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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 7 Premiere! (SPOILERS) · 4:35pm Apr 15th, 2017

And we're back! With SEASON! SEVEN!

Who ever thought we'd come this far? The pony! Will last! FOREVER!!

For the first time in the entire series, we don't have a two-parter opening the season. This is not necessarily a bad thing, although the focus on Starlight Glimmer for the first two episodes is likely to lead to...mixed reception. Anyway! Today, season 7 kicked off with the premiere of two new episodes: "Celestial Advice" and "All Bottled Up". Find out more below the break!

"Celestial Advice"

Season seven opens with Spike stalling Starlight while Twilight screws around in her room, taking measurements to give Starlight a self-affirmation/friendship mirror. Spike does a HILARIOUS Rarity impression.

Starlight, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax receive a ceremony in their honor for their great feat of courage in the whole thing at the end of season six. Luna has a hard time getting the medal on Thorax because of his massive stag antlers. :rainbowlaugh:

Discord points out to Twilight that Starlight has essentially graduated from friendship training, and is ready for bigger and better things. He then puts Twilight on the spot in front of Starlight and the whole party.

Twilight starts freaking out about not having a grand plan for Starlight, and turns to Celestia for advice. She also has this freakout/realization/thought:

"You sent me to Ponyville, which means it's time for me to send Starlight Glimmer AWAY!"

GOD I WISH THAT WERE THE CASE! Seriously, how much time have we wasted on this nutcase that could've been spent on Lyra and Bon-Bon, or Derpy, or DJ-P0N3, or...you know?

*deep breath* 'mOK...

Twilight doesn't want to send Starlight away, but thinks she HAS to. Meanwhile, Discord is buttering up the rest of the Mane Six to gear them up for Twilight's "big announcement".

Twilight, Celestia, and Spike view a variety of scenarios of Starlight in other locations, spreading the magic of friendship. Twilight shows off a new holodeck spell here! And, in typical Twilight fashion, she goes completely neurotic, coming up with a bizarre disaster scenario for each possibility. Basically, Twilight fanfics Starlight like crazy here. :rainbowlaugh:

Funny moment of meme ascension: Celestia reacting to someone using "Celestia-knows-where" in her presence. Also, Spike throughout this entire schtick.

And then Celestia just CRACKS UP, unleashing the most EPIC Trollestia laugh EVER. It's such an epic laughing fit it spans the entire commercial break. When she calms down, she gives some advice about her own decision to help Twilight learn about friendship, and how she agonized about sending Twilight away.

After Celestia gives Twilight some calm, reasonable, relatable advice, Twilight returns to the party, where Discord has gotten everypony's anticipation up. Twilight announces that Starlight has graduated from her friendship studies, and her future is in her own hooves now.

Starlight decides that she's not ready to leave yet. Drat. Ah well.

This is the closest we've ever gotten to a Celestia episode. 9/10 for ascended memes, Celestia getting some character development, and TWILIGHT FREAKING OUT.

"All Bottled Up"

We open with Starlight giving Trixie advice on intermediate unicorn magic. "TEACUP! TEACUPTEACUPTEACUP!"

Trixie is soooo adorable in the cold open. But she annoys the hell out of Starlight, whose horn erupts in an angry red cloud of mist as her frustration with Trixie boils over.

Whuh-oh. Strap yourselves in, folks.

So anyway, the Mane Six head off on a friendship retreat, while Spike stays behind at the castle to babysit Starlight and Trixie to make sure they don't blow up Ponyville.

And in yet another bit of ascended fanfiction, in this episode Trixie wants to learn how to teleport. Among other things. We also learn that Starlight's magic is entirely fueled by her emotions. Which explains a LOT.

Twilight's idea of a "friendship retreat" is a puzzle dungeon. I can't even.

Back at the Castle of Friendship, Trixie attempts to teleport an apple...and accidentally teleports the Cutie Map.


That's Equestria done and screwed.

Trixie is nonchalant about this. Starlight...not so much. She's completely freaking out. She tries to contain her anger by literally bottling it up so she won't exploderate Trixie.

Trixie being insufferable doesn't help matters, and Starlight keeps having to siphon her anger into the bottle while she tries to get Trixie to remember where she sent the Map.

Anyway, Starlight's anger bottle inevitably breaks, the anger gets loose and infects Bulk Biceps, Granny Smith, and a jeweler. Starlight's anger given manifest form terrorizes a very confused Trixie, who doesn't quite get what's going on as she runs from anger zombies. Meanwhile, poor Starlight is just too wrung out from siphoning off her magic to be of much use.

Completely pointless "We're best friends" song from the Mane Six. It's a catchy song and all, but it's just...kind of out of place.

Anyway, Starlight sucks her anger out of the infected ponies and confronts the very confused Trixie directly. They patch things up...and Trixie remembers where she sent the table: the spa.

Trixie was...a little off in this episode. I mean, this is fanfic characterization Trixie right here. Trixie's always a bit...difficult, but here she takes it to Rainbow Dash in Mare Do Well levels of jerkassery. The subplot with the Mane Six in Manehattan was just...kinda there. Starlight and her anger management bottle was a solid idea.

Also, DEEZ NUTS. And Bulk Biceps in general in this episode.

Gonna give this one a 7/10 for Trixie being an obnoxious jerkass the entire episode and the friendship retreat thing having absolutely no point.

Next week, we get babysitting hijinks with Twilight and Flurry Heart!

It's so good to see our pony friends again...

Report MythrilMoth · 916 views · #season 7
Comments ( 32 )

Also, Trixie confirms she loves Starlight. Ship is canon.

Between Trixie's performance here and in her own chapter book, I'm kind of wondering why the writers keep trying to dial up her flaws like this. I get it, she's an ego maniac, you don't need to keep making that be her defining trait. Ego manaics are hard to love if you don't give us a reason to support their view points.

Starlight was so relatable in All Bottled Up
"I will murder you!"

And Bulk Biceps is TF2 pony

Completely pointless "We're best friends" song from the Mane Six. It's a catchy song and all, but it's just...kind of out of place.

I think that's the joke

So many fantastic background moments too, like Scootaloo standing on the table

in Trixie's defense, the whole friendship thing is probably pretty new to her, so she's likely not accustomed to routinely thinking beyond herself when doing something. And she probably feels that she still has to show up Twilight in any way that she can; the thing with the pretzels was definitely a slap at her rival :rainbowlaugh:.

Also, they changed the colors of the logo at the end of the intro. It's less pink and more white and purple now.

4497183 Yeah, that seems to be a general shift of the logo across the board.

Starlight decides that she's not ready to leave yet. Drat. Ah well

Honestly, I'm GLAD she's sticking around.

Annoyed Starlight is funniest Starlight.

While the song in All Bottled Up IS kind of pointless where it's placed, it's still among the best of the series.

I still ship Starburst over StarTrix, though.

For me, All Bottled Up is the superior episode of the two, though Celestial Advice was good too.

We're only two episodes in, and this season is already giving season 6 a run for its money in terms of best season.

I liked it when Pinkie was just all maximum effort when she put the party together and cleaned up in the opener. Totally didn't expect the bro storm from Ember and Starlight. Also wasn't expecting that much expression from Celestia.

I really liked the bottled up anger thing. I did find Trixie a total b**** in the episode. Bulk Biceps was definitely funny.

Can't wait to see what Flurry Heart does in next Saturday's episode.

I avoid any kind of spoilers so to discover the Season premier on a neutral base.

So discovering it wasn't a two parter kinda feel being scam, but in the end this first episode was good. :twilightsmile:

Too bad Starlight wasn't send away. :raritydespair: Oh well, maybe next time.

Second episode, yeah they push a little too far on Trixie's bad side, but she was so adorable the all time.

So Starlight is basically Raven though with serious anger management issues. This explains her power levels and kinda foresight for disaster.

Also that I AM THE TABLE song at the end. :rainbowlaugh:

I like Starlight.

I have to say, I kind of admire your thick skin.

Have you heard the promo rap for Season 7?!
I swear, you will get a case of nostalgia from the rap Pinkie was saying

At least "All Bottled Up" didn't just put the Mane Six on a bus train in the first act and make it so we never saw them until the end. But yeah, happy song and mortal peril do not mix well.

And I'll admit, I'm still wrapping my head around such a low-stakes premiere. It was certainly fun, but it still caught me off-guard. Yes, even though I knew the episodes would have different titles. :derpytongue2:

Well, it did put them on a train, but we still followed them.

I was kind of meh about starlight until we got her friendship with trixie! Its one of the most relatable, fun friendships in the entire show, and friendship is the entire PREMISE!

4497344 While that is true, I for one loved Starlight from the end of the Cutie Map.

We also learn that Starlight's magic is entirely fueled by her emotions. Which explains a LOT.

So she's basically like Teen Titans' Raven in regards to her power, right?

they had the perfect set up to get rid of her and they wasted it why writers why :raritycry:

you know, a popular fanon has been that Equestrian magic works via Imagination-Based Superpower logic — here, Starlight invokes Ascended Fanon by explaining that spellcasting is indeed subject to the user's mind (whether for good or for bad),

this arguably explains the many Forgot About His Powers and/or Strong as They Need to Be moments with twilight, you know how frantic she can get.

I like Starlight well enough, but I think if they're really serious about doing stuff with her, the show either needs to focus on her as the chief protagonist (which would not be smart), or she needs her own spinoff show.

Maybe like a web show or something, and then every couple episodes Twilight gets a letter from her, kind of like Uncle Traveling Matt in Fraggle Rock, and then we can go check out the webisode or not at our discretion. This seems like the "everybody wins" scenario for me.

4497289 I linked it in one of my OOCSST blog posts earlier this week actually. So yes.

What did u think of it

Damn.... I was hoping they would write Starlight out.... I just can't stand her.

4497569 ...I linked it. That should say enough right there, that I went out of my way to do that.

So, Trixie outright said the word 'love' while talking about Starlight, and Spike was dancing with Sweetie Belle again. Two episodes, fanning the flames of two different ships.

Also, remember when Twilight had Rarity's manestyle and Spike had heart eyes looking at her? That he can apparently imitate Rarity's mane with his spines sheds new perspective on his vanity mirror room.

I had so much fun watching these. You're right, it really is good to have them back. :twilightsmile:

Bottling up your anger doesn't work. Be it metaphorically or metaphysically. You need to deal with it and not let it sit and fester. I hope that lesson gets though to some kids who watched this episode.

Maybe at some point I'll finish watching season four... .

I'm with you on the I wish she got put on a bus but I will admit if they keep her as Trixie's butt monkey... I'm kinda okay with it.

Starlight and Trixie make a good comedy duo....I think I just like seeing Starlight suffer.

The first episode was okay... I miss the more adventure starts but switching things up occasionally is okay. I just hope they are not just saving it for the movie.


More like Starfire. Raven's power comes from controlling her emotions and not letting them out because she's half-demon. Starfire's power are explicitly mentioned to work off of her emotions, flight is powered by boundless joy, her eyebeams and starbolts are powered by righteous fury, etc.

I think the escape room bit/song were meant to show the contrast between well established friendships (and the futility of music) and fairly fresh ones. And, that different groups of friends express friendship in different ways. It's okay that Trixie and Starlight don't burst into song at the drop of a hat, and sometimes Twilight et. al. should plan out the theatrics a little better.

But, largely, I agree. Weird not having the typical epic opening, but I'm okay with the trade off for long awaited Celestia time. And Luna sweating a little with Thorax's medal.

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