseeable future.
In front of her, a cluster of straw dummies stood, several of them bearing the injuries that swords and spears and arrows had dealt. All she had to do was set them on fire.

Simple, really. True, she’d never called fire against a person-shaped target before, but she’d already used the call on an actual person, so really this was a step backwards.

All she had to do was set the dummies on fire.

So that she could prove to Lord Callistus that she could use her fire-call to kill people.

For the glory of the Empire. Just like all of those interminable wars that she had been reading about had been waged to trample cities and peoples and whole nations underfoot for the glory of the Empire and the dream of Aegea and manifest destiny and all the other words that had been used to gloss over conquest and ambition.

Ice and winds, what would Lady Aurora say if she could see me now?

Nothing good, to be sure. Dawny would be horrified.

And to think I used to sneer at my grandfather for being little more than a brute.

Summer took a step back, shaking her head.

“Is there a problem, Filia?” Lord Callistus asked in a voice that was…surprisingly sensitive, considering. He seemed genuinely concerned, rather than angry that Summer wasn’t doing what he wanted and demonstrating the destructive purposes of her power.

“If I…if I show you what I can do, my lord,” Summer murmured. “What are you going to use me for?”

Lord Callistus’ brow furrowed, and his brown eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Need I remind you that you chose this, Ensign Summer? You asked for the honour to serve.”

“Yes, my lord, I did, but still,” Summer said. “What are you going to use me for?”

Lord Callistus tilted his head to one side ever so slightly. “That rather depends on what you can do, Filia.”

“And if I can burn all those straw men there to crisp, will you send me out to do the same to any village that refuses to pay its taxes?” Summer asked.

Lord Callistus scowled, a look of genuine anger darkening his face. For a moment Summer feared that he would seek to force compliance from her, but when he spoke his words surprised her. “Send you to…good God under the waves, Filia, in whose army do you believe that you have taken a commission? In what land of vile barbarians do you think that you have found yourself? This is the Divine Empire, brought forth by Aegea herself to be a bulwark of security for all the peoples of Pelarius and beyond, and we are its defenders. We who stand beneath the wolf and unicorn are honourable men, the guardians of peace and the protectors of the weak. We are not hirelings to some robber baron, nor are we thugs for hire to the devoid of conscience. We serve the Empress of the greatest nation that has ever been, and we do so with means both chivalrous and honourable. If you cannot conduct yourself according to those high principles you will find little place in this company I assure you. We do not make war upon the innocent.”

“All wars are waged upon the innocent, in the end,” Summer murmured.

“No, Filia,” Lord Callistus said sharply. “Some wars are waged to defend them.”

So...yes, this is what takes up the bulk of my writing time. Sales would be good, but reviews would be even better, and free copies are available upon request.

Thank you to anyone who actually read all of this.

Comments ( 4 )

You have certainly been busy, and I applaud you for such an undertaking. This sounds like a fully fleshed out world. I'd be inclined to read it if I had more time, but I'm trying to juggle fan-ficiton with my own novels, and that eats up any free time I have not spent with friends. The stories sound great, though truth be told, I'd be more into it for the action than the political intrigue. That never entertained me as much.

Still, i hope reviews and sales come your way!


You have certainly been busy, and I applaud you for such an undertaking. This sounds like a fully fleshed out world.

Thank you, I've tried my best.

but I'm trying to juggle fan-ficiton with my own novels, and that eats up any free time I have not spent with friends.

I'm half inclined to suspect that you gave up on novelising Sunset of Time because you just couldn't fit it in to your schedule. I've no idea how you keep all your fanfics updating at such a regular pace.

4421903 "Regular" pace. I'm still going a little too slow for my tastes. And novelizibg Sunset of Time has paused because, writing out outlines and notes, I feel like I'm both not straying far enough from the show to make it my own, and that I'm giving up too much to make it work. I still want to do it if I can, I'm just not sure if I can.


When I first started worldbuilding for a setting that I could rewrite Vengeance of Dawn in as an original piece, I spent so long trying to make all the elements line up, so that there would be races - or at least sub-races - that would correspond to unicorns, pegasi, even night and crystal ponies. It got a lot easier when I realised the only things that really needed to correspond to the show to tell the story of Vengeance where analogues to Celestia and Twilight, because without them I wouldn't have a story.

After that, things got easier (not simpler by any means, but easier) just because I stopped looking over my shoulder so much.

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