• Member Since 20th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 3rd, 2019


Im just a cat. In a box. In the head of a long dead professor. Miau~ Also, Ponies.

More Blog Posts8

  • 313 weeks
    A statement... apology... thing, of sorts.

    Urgh... so much dust everywhere.

    Hey y´all peeps and peepettes of FimFiction.*awkward wave ^////////^*

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    13 comments · 707 views
  • 365 weeks
    Officialy old

    Whelp, happy friggin´ birthday to me. Today I officialy turned thirty. 30! in numbers with an extra exlamation mark just for funnsies. Guess that makes me one of the oldest members around here huh? Sure am feelin´ like it. Fits right in with the new gray strands I discovered this morning.

    Some birthday present, pfeh.:ajbemused:

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    2 comments · 384 views
  • 375 weeks
    "In Nomine" Teaser. Also, an apology.

    Hello to all the good people reading my blog and specialy the (currently) 53 loyal souls who are tracking my story In Nomine. It took me God Emperor damn 3 years, the advice of a very good friend and the writing lessons of a Mr. James Paterson to get the ol´cogitator up and running again, but here we go again.

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    6 comments · 431 views
  • 425 weeks
    H.M.S. Overlady is going in for maintenance

    Sooo, I am sure that almost everyone noticed that "Overlady - Loot Equestria" more or less turned into a Nimitz-class flagship of my little conglomerate of horseword fictions, while my other works vegetate in the state of leaky dingies at best.

    Nothing wrong with that you might think hn? Well, wrong. At least in my humble opinion, amongst other things.

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    4 comments · 586 views
  • 440 weeks
    Incomplete chapter 11 is complete now

    Heya folks, Katze here.^^

    Just what the title says, the incomplete chapter 11 in my story "Overlady - Loot Equestria" has been completet for all your reading pleasure.

    I´m never publishing not finished chapters ever again!

    0 comments · 447 views

"In Nomine" Teaser. Also, an apology. · 9:02pm Apr 1st, 2017

Hello to all the good people reading my blog and specialy the (currently) 53 loyal souls who are tracking my story In Nomine. It took me God Emperor damn 3 years, the advice of a very good friend and the writing lessons of a Mr. James Paterson to get the ol´cogitator up and running again, but here we go again.

I want to use this oportunity to thank all of you who stayed true to me and my writing and I also want to offer you the following teaser as some sort of an apology. It came to me while I was writing chapter 3 and I thought "Damn Katze, you should really give your loyal readers something to show them you care about them and that this story is not dead yet. After all, if Rowboat Girlieman can come back from a umphten odd millenia lasting beauty nap, you sure as feth can do the same for this here story!" and here we are. I hope you can enjoy the teaser and it will tide you over while I work my fingers of, finishing the third chapter.

Sincerly yours,

a very motivated Schrödingers Katze

“Xeno flagship in sight lady Nor. Estimated time of arrival, ten minutes.” The pilot’s voice crackled through the Valkyries com systems.

Rayla chewed on her lip, unable to completely suppress the emotions brewing deep inside her. “What about our contingents? Are they in position and ready? What about the Tabula Rasa´s remaining fighters?” she inquired.

“Scanners indicate our ground forces have taken positions and our Lightning fighter squadrons are on standby in the upper atmosphere milady.”

A gloved hand was placed on Rayla´s withers and despite the armor plating and thick fabric covering her, she was able to feel the calm the gesture was meant to convey as if she had been touched on her bare skin.

“Don´t worry too much Rayla,” Sergeant Drake said, the seasoned man’s face just barley lit in the aircrafts passenger bay. “Can´t let anything but the upcoming victory occupy your mind. If you start pacing in circles now, it only will lessen your efficiency and you need to be at your best for the next few hours.”

A long winded sigh escaped Rayla´s muzzle. “I know, I know. It is just…”

“Thinking about your talk with the princess?”

A mirthless chuckle stretched the inquisitors lips “I swear, one of these days, I will have you tested for hidden psychic abilities sergeant. You have to be at least somehow telepathic inclined.”

“Emperor preserve me.” Drake held his hands up and grinned, only to return to a neutral expression again “She is a xeno AND royalty on top of that Rayla. Each of them alone tends to let others do their fighting in the first place, but if you combine them. Well, you see what that results in.”

“We will not need her paltry assistance at all milady,” Pinea chimed in, the sister’s face brimming with confidence “We are the Emperors instruments and we will fight and win by his grace alone.”

Rayla´s ears swiveled back slightly. Pinea was right but still it sat not right with Rayla. For all her supposed power, how could Celestia so stubbornly refuse to take things into her own hands or hooves in this case? By all means, she should be able to wipe the Dark Eldar from the face of the planet altogether with nary a thought. Had she been an imperial official…


Not a second after the alarmed cry came over the coms, the Valkyrie shook violently, claxons began blaring and in a stomach lurching instant, the aircraft dropped out of the sky.

“We´ve been hit, right wing and turbine took massive damage! Losing altitude quickly!” the pilot yelled over the coms “Opening the hatch now. Please milady, you and your retinue must jump! There are grav-chutes in the compartment.”

Tearing, violent winds filled the passenger bay as the rear hatch opened and Rayla was nearly blown out if not for her seat belts.

Someone undid the belts.

“Jump Rayla! We´re right behind you!” Drake yelled over the roaring wind “Just like training!”

Before the inquisitor could reply, she was already tumbling through the air in free fall.

Panic shot through Rayla´s mind as she fought to regain her sense of up and down. Her eyes teared up from the biting winds and she thought she would go deaf from the wind roaring in her ears.

Somehow, she managed to turn herself around, catching a glimpse at the Valkyrie. Just as sergeant Drake promised, several figures emerged from the critically damaged craft, at first nearly unnoticeable against the thick stream of black smoke trailing from what could only be the destroyed turbine. Small, vibrant blue flames behind their backs indicated the presence of grav-chutes.

Forcing herself away from the sight, Rayla concentrated on her training with Rainbow Dash. The prismatic xeno might have been a braggart and a pain in the neck more than everything else but now Rayla was thankful for every minute spent with her.

Feel the wind. Like, at the edge of your wings. Feel the flow, the pressure and go from there.

Commanding her body to follow these vague instructions, Rayla unfolded her wings. It was too forceful, the movement to jerky from both adrenaline and fear, sending her into a violent spiral.

Rayla screamed.

Keeping your cool is the most important thing in the air. When you lose control, when you fall for whatever reason, don´t fight it. Yeah, sounds stupid but trust me on this. Fold your wings against your body and as soon as you feel the wind smoothing around you, open them again.

Gritting her teeth, Rayla fought her wings back against her sides, despite the winds tearing at them.

>>Feel the wind, feel the wind!<< Rayla chanted internally, straining her senses past what she had once known as a human being.

As soon as you find the flow again, just glide until you are totally sure. Let your wind under your wings to the work for you.


Unfolding her wings once more, this time painfully slowly. Her wings found the current and with another, albeit milder lurch, Rayla´s decent slowed down noticeably.

Throwing her head to the side, relief washed over Rayla as she saw that the members of her retinue had closed the gap between them, now merely meters away from her.

Wishing once more she had her hands back, Rayla waved her hoof in what she hoped was resembling the combat sign ‘Everyone alright?’.

Sergeant Drake signaled an OK back, while the sisters of battle took a moment before they too signaled their OK. Crux for his part seemed to shout something but the wind blotted him out.

The bone rattling roar that came next however, easily overpowered even the raging winds.

Rayla´s head whipped around again and her heart froze.

A massive shadow engulfed everything, turning day into night in an instant. Then came the fire.

An explosion bloomed in the scorching streams wake, heralding the end of the already wounded Valkyrie.

An intense shockwave of heat washed over Rayla, sending her and her companions into another uncontrolled tumble towards the steadily closer coming ground.

Throwing all lessons learned into the wind, Rayla wildly beat her wings in the vain hope to somehow regain the control over her decent again, leaving a trail of treacherously gentle drifting yellow feathers in her wake.

Another roar, this one hungry, rattled Rayla´s bones and while she fell through the air head of hooves, she managed to catch a glimpse of the gigantic shadow again. Wings the size of Thunderhawks propelled their attacker forwards and a terrifying maw opening wide, another gout of the all devouring flame already growing deep within.

The fire came for her and Rayla closed her eyes, desperately praying to the Emperor to accept her unworthy soul as she waited for the agonizing heat to consume her.

Instead, all of a sudden, Rayla´s fall came to an gentle halt. Warmth that was akin to a beautiful summer’s day on a lush paradise world embraced her and the faint smell of sweet flowers calmed her madly beating heart as a strong yet firm grip held her safely under her forelegs.

“You are safe child. Please forgive me for being so late.” A soft, melodious voice told Rayla, subconsciously beckoning her to open her eyes again. The inquisitor did and what she saw stole her breath yet again.

A woman held her safely to her gold armored bosom with one arm, the other one outstretched, holding a sword that simple demanded the moniker ‘divine’ whose blade burned like the very sun itself, the golden Aquila cross guard wrought with vibrantly green vines on which bloomed the sweetly smelling flowers that had been such a balm for Rayla. A short bob cut of platinum white hair framed a face that was gentle, yet held an air of absolute dominion and a huge silvery iron halo framed her head from behind. A circlet that held three violet gems rested above her brows and the final thing Ralya noticed where the majestic white wings, softly beating and effortlessly keeping both her savior and herself aloft.

“Can you fly Rayla?” the woman asked, baffling Rayla once more so she just nodded.

Carefully she was released into the air.

“Stay close to me now, we are not yet safe.” The gold armored woman told her like a teacher would to a small child.

It was only then that Rayla came out of her stupor and finally noticed the raging inferno enveloping both of them. Flames hot enough to hurt her skin through layers of armor plating and thick fabric parted before the swords blade like water before a ships hulk, encasing Rayla and her savior in a sphere of death just big enough to flap their wings.

Her jaw hanging uselessly and her mind whirling with a chaotic storm of devotion, bafflement, gratitude and so much more, Ralya weakly fought to bring the simplest of words out.

“You… how?” These words where just a frail breath, almost afraid.

An beatic smile formed on the woman´s lips as light magenta eyes found Rayla´s own. “It is as you said Rayla. A ruler must defend her people and her kingdom. Maybe I have spent too much like this, maybe the years really have made me soft and forget who I once was. After all, it took the quite sharp words of a promising young lady inquisitor to get ‘my pampered royal ass off my soft, comfortable throne and back onto the battlefield’.” A good natured, pearling giggle underlined those words, leaving what would have otherwise been a barbed remark as nothing but genuine thankfulness.

Words failed Rayla as she used all her willpower not to throw herself into the surrounding flames for she felt she was unworthy to be in the same presence as the angel in front of her. Now she knew where she had felt that kind of aura before. It was seemingly a lifetime ago, when she visited an imperial shrine together with her master and was granted a look at the relics of several saints. It was the same as she felt right this moment.

“Now, the fire will subside any moment now. Even Fafnir needs to breath now and then. So when he does, I want you to fly down as fast as you can. I already saw to it that all of your retinue made it to the ground in one piece. Although I suspect the good sisters will be in a similar state of mind as you are now. Please do your best as their leader and show them to victory while I settle a score I should have taken care of millennia ago. Can you do that for me child?”

Rayla nodded fervently, earning herself a much softer nod in return.

“Good.” The flames around them subsided and revealed the massive frame of the dragon hovering in front of them, the beast easily dwarfing but the mightiest of titans.

The angel grasped her sword with both hands, staring up at her chosen opponent without the slightest shred of hesitation or fear.

”Now fly young inquisitor. In nomine Imperatoris!” Even though she could not see it, Rayla could hear the smile accompanying this simple sentence and felt a spring of confidence, pride and unadulterated faith pour forth from her very soul.

With a single, powerful stroke of her wings, Celestine soared.

Comments ( 6 )

*Hugs* You're alive, kitty!

*hugs back* Indeed I am. Nothing can keep meow down forever. Just, y´know, a reaaaly long time.=^.^=

4480109 It's still good to see you though. A lot has changed since we last talked

Oh dear, that sounds unpleaseant.O_O

4480334 Nah, I mean it in a good way xD

Don´t scare me like that Frosty.^^ That is good to hear.

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