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I don't know what you're talking about, I've always looked like this.

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Happy St Valentine's day! · 11:11am Feb 14th, 2017

Or Singles Awareness Day if you're going to be a bitch about it.

Hope you all have a good one and beware of love hoars.

Report Handyman · 924 views · Story: Bad Mondays · #NooneIsSafe
Comments ( 26 )

And instead we get St. Cyril and Methodius.
Seriously what?

Also, you seem to be missing a V in the title, Handy.

Unless you're rather imperceptive, isn't every day Single's Awareness Day?

But yes, look out for soul-sucking succubi.

With my waifu I'm never alone

4421431 Well in fairness, St. Valentine's day was always a minor, if much beloved feast day in the middle ages. Also everyone always got it wrong because of the manner of Valentine's death since he basically confessed his love to the jail warden's daughter (after being arrested for having the brass ones to try to convert the Roman Emperor himself) where people now think he's the saint to help people find love, he isn't, he's primarily to help those who are already in relationships and happy marriages and is a good Saint to pray to for relationship troubles. Its another guy who can help with actually finding someone.

Honestly I wish we celebrated more holy days publicly like our ancestors did, its ironic the majority of us are stupidly wealthy in comparison to our ancestors yet we work much harder and longer than they did, for comparatively less pay proportionally than they had even as serfs and they got more time off for festivals and shenanigans in spite of disease and death being around every corner.

4421465 Thanks for spotting that, its been fixed.

Also don't knock the brothers Slavic, those guys are basically the St. Patrick of the east and the reason the Slavic peoples are as strongly Christian as they are. There is a very good reason they are given the title "Apostles to the Slavs", I would also bet money if there is ever a healing of the Great Schism between East and West, those Saints will have a lot to do with it. Sure, maybe they didn't get martyred for being a boss like St Valentine, but hey, they're the reason the East is so cool.

4421513 Honestly I've been single all my life with my only romantic foray being a disaster in the end, it doesn't pay to worry too much about it and you only make yourself feel worse and look worse for doing so. It costs nothing to wish good fortune onto others and their relationships in the meantime however.

Soul sucking succubi love hoarses aside of course.

4421520 Remember, no waifu no laifu.

But don't get more than one waifu.

Too much waifu will destroy your laifu.


Honestly I wish we celebrated more holy days publicly like our ancestors did, its ironic the majority of us are stupidly wealthy in comparison to our ancestors yet we work much harder and longer than they did, for comparatively less pay proportionally than they had even as serfs and they got more time off for festivals and shenanigans in spite of disease and death being around every corner.

If I lived when vaccinations weren't around (fuck those guys who say vaccinations give kids autism), doctors were mostly just the bogeymen who were around to cut off limbs to cull infection, and legends and tall tales were genuinely believed to be truth, I'd merrymake like each day was my last too. It was a surprise if you made it past your 40s during such times.

Nothing against the two brothers, more on confusion on why the church decided to put them specifically on that day.
Interesting note on the East / West Christian divide. It does not help that the divided churches also managed to fracture into denominations, albeit more the West side than East.

4421777 Actually no, that was a misconception based on life estimates that unreasonably took into account child mortality. If you survived to your teenage years, you'd likely live til you were in your sixties or more even if you were a filthy peasant in those times. Don't get me wrong, mortality was always a danger in those times, but it was worse for children given the severity of diseases and infection, its one of the reason when you got married you pumped out as many as you fucking could and considered it a blessing, nobility was not really exempt from this basic life rule and if you survived until you're adulthood you were pretty much something of a survivor by default. One of the reasons the momento mori became such a popular cultural touchstone at the time, apart from the black death being a thing, was to remind everyone that life was fleeting and when taken complete with a religion that put heavy emphasis on judgement of life actions after death (to put it mildly) they didn't party just for partying's sake given by all recollections they partied more than their forebears and more than their contemporaries in other civilizations and Christianity was very negative of the cynical outlook of 'eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die' perspective (most never read the rest of that passage to know it for the condemnation it was) which honestly applies more to our modern nihilistic culture than it does to our ancestors. By all accounts, for the majority of their festivals they celebrated because to them it was the right thing to do on Feast Days, (with the exception of things like Mardi Gras and Pancake Tuesday which were always seen somewhat negatively by the Church given they were celebrations intended to effectively 'pig out' before the season of Lent which is all about fasting or sacrificing for the Lord in spiritual preparation for Easter which definitely was a time to celebrate)

But this misses the point of my moaning, I was not harkening back to a time before doctors and vaccinations, I was merely remarking why in the fuck in a modern era when we have purposefully got this wealthy by having labour reducing machines to take the brunt of the work for us, why are we working harder, living meaner fiscally and celebrating less than our ancestors did? Seems counter intuitive.

4421863 Don't let the Orthodox fool ya, they have had their own bundle of hilarious heresies throughout history, albeit more of them occurred during the Byzantine hegemony over the Eastern Church than the Russian one, one of which spilled over into the West and started the Cathars or some shit, I forget which Western Heresy was inspired by the Eastern Paulicans. Its also worth noting since the Protestants rebelled the Catholic Church hasnt really fractured at all (although we still have our bundle of heretics every so often we have to weed out or recant.) and theres a major difference between schismatics and heretics. The Orthodox still have valid sacraments and apostolic tradition, hence they are in schism with the church, there's nothing wrong per se about their beliefs (although there is much to quibble over) the protestants have not from rejecting both those sacred patrimonies and their beliefs and theologies vary WILDLY and they just seem to fracture more and more and faster and faster as time goes on. What is it? I think we're up to 20k to 40k different protestant denominations depending on how you count the divergences between different evangelical, baptist and independent churches? And the overwhelming majority of those are in North America though they are spreading to the other continents. Not counting the Mormons of course.


4421899 ...Shit like that makes me glad to be an agnostic. I have no idea how you keep track of all that insanity, especially considering all the extra time religious stuff take up.

4421930 Comes with being a history nerd whose also religious I guess.

4421899 favoritememes.com/_nw/87/25743615.jpg

Yeah, my grandparents were converts to Catholicism. They had fourteen kids. Converts tend to be a little enthusiastic.

Also happy anniversary of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre.


Honestly I've been single all my life with my only romantic foray being a disaster in the end

These feels are far too real.

It gets better, if it's any consolation.

4422671 I know it does, that shit was years ago dude, my point was in that post that it doesn't do you any good to linger on it and allow it to make you bitter.

I meant as a "fish in the sea" kinda thing.

...Even if the first fish was fucking awesome 'til she couldn't hide her bipolar insanity...

4423057 Solipsistic sociopathy in my case.

You've no idea what an arduous task it is to convert your waifu to your cult religion.

4423214 My only advice is cult religion harder.

And here you are, jacking off in the comments section. The perfect way to spend St. V's day

4424494 Damn straight.

4424500 oh and your shitposting needs a little more work. It's the like the run-up to a bait and switch joke. Needs to lead you somewhere and then bam, in your face, just full of quality meme.

4424508 But I haven't been shitposting much here.

4424512 And that's exactly the problem.

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