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tfw people say nice things about your dumb website and it makes you smile and actually happy · 2:13am Feb 22nd, 2017

Report knighty · 1,191 views · #dumb #this is stupid #ignore
Comments ( 59 )

Well... It's true, you know.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Hey now! I love this site! You should be happy cause it's awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Wow. What a cry for att-

I love this website. I love the people on it. I love that there are devs out there that actually show and explain things to their userbases like they aren't stupid. I love that our opinions and feedback actually matter to staff and... Shit man.

You're awesome. This site is awesome. And you should be proud of the amount of good it's done for bronies.

If it made you angry, I'd be concerned.

Site Owner

4431775 yeah but it takes something to actually make me genuinely smile and choke up a bit

I don't know what I'd do with the majority of my day were it not for this website. I say this a lot, but thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

The website's great.

The people, on the other hoof...

Haha, well its all true! This sight has helped me a lot, and in more ways then just getting to post my strange horse words! It's a funny and very user friendly sight that you should be proud of.

Knighty, you have given the fandom a platform most of us are pleased with to express ourselves on, a breeding ground for stories and those who want to tell them. And as long as this fandom exists, so should this platform. Unless of course, you go the way of Youtube and begin messing things up for the user. You take care of this site of yours and people will remember it in kindness when they tell their grandchildren how a bunch of ponies made us all step back and look upon ourselves in a whole different way. :yay:

It's true, y'know! This place is awesome! So many friends, a few enemies, a better social network than Facebook, and so, so much more! :pinkiehappy:
Actually, it's beyond awesome! It's BE-AWESOME! :rainbowdetermined2:

(Also, Knighty: if that's really the face you made, you're adorable.)

How would this site, your baby essentially, feel about you calling it 'dumb'? :fluttershysad:

Closet bronies! Closet bronies everywhere!!

4431804 I agree with most of the comments here as long as nothing FUNDEMENTAL LIKE INTRODICEING OTHER FANDOMS HAPPENS we will all be happy, ex. Site Post » Arrival

I'm still mad about that, you gave me a mini heart attack over that one...

Well, they aren't wrong.



Okay, yeah, I do sort of agree with you there. If this site does expand into other fandoms, it'll be a bit of a bummer that we Bronies don't have a site like this to ourselves.
But, if that does happen, things could be far, far worse. :twilightsmile:

4431852well then it becomes like fanfiction.com/net which i absolutely hate to my grave
becuase the people here are genuinely nicer and fanfiction is SO MUCH HARDER TO NAVGATE because it is not just ponies

But I think we're safe for now, as I doubt Knighty and the other admins want to add that many more character/genre tags. :twilightsmile:

4431863 they better not otherwise i get out the ip pinger the gps and some torches and pichforks again
(we have been overt his already haven't we we were discussing nuclear or gunpowder vs gasoline and a match...)
maybe i'm just delusional
or it was someone else

updates maybe i get hostile about two things changing my FAVORITE SITE (NEXT TO GOOGLE JEUSUS) AND people not updating their story AFTER THREE YEARS.. AND THEY WERE GOOD ONES TOO...)

So many friendships have been made on this website, and without you having created it, none of us would be where we are now :heart:

This site is the reason I started writing, and has re-kindled my interest in reading. It's such a valuable platform... You have my utmost respect for all your hard work. :twilightsmile:

... I, uh... heh... I think you're thinking of someone else... :rainbowderp:

And yeah, I hate it when those don't update. But, again, it could be worse. :twilightsmile:

4431860 yeah this site beats fanfiction by disine alone.

Honestly, Fimfiction is my favorite social network. I love you all. :twilightsmile:

Honestly I think this site had more heart and care put into it. It's a beautiful site and it stands out compared to other fanfiction pages. I prefer this site definitely. As with a majority, I love this site and everyone who works hard to maintain it. :heart:

I love your dumb website, I don't know what I'd do without it! :heart:

Author Interviewer

this dumb website's p. gud, yo

fo realz

I visit and browse on this more than I do facebook. Just saying.

This site has done more for fanfiction than fanfiction.net has done in a long time.

One of those things is having users with standards on this site, it's a really nice feature to have.

Knighty... Fimfic is my homepage, fimfic sees me looking at it dozens of times a day. You've made a great site, you've keep it going through thick and thin and despite my gripes (Get the damn e-pub format updated) it's an all around great place to be.

Keep it up.

Check this site every morning, every night, and numerous times in between. Part of my daily pony. Its pretty great, keep it up :D

Knighty the mighty! Knighty the unerring! Knighty the unassailable! To you we give praise!
Knighty cherishes us, for he sees in each of us, the future of FiMFiction!
So rise up, rise up Children of FiMFiction! Rise up, friends! Embrace the word of mighty Knighty, he who is Lord Al-knighty!
Great and powerful Knighty, we, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment!

Berry good! Berry good! This is a berry good site! and you are better than berry good! You are the "cat-a-tonic"of this site!

This website is the only pony-related thing I still use or involve myself in. And I use this website a lot. I don't know if I can really be called a brony anymore, since I have almost zero interest in the cartoon or most facets of the fandom these days, but I'll be damned if I'm not still intensely addicted to MLP fanfiction, and your website is exclusively to blame for that. I love it.

You two do realize all Knighty is essentially doing is make a sister site that uses the same format, right?
Sure, they share the back end and database, but you can ignore everything else but pony with the click of a button.

I was assuming that was the goal, but was otherwise unsure, and didn't truly wish to make a fool of myself if I was wrong. :twilightsheepish:
Thank you for the information. :twilightsmile:


I'm actually really looking forward to that and eagerly anticipate it.

Because fimfiction is...The website with the absolute best User Interface for fanfiction I have ever seen.


Fanfiction.net makes me want to gouge out my eyes, AO3 is just text, all the time, with a drab color scheme, forums don't let you just download stuff for later reading, and the less said about Wattpad the better.

Seriously, fimfiction is a small jewel I want to share with the world

If this site had a problem, i haven't seen it yet, and its one of the only pleasures i have in my draery life, thank you so much for making this beautiful site:heart:

I know, its bloody amazing. Fanfiction hasn't updated since basically the 90's, and arguably lost functionality when they killed links on user pages. Commenting is garbage, and what forum system it has his hidden out of the way, no sense of community. Ao3's goal was explicitly an archive for the author, anything else is a bonus. Forums kinda sorta work to an extent, but sites like SB and SV have a necromancy rule that's a bit annoying, and you can't really comment on just one chapter without going all the way to the end. You can't really comment on old, finished stories either besides going to the author directly.

I have a bunch of people I want to prod people into migrating, but urrngnnng, gotta be patient.

I'm not shitting you but I actually would have gone insane if I didn't find this site...
For that and the simple fact that it has an amazing person like you to back it up makes it so much more enjoyable.

I'd probably have killed myself if not for all the friends I've made on this site.
It's kinda dear to me, even though I feel like I'm drifting a bit outta the show itself.


Bugs aside, there really is nothing else as good as fimfic.

I guess we can all owe that to having a dev that cares, and is passionate about the site and the community it holds.

4432463 And ponies! Mostly Fluttershy, but ponies! :yay:

4432232 Shows may end, but the Fanbase will never go! Otherwise, me saying Freakazoid and Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy wouldn't spark something in your mind... and not just YOUR mind, but the other readers' minds, too! :twilightsmile:

Of course!

How could I forget the most important thing!? :facehoof:

Edit: 4432633
Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy is a classic. I really miss that show.

I can't speak on Freakazoid though, that was too far back for me to properly remember.

Well, what can I say? You're awesome, and this site is awesome!:pinkiehappy:

Fimfiction is best website :heart:

Well it's true!

stop being cute and shy. i like the vulgar know it all asshole knighty better.

Your website is awesome pal and I could never thank you enough for creating it:heart:

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