• Member Since 27th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen January 7th

Fiddlove Enfemme

It's never too late to fall in love with the world

More Blog Posts33

  • 116 weeks
    Back in the Saddle, and other horse related idioms

    I've got a spring in my step and a fire in my heart! The character forges are hot, and the ideas are flowing swiftly. Soon shall another tale be told!

    But first, myself. Who am I, how I've been, and what I'm up to these days:

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    0 comments · 101 views
  • 147 weeks

    I'm Fiddlescotch now

    1 comments · 128 views
  • 152 weeks
    It's out

    My new Sunburst X Stygian fic is now live!

    It might be a bit different from Two Nerds Walk Into a Bookstore, but I'm hoping folks enjoy it nonetheless.

    (link below)

    0 comments · 103 views
  • 152 weeks
    Beware the Gay Nerds

    See, at first this was just gonna be a one-off, but this Sunburst X Stygian ship has been continuing to burn a hole in my brain. I started getting... ideas.

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    2 comments · 175 views
  • 156 weeks
    Update on my fanfictions

    Well, truth be told, I haven't worked on the Ink Saga since my last blog post about it. For this reason, I've cancelled it, and the ideas I wanted to put into it will likely be recycled into other stories.

    Not all of those stories will be pony-centric.

    So where will I post those stories?

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    0 comments · 135 views

Beware the Wendigo · 9:19pm Feb 18th, 2017

Report Fiddlove Enfemme · 641 views ·
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